The Chartered Institute of Building

Scotland Branch


Date/Time:5.00pm, Wednesday 26 May 2010

Venue: Hampden Park, Glasgow

Present:Rob Leslie, Ken Morrison, Peter Jenkins, John Dalton, Kenny Anderson, Ron Sutherland, Billy McGill, George Dunlop, Alasdair Murray, Chris Steel, Jim Grieve, John Duffy, Iain Cameron, Jim Martin, Robert Mason, Bill Beattie, Raymond More, Lynne McKay

Apologies:Bob English, Derek McNulty, Susan Brown, Keith Taylor, Hamish Little, Bob Gray, Lynne Gracie

1.Chairs Opening Remarks
RL opened and welcomed all to the meeting and gave thanks for attendance.
Apologies were received from Bob English, Derek McNulty, Susan Brown, Keith Taylor, Hamish Little, Bob Gray and Lynne Gracie
3.Minutes of the Meeting held 20 May 2009
The minutes of the meeting of 20 May 2009 were reviewed with one amendment noted by George Dunlop in relation to point 10 in that he had not written to Englemere in relation to the EPA pilot but had indeed contacted them in relation to mature candidates. That amendment aside the minutes were approved as an accurate record of events.
4.Matters Arising
No matters arising had been received prior to the AGM.
5.CIOB Scotland Chair’s Report
Rob Leslie reviewed his year as Chair and the highlights of his tenure including the 175 Anniversary Event which, from feedback received from the leaders of industry in attendance, he believed had greatly raised the profile of CIOB in Scotland. Rob encouraged incoming members to continue to evolve the Branch to address the challenges that our industry faces. Rob offered his sincere thanks to all Branch and Centre Committee members for their support in particular John Dalton for his firm control of our finances and to Lynne McKay and Lynne Gracie for their support in assisting him in his role as Chair. Rob closed by repeating the CIOB Vision for people who want to make a difference.
6. Treasurer’s Report
A paper circulated prior to the meeting was taken as read and JD invited questions from the floor. GD queried the deficit figure in terms of clarification of overall performance against plan. JD confirmed that the planned deficit (grant requested from HQ) was exceeded by approximately £6000 which was in the main due to the current economic climate / recession and the reduction in income received despite a significant reduction in planned expenditure.
JM asked if the format of finance reporting to AGM could be simplified. JD advised that this was in response to last year’s request for more detail. There was discussion as to consistency in reporting in the format produced from HQ and JD confirmed that he would provide both as a cross reference for ease of understanding in future.
GD asked about the figures quoted on interest expected on bank balance. JD advised these were HQ generated and not a Branch projection. GD asked about the proportion of grant from HQ for Scotland in relation to our membership. There was some discussion about the format now being Business Plan based and not as historical grant per member to confirm. LM also confirmed that from the Centre and Branch Business Plans CIOB Scotland were able to deliver free CPD events to all members, something which is not always able to be achieved elsewhere due to cost of venues etc so value is being given to members.
7. Election of Office Bearers
RL moved to the election of office bearers as follows. There being no other nominations or objections intimated the following appointments were nominated, seconded and approved by existing Branch Officers and Members.
Ken Morrison FCIOB – Branch Chairman Nominated by Rob Leslie Seconded by George Dunlop
Rob Leslie invited Ken Morrison to accept the chair of CIOB Scotland Council and bestowed upon him the chain of office. Ken continued to lead the meeting as chair and continued with election as follows:
Peter Jenkins MCIOB – Senior Vice Chair Nominated by Kenny Anderson Seconded by Jim Martin
Iain Cameron MCIOB – Junior Vice Chair Nominatedby John Duffy Seconded by Peter Jenkins
John Dalton FCIOB – Treasurer Nominated by John Duffy Seconded by Bill Beattie
It was confirmed that Susan Brown MCIOB would now take the post of Awards Chair as normal process of succession from Immediate Past Chair.
Ken thanked Rob for his excellent year in the chair and welcomed Peter Jenkins as Vice chair and Ian Cameron as Junior Vice Chair for the Scotland Branch.
Ken also mentioned that he had experienced only professionals in the Branch Council in his time and their diverse expertise along with the excellent work of the five centres will continue to raise the profile of the CIOB. Ken further thanked Rob on his leadership for the branch focus on important issues affecting the construction industry.
8.Election of Committee Members
There being no other nominations or objections intimated the following appointments were ratified as duly elected via Centre Committees.
Aberdeen CentreBill Beattie FCIOB – Chair
Keith Taylor MCIOB – Vice Chair
Mike Patterson MCIOB – Treasurer
George Wood FCIOB – Secretary
Dundee CentreDerek McNulty ICIOB – Chair
Bob Gray MCIOB – Vice Chair
Jim Grieve MCIOB – Treasurer
Brian Ireland ICIOB – Secretary
East of ScotlandRon Sutherland MCIOB – Chair
Susan Brown FCIOB– Vice Chair
Graeme Swanson ACIOB – Treasurer
Robert Mason MCIOB – Secretary
Highlands & Islands CentreRaymond More MCIOB – Chair
Hamish Little – Vice Chair
Brian Anderson ACIOB – Treasurer
Mike Turner MCIOB - Secretary
West of Scotland CentreBilly McGill MCIOB– Chair
Michael McCarney MCIOB - Vice Chair
Billy Hare MCIOB – Treasurer
Paul Jaffray MCIOB – Secretary
9. Activities for 2010 / 2011
LM confirmed the forthcoming calendar of Branch Events and invited any comment on the Branch and Centre Events – no comment to be noted.
Discussions are currently ongoing with Scottish Building and other key organisations as to how we might best combine our efforts in terms of offering an Industry Event and the format of such an event, date, venue and administration of the same is part of ongoing discussion. Therefore no CIOB seminar event has been scheduled as yet for 2010.
Our standard Branch events such as the Student Challenge and Scotland Awards Ceremony have been provisionally booked and will be discussed in more detail at next Branch Meeting as part of normal process.
There being no other competent business the meeting was closed with thanks to all from KM for attending.