The Coalition for the Homeless

1115 South 4th Street, 3rd Floor

Louisville, Kentucky40203

Service Provider’s Meeting Minutes

November 11, 2008

Present: Rodney Brannon, The Healing Place; Ginny Lilly, Phoenix Health Center; Lauran Richards, Wellspring; Joe Hamilton, Metro Office on Homelessness; Theo Dues, The Salvation Army; Susanne Binford, Seven Counties Services; Alan Shelley, Seven Counties Services; Carl Enoch, LMHS; Tony Washington, GuardiaCare; Brian Brown, CWF; Jocelyn Feltalver, Family Scholar House; Lindsay Albertson, Jefferson Street Baptist Center;Wade Jordahl, Family & Children First; Larry Owens, Home of the Innocents; Evelyn Shirley, ANBFW; Stacy Meadows, YMCA Safe Place; Nina Moseley, Wayside Christian Mission; Laura Albovias, St. Vincent de Paul; and Marilyn Wellman, Public Health & Wellness

Coalition Staff:Marlene Gordon, Mary Frances Schafer, Roman Vodacek,Meredith Gault, Senlin Wardand Marsha Bailey.

Welcome and Introductions

Nina Moseley opened the meeting with a welcome to all.Time was given to introductions around the table.

Approval of Minutes

Approvedwith no additions or corrections

Cost of Homeless Study

The Cost of Homeless and Reducing Homelessness, a Blueprint for the Future: the update was distributed. The studies identify the problem and solution for homelessness. The studies are being presented to HUD and Crime Commission. Other avenues are being sought. The Coalition is planning a reception for agency member’s boards to present the studies to them sometime in March 2009. Invitations will be given at the Service Provider Network meeting for distribution to their Boards. The studies will be on The Coalition’s website and paper copies are available. The study showed the most expensive person used only two services…the shelters and UniversityHospital with costs totaling $315,000.

Homeless Court

We have been working on homeless court for one year and still cannot get a docket. Most people have felonies and do not qualify. Persons with misdemeanors are what homeless court will handle. The query line for questions is 595-4428. Clients should call to see if there is a bench warrant for them. Homeless court is open to all agency members of The Coalition. It was formerly only open to five agencies. The homeless court information was provided in the meeting packet. There will be training for case managers by a person from San Diego who started it there. The training will count as a part of QAS. If we cannot get a docket together by March 2009 the court may be dissolved. Incentives for the court are:

  • Clients won’t have to go to the courthouse
  • Court will be held at the Legal Aid offices
  • Guarantee to clients that they will not go to jail
  • Judges will look at the case and the client’s progress in a program
  • Positive progress will result in no fine; the program will serve as a substitute for the punishment

Case manager must go to the court with the clients.Even clients with felonies should call Legal Aid for advice.

Camp Clean-up

The Metro police have informed The Coalition that they will be cleaning up camps around Adam and Witherspoon Streets and the 1000 block of East Broadway the next two Mondays. The police are posting signs and The Coalition will post signs and send out flyers. Clients should remove all personal belongings. The police have agreed to bring any picture ID’s to The Coalition office.

Also, police are cracking down on professional panhandling. People are being dropped off at certain sites for the purpose of panhandling. The Coalition will do a walk through with Downtown Development to seek people who actually need services. This will take place Wednesday, November 19th. We will be meeting at the Brown and Williamson tower.

Resources for Christmas

  • Wayside’s Miracle on Market Street Christmas store is accepting application Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Clients will need a picture ID and proof of children.
  • The Salvation Army’s Project Angel Tree is accepting applications Monday through Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Preston Highway / Fern Valley Road location. The criteria are the same as Wayside.
  • St Vincent will be taking applications Sunday. Clients should call the main number
  • PortlandMemorialBaptistChurch will be having a breakfast and giveaway for clients living in our shelters. Additional information is in Just the Fax.

Announcements / other

  • Agencies should order TARC tickets and passes a week earlier for November and December as Marsha will be on vacation for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • Project Homeless Connect served a record number 813 people and purchased 2,200 state picture Id’s
  • Monday, December 8th 9:30 – 11:30 am The Coalition’s annual holiday open house.

The meeting adjourned at 10:20 am.

Submitted by,

Marsha Bailey, Recorder

The Coalition for the Homeless