
The College that Cares…

As we move into the annual cycle of development plans, performance appraisals, and budget formulations, we look to our future with both concern and hope for what the next year will bring. The state of the economy and the increasing competition from other education vendors, both public and private, leave us with a little apprehension about our place and strength in the marketplace. Our usual response to all of this is typically analytical, logical, and predictable. We reassure ourselves of the many strengths we possess and we march that information out to the potential consumers confident that they will agree with us and make the obvious wise choice to “stay near and go far.”

Over the past few years, our college has moved to a decision-making model that depends upon and values data, technology, and business modeling. It has been a sometimes painful and frustrating evolution for some of us who operated quite comfortably in the highly humanistic model that existed previously. In my recent past, my requests were presented with enthusiasm, passion, hope, and a sense that it was the right thing to do. Today, if I propose a new program or service, I must have already done my homework and present the research that will support the request and predict its success. Both models were, and are, successful and appropriate for the times and situations we face and do not have to be exclusive of each other.

As we made this transition, all of us experienced the grieving, and celebration, of loss and gain. I confess that I was one who considered my years, or days, here were numbered. I was an old dog, comfortable in my ways and reluctant to be taught new tricks. I missed the days of the State of the College address where we joined Jerry Meyerhoeffer in the crowded ShieldsBuilding and he introduced new faculty, welcomed new babies, and playfully mediated the teasing. I remember fondly his fatherly reminders to us to be kind to our students, and to each other, as we grew rapidly. Like many of you, I have stories from our past that are full of laughter, of tears, of success, and of failure. I don’t remember IDP’s, UDP’s, or RFP’s, and Jenzabar would have been a new pub on BlueLakes. “MyCSI” was not a portal to the database, but a place where I worked, lived, and loved.

I am still an old dog, but one who has learned new tricks! I have written a business plan, balanced a budget, and presented a powerpoint! I twitter, facebook, myspace, text, google, skype, and blog. I know more about funding and budgets than ever before and I access them through Jenzabar and MyCSI, all by myself! The College has changed and so have I!

Throughout these times, some things are constant and consistent. I still wear funky suits and I am late to most meetings. My desk is a mess and my office is a shrine to my family. I love my students, I laugh and cry a lot, and I work with my best friends!

The College of Southern Idaho still attracts students because we have small classes and small prices, relative to the times. We continue to be responsive, innovative, and dynamic. We expand and improve, we digitize, we improvise, we strategize! But…….I remind you, and I know and value more than ever today, that our strength, our difference, our niche in the marketplace is that we care…for our students and for each other. We know it is OurCSI!


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PACE Executive Committee Members for 2009

Dannette Starr
Last of 2 yr term /
Kim Taylor
Exec Rep
Last of 2 yr term /
Nina Ramsey
Exec Rep
Last of 2 yr term /
Karon Myers
Exec Rep
Last of 2 yr term

Connie Lancaster
First of 2 yr term /

Revis Turner
Firstof 2 yr term /
Victoria Ward
First of 2 yr term

Congratulations to each and every one of you!


PACE Rep Meetings

2nd Wednesday, 2-3 PM

Location - Varies Each Month

Chair - Varies Each Month

Recorder - Ansina Durham Each Month

Remember to check your e-mails for any last minute changes.


Congratulations to Marjorie and Chris!

Marjorie Bernier

PACE 2008

Classified Employee of the Year

  • Treats each student with love and respect and always goes the extra mile to help everyone in the department
  • Is committed to the service that is given at CSI – to students, faculty and staff
  • Is honest and encouraging
  • Knowledgeable of the workings of CSI and can quickly and professionally answer questions

Comments from nomination forms:

  • “Hardly a day goes by that I do not see her approach a student to offer assistance.”
  • “She is always part of the team.”
  • “She is the epitome of the CSI “family.”
  • “Her dedication to students is admirable and an example for all of us.”
  • This employee has been employed at CSI for 15 years

Chris Anderson

PACE 2008

Professional Employee of the Year

  • Cares about the public and always goes the extra mile
  • Commits time well beyond required work
  • Makes and keeps commitments to fellow employees and the community and enhances CSI’s image in the community
  • Has a vast array of knowledge and experience and is eager to share it with others

Comments from nomination form:

  • “He cares - about the people he serves, works with and for.”
  • “His commitment to this facility is immense.”
  • “He is a team player who treats everyone with respect.”
  • “He is an asset to the community.”
  • This employee has been employed at CSI for 13 years

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2009 PACE Reps

Name...... Ext...... Representing

Kelly Ippolito...... 6896...... Aspen

Bob Beauregard...... 6354...... Canyon / Desert

Caralee Perry...... 6400...... Evergreen / Trans IV / Fish Hatchery

Tamara Harmon...... 6781...... Fine Arts

Kris Haney...... 6527...... GRM ADC

Ansina Durham...... 6500...... GRM Library

Scott Rogers...... 6470...... Gym / Eagle Hall

Kristi Cederstrom (along with other staff as needed)...... 6657...... HerrettCenter

