OCTOBER 15, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am by Board President Bruce Warner.
Board Members Present: Bruce Warner, President; Tom Peterson, Vice President; John Pryor, Treasurer; Alice Meyer, Secretary; Karl Kment, Member at Large.
Secretary Report: A quorum (29) of homeowners was declared.
Minutes of Annual Meeting October 15, 2015: Alice Meyer read the minutes from the October 2105 HOA Annual Meeting. A motion was made by Shirley, seconded by Randi to accept the minutes of the 2015 annual HOA meeting as read. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: (copy in file) The treasurer’s report from October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016 was presented. All homeowners are current on their homeowner dues. Bank of the Cascades checking account balance is 6,714.13. Bank of the Cascades Money Market (Reserve Fund) has a balance of 87,098.01, Washington Federal Money Market (Reserve Fund) has a balance of 28,217.77. The receipts and expenditures of the Association are within the parameters of the Budget Adopted October 2015.
Budget and Finance: Pam Warner, Budget and Finance Chair, reported the HOA had exceeded the Operating Budget in some categories and had cut some budget items to avoid over-spending. Therefore, the Board approved an increase in the Budget and the assessment for the coming year. Also, the previous Reserve Study did not include some community assets, such as water and sewer lines. All assets have been added to the Reserve Study, requiring an increase in the HOA’s contribution to the Reserves and in the assessment to members. The Board has adopted a new monthly assessment of $151 per lot. The recommendation of the Finance Committee is that the Board continue to increase the monthly assessment for the Reserves by at least $5 each year. The Committee and the Board will evaluate the adequacy of the allocation each year. Our association passed the threshold of $75,000 in revenue and therefore is required by the State of Oregon to have a Financial Review by a CPA each year, unless the members choose to waive the requirement. Michelle, of CMI, reported that members have voted to waive the Review this year. Deducting the cost of the Review from the Budget will reduce our dues by $3 to $148 per month. She also noted that CMI has their bookkeeper’s financial work audited each year.
Committee Reports:
ARC Committee: No report.
Maintenance Committee: Chair, Gaylen Rettke said the streets were crack sealed, entry gates were repaired, there was no action taken on the sidewalks and the fire hydrants were not tested, the backflow valve was checked and catch basins cleaned. Homeowners were advised that on our gate codes there may only be one name for each home. Bert is responsible for liaison between the HOA and the contractor doing the blowout.
Landscape Committee: Dave Shirley and Kathy Birch are Co-Chairpersons of the Landscape Committee. Several trees were removed from the common areas. Linda Barnes donated some Burning Bushes to the association which were planted. Kathy planted the entry way pots of flowers. Weed control was good this year. The north cabana locust tree issues will be addressed this fiscal year. It may be expensive to remove and we will ask CMI to get bids on this work.
The Cliffs of Redmond Annual HOA Meeting
October 15.October 15, 2016
Events Committee: Chair, Vivien Webster noted the 2015 Christmas Dinner will be at The View Restaurant on December 8, 5:30 pm. Menus and reservation sheets were handed out.
Newsletter: Editor Randi Zlatkus thanked everyone who contributed articles to the newsletter.
Election of Board Members: There were no nominations from the floor. The newly elected Board of Directors are Brodie Birch, Kathy Birch and Tom Peterson. They are elected for 2 year terms. They will join Bruce Warner and John Pryor who have one year remaining to serve. Brodie, Kathy and Tom were elected to fill the three vacant board positions.
Communications: Alice Meyer thanked everyone for keeping her apprised of any changes in phone numbers or email addresses. Judy and Randi have been great assistants.
Old Business: None
New Business: Several issues were brought up. There was a question from Shirley about review of our bills. The process that the HOA utilizes is that all bills are reviewed by Board members and/or committee chairs and CMI is then authorized to prepare a check for payment. It was also pointed out that the checks require signatures from two Board members which is another valuable review before the payment is made.
There were questions and desires from the members to be able to access their accounts and other documents on-line and more easily. CMI indicated that most HOA’s have their own web site which is password protected for individual members. CMI indicated that they are in the process of upgrading their website and its capabilities. It was recommended that the Board look at options and improvements for The Cliffs next year.
There was a question and discussion about work by the contractor The Cliffs has hired to perform annual sprinkler blowout. There was a concern about damage to valves and responsibility for replacement. The age of our sprinkler systems was discussed and that some valves are beginning to fail. However, members were advised that homeowners are welcome to use another company for their blowout --- at their own expense. There was a discussion of the need to ensure that homeowners use contractors that are licensed.
Some members indicated that they would like to receive a copy of the monthly financial statements. CMI indicated that they would send the normal financial information to any member who wished to receive them. Members should contact CMI to be added to the email list. CMI also helps the HOA with our Financials, Email, and helping new owners. They will work with the HOA to produce a directory, secure contractors and provide minor legal advice. The new board will work with CMI to address these items and the homeowners’ desires.
Volunteer(s) of the Year: Two people were chosen as Volunteers of the Year. Over the years, Karl Kment has served as President, Finance Chair and Member at Large among other duties he assumed. Gaylen Rettke, the Maintenance Chair, has faithfully helped many of us through all sorts of maintenance problems. His patience and kindness to us is appreciated. Both men are shining examples of volunteerism and received gift certificates in appreciation.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
Alice Meyer, Board Secretary