The chairman of State committee of Ukraine on land resources
November 27, 1997.
Starokievskaya state administration
№ 04359 from February 09, 1998.
The vice-president O.Konotopecz
1. General provisions
1.1. The centre of the state land cadastre at State committee of Ukraine on land resources (hereinafter - "Centre") created on the basis of the order chairman of State committee of Ukraine on land resources from November 04, 1997 110 on the basis of self-supporting office of scientific, design and survey, design-technological works of state land use examination by the way of reorganization also is by the assignee it property rights and obligations.
1.2. In the activity "Centre" is guided by the Constitution, laws of Ukraine, by the decrees Supreme Soviet of the Ukraine, decrees and orders of the President of Ukraine, decrees, decrees and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of State Committee of Land ordering, and also by this Charter .
1.3. "Centre" is the legal person, has an independent balance, settlement, currency and other accounts in banks of Ukraine, seal, stamps, firm forms and other necessary essential elements, realizes the industrial, economic and financial activity on principles of cost accounting and self-financing.
1.4. "Centre" realizes a organization-methodical and technical management of the detached sub-sections, which created at state bodies of land resources on places.
1.5. Priority for "Centre" there is a realization of problems of State Committee of Land ordering of Ukraine, which follow from its competency and directed on fulfilment of the laws and decrees Supreme Soviet of Ukraine, decrees, orders and assignments of the President of Ukraine, decrees, orders and assignments of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders and orders of State Committee of Land ordering of Ukraine.
1.6. Complete title - Centre of the state land cadastre.
The reduced title Centre SLC
The title in English: StateLandCadastralCenter.
1.7. Site of "Centre": 252001, Kiev - 001, street. Сhreschatyk, 32a
2. Purpose and subject of activity
2.1. "Centre" realizes the activity with the purpose of creation and functioning of the automized system management of the state land cadastre of Ukraine and system of registration of grounds.
2.2. For fulfilment of the purposes indicated in item. 2.1, "Centre" realizes such kinds of activity:
  • creation, introduction and operation programminformational complexes of system management of the state land cadastre;
  • development of intellectual control systems management by system;
  • realization of specialland use, cartographogeodezichniy, cartographical, grounds, geobotanic, radiologic, town-planning, woodtechnological, waterindustrial, land-estimated mouses with the purpose of preparation т creation of a database of the land cadastre for satisfaction of demand in the land-cadastral information for bodies administration of government, tax administration, banks, legal т of the natural persons;
  • fulfilment of land works;
  • development of the normative-engineering specifications for creation and functioning of the automized system of management of the state land cadastre and system of registration of grounds;
  • fulfilment separate research, reaserchconstructure, skilled - technological and special works in area of land use, deoinformational systems and technologies at creation of operation of the automized system management of the state land cadastre;
  • system coordination of introduction in subsections of "Centre", State Committee of Land ordering of Ukraine, state bodies of land resources on places of programm-technical means and GIC-technologies of management of the state land cadastre;
  • organization of improvement of professional skill of the experts of "Centre" on the land cadastre, geoinformational systems and technologies;
  • realization of certification of the developed program-technical means of GIC-technologies;
  • accomplishment dealer and distributional services in sphere of geoinformational systems and technologies, means topographogeodezichniy shootings;
  • accomplishment of international cooperation with the purpose of drawing and introduction of the newest technologies for improvement management of land resources, management of land registration;
  • participation in practical realization domestic and international "pilots - projects" concerning introduction of system of registration of ground both other real estate and rights on them, reforming of the land relations, cadastral reform;
  • organization and sharing(participation) in realization of scientific and technical conferences and seminars from problems, which concern problems of the automized management of the state land cadastre, land relations, land use, monitoring and protection of grounds;
  • granting of the land-cadastral information to the consumers;
  • consultations on automation of the state land cadastre, land use, GIC-technologies;
  • distribution of own and other development in the field of the land cadastre and GIC;
  • issue help, normative-technical, information and advertising production;
  • foreign trade activities;
  • other kinds of activity, which not disagree to the current legislation.
The realization on production of measures of the Program of the automized system of the state land cadastre, which basic problems is:
  • creation of conditions of the state warranty at the property on ground, support of the taxation and lien of ground, protection of grounds of a state ownership, assistance to urban planning;
  • assistance of development of the market attitude(relation), in particular in agrarian sector of economy;
  • maintenance by the land-cadastral information of public authorities and local government, citizens, enterprises, establishments, other consumers of the information;
  • assistance to maintenance of the reliable information under the payment for ground;
  • improvement of interaction of the ministries and other central bodies of the executive authority in sphere of management of land resources;
  • creation and management of databanks about availability and state of land resources;
  • information maintenance and support of large-scale works on land use , monitoring of grounds, state control of use and protection of grounds, regulation of optimum development of territories, including delineations of territories with the special legal regime (recreational, reserved).
3. Right and responsibility
3.1. The centre of the state land cadastre has the right:
  • to stack with legal and natural persons of the agreement, including sales and purchase, leases, donation, insurance of an exchange, commission, assignment(order), storage, loan, leasing, general(common) activity to realize other agreements stipulated by the legislation of Ukraine;
  • to realize protection of the rights and interests in the appropriate official bodies and establishments, and also in international organizations;
  • to create funds and reserves;
  • independently to plan the activity, to define perspective directions for maintenance of scientific, industrial and social development of "Centre" and its local sub-sections, increase of welfare of its workers;
  • to perform the job and to grant services according to the agreements, concluded with the customers;
  • to involve, if necessary, for fulfilment of works other enterprises, organization and separate experts;
  • to receive the credits;
  • to grant the financial help;
  • independently to possess, to use and to dispose of property, which belongs him, real estate, financial resources and other values, including intellectual, as in Ukraine, and abroad;
  • to have in the property, to retain or to lease premises (including residential), truck, equipment;
  • to conduct independent expert appraisals;
  • to