Cindy Flowers...... 6600...... Maint

Abby Greenfield...... 736-2122...... OOA / Student Health

Leslee Treshow / Becky Ross...... 6931 / 6932...... OutreachCenters

Michelle Pospichal...... 736-2166...... RefugeeCenter

Vicki Kulm...... 6801...... Shields / CCC / Expo

Zetell Nelson / Elena Butler / Kristen Pugsley...... 6264 / 6233 / 6273...... Taylor

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Newsabout PACE folks

Merry Olson – With the move to the Career & Counseling Services office in the SUB, Merry will no longer be a Rep for the Evergreen Bldg.; however, she plans on staying active with the Mentoring committee for the time being.

Connie Stout – Connie married Bob Lancaster on Jan. 3rd and has a new last name. Congratulations Connie Lancaster.

Connie Lancaster – Will sit on the Faculty Staff Development Committee (FSDC) representing PACE.

Judy Thom – Will sit on the Strategic Planning Committee representing PACE.

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New Faces on Campus

Terry Dunfield
New Position
T & I Preparation Coordinator
GRM/ADC 208, Ext. 6525
Dated Nov 2008
Terry Dunfield, Trade and Industry Preparation Coordinator,works under the WIRED grant. I am from Carson City, Nevada but have lived in five different western states as well as in Germany and Mexico. I have worked primarily in agriculture and in education. I received my BS from UNR in 1980 and received my MAIS from MarylhustUniversity in 2006. I was an intern for Oregon Literacy, Inc., while attending Marylhurst. I have either volunteered or have held a job as an English as a Second Language teacher since 1991.
I enjoy gardening and reading. My favorite flower is a native plant to Nevada and Idaho, Mentzelia decapetala, otherwise known as Blazingstar. My favorite light read is The Secret Life of Bees. (Ierry was once a bee inspector.) My favorite difficult text is Process and Reality by Alfred N. Whitehead.

Steve Cox
New Position
Database Analyst
Taylor Bldg, Ext.
Dated Jan 2009
I was raised in Twin Falls and attended Sawtooth, O'Leary, and graduated from the high school in 1986. After spending some time working as a software engineer in Utah, New Jersey, and Indiana, I happily moved back two years ago. I've taught off and on in the music department and have met several of you already. I'm currently enjoying teaching Percussion Ensemble, Pep Band, and private percussion lessons.
I married my wonderful wife Robyn (Dayley) just last month and we've got8 children between us. My 4 spend most of the year in Indiana, and two of Robyn's are married.
I'm excited to have a full-time position at CSI and to meet and work with all of you.

Maria “Rosario” Smith
Replacing Jami Stroud
RN Instructor
Aspen 171, Ext. 6748
Dated Jan 2009
Hello, everyone!!! My name is Maria Rosario Smith, I go by Rosario. I moved here from southern California in 1993, and have lived in Jerome since that time. I have two boys, Adam, 21 years old, and Michael, 18 years old. Adam is graduating from DeVry university in Phoenix this coming Feb. Michael is a senior at Jerome High. I celebrated my 22 year wedding anniversary this last December. My husband’s name is Cecil, but goes by the name of “Smitty”.I am a reader, love old movies, like all types of music. I come from a huge family, 6 girls, including me, and 3 boys. Three of my sisters have the first name Maria also, that is why I like to be called Rosario. Don’t know what my parents were thinking at the time!! Most of my family still lives in southern California. I am a CSI graduate, graduated from the RN program in May of 2007, and from ISU in 2008. I also work on the med/surg floor at St. Luke’s. Yes, I like to stay busy!!

Kim Fluetsch
New Position
Biology / Phys Ed Instr
Dated Jan 2009
I was born and raised near Baltimore, Maryland.I received a B.S. in General Biology and a M.S. in Environmental Science from the University of Maryland.For an adventure, my husband and I moved to Fairbanks, Alaska, where he attended graduate school and I worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.During the next several years I worked as a biological technician on various research projects across the country.My favorite work experiences include working on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge surveying tundra habitats; in Barrow, Alaska studying Stellar’s Eiders; and in Maui, Hawaii working on a native forest bird project.I currently live in Hailey, Idaho with my wonderful family including my husband and two daughters (ages 10 and 13).I am excited to be teaching for both the Biology and Physical Education Departments at the BlaineCountyCenter.Currently, I am teaching biology courses and PHYE 144, Over 60 and Getting Fit.I am thrilled to be in a position where I can combine both my love of biology and my passion for fitness!In my spare time I love to ski, swim, backpack, run, and go birding!

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Check it out after the first of every month.

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Next Edition Scheduled For Feb., 2009

(Subject to Change)