The Nebraska Select Basketball program will be holding an evaluation clinic at Lexington High School March 20th for players wanting to participate in spring and summer basketball. This clinic is for boys who are current 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th student athletes. This clinic will address the major aspects of the game including footwork, shooting, ball handling, passing, post play, defesive and offensive techiques which are all imporatnt when playing in high level spring and summer NCAA Live Certified Basketball Events.

The checkin for the clinic will begin at 1pm basketball ready by 1:30pm concluding before 4pm. All players will be given a required participate number for ID purposes. The attending prospective student-athletes will run thru a series of skill development drills to be followed by game type scrimmages. Parent meetings will also be conducted throughout the clinic for questions about our program cost structure. An important goal of our program is to provide a positive enviroment where each player will receive expert instruction while enjoying the game of basketball. We place players based on ability and skill level, therefore we will field more than one team per age group. To secure your spot in this Evaluation Clinic please fill out the registration form below and mail it to Nebraska Select ASAP! We look forward to working with basketball specific players! If you want to play in high level spring and summer events come join us! Be a part of Nebraska Select Basketball!

Lexington High School 705 W. 13th St. Lexington, NE 68850 March 20th , 2016 at 1pm! We welcome walkups!

Nebraska Select Basketball

Contact Doyle Dillow (402) 805-2924 or email with questions.



To reserve your spot please send the registration form and full clinic payment ASAP to:

Nebraska Select *PO Box 5543 * Lincoln, NE 68505 * prepay by check only Thanks!!

Please make check payable to Nebraska Select for $20 player fee ( cash walk-ins welcome)

2016 Nebraska Select Spring & Summer schedule and player fees call or email Doyle Dillow

Name:______Graduation Year:______HT:______


Home Phone:______Player Cell:______Parent Cell:______

High School:______Preferred Email:______

Consent Wavier: I give my son permission to participate in the Nebraska Select Evaluation Clinic. I agree to release Nebraska Select and Lexington Public Schools of all liability related to accidents or injuries which may occur while my son is participating. I also give permission for emergency medical procedures to be administered if I cannot be contacted in the event of an emergency. The above participant is physically ready for this clinic’s activities.

Parent Signature:______Date:______