The Church of Saint Agnes

Position of Director of Music and Organist

The Church of Saint Agnes in midtown Manhattan, just half a block from Grand Central Terminal and across 43rd Street from the Chrysler Building, ministers to the needs of local residents, businesspeople, and commuters alike. This archdiocesan parish, administered by the priests of Opus Dei, offers numerous Masses and three hours of confession daily and is also home to a number of service and devotional organizations, including a renowned music program.

The full-time position includes the following principal duties and responsibilities:

1. Plan, prepare, play, and direct music for all Masses and services.

A. Weekend Masses


5:15 PM Sung Mass with cantor


9 AM Extraordinary Form Missa Cantata with Schola

(rehearsal immediately preceeds Mass)

11 AM Ordinary Form High Mass with Schola

12:30 PM Sung Mass with cantor

5:15 PM Sung Mass with cantor

7:00 PM Sung Mass with cantor

B. Holy Days/Special Occasions

These include:

5:10 PM Mass on Holy Days of Obligation

Holy Week liturgies

Feast of Saint Agnes (January 21)

Annual Archdiocesan Red Mass

C. Weddings and Funerals

2. Concerts and Recitals

These have included organ recitals, Advent Lessons and Carols), and concerts of visiting groups. The Director of Music is responsible for all aspects of this, including advertising, planning, furniture moving, conducting, soliciting volunteer help, and hosting.

3. Personnel

A. Report to the Pastor and work in consultation with him, the other priests, the Office Manager, and all other staff.

B. Recruit, hire, and direct the professional singers employed by the parish.

C. Engage substitute organists as necessary.

D. Assist clergy as requested with learning their sung parts of the liturgy.

E. Maintain a visible presences by attending staff meetings, etc.

F. Engaging in the broader life of the community by meeting parishioners, attending parish functions, etc.

4. Finances

A. Manage the music budget;keep detailed records of expenses for singers, music purchases, organ maintenance, etc. Work with the Office Manager to ensure that all financial obligations are met in a timely manner.

B. Administer and further develop the ‘Friends of Music’ program, the fundraising apparatus for the music program.

5. Fabric

A. Maintain the church’s musical instruments.

B. Organize the extensive choral library.

6. Print Materials

A. Design, copy, and distribute all musical print materials, including leaflets for the major services of the year, concert programs, event posters, etc.

B. Contribute pertinent materials to weekly bulletin and church website.


1. Singers

A. Professional ScholaCantorum that sings for the 9 and 11 AM Sunday Masses, September-Corpus Christi. Currently budgeted for four professional singers (SATB).

B. Professional Cantors who sing for the other sung Masses.

2. Organs

A. II/41 Mander organ (1998)

B. I/4 Klop portative (1987)

3. The Church provides anoffice space, photocopy machine, and other office equipment. Volunteer help is available for large projects.


1. Exceptional ability to play the organ for voluntaries, service music, hymns, and accompaniments.

2. Thorough practical knowledge of the music of the Catholic Church, particularly Gregorian chant and polyphony, and the ability to conduct and sing them.

3. Extensive knowledge of and experience with Catholic liturgy; acquaintance with the Extraordinary Form ispreferred.

4. Commitment to the spiritual mission of the parish.

5. Interpersonal, communicational, and organizational skills are essential.


1. Salary commensurate with education and experience, plus benefits.

2. Three weeks paid vacation.

3. Weddings and funerals are compensated separately.

Application Process

Closing date for applications: April 25, 2018

Please submit inquiries and applications to:

The Music Search Committee

The Church of Saint Agnes

143 East 43rd Street

New York, NY 10017

(212) 682-5722

When applying, please include

  1. Cover letter
  2. curriculumvitæ
  3. sample recordings (or website links)
  4. printed programs and/or music lists demonstrating liturgical planning (hard copy or pdf)
  5. list of three references (a priest, a professional musician, and one other person) to be contacted by the search committee.


as of March 8, 2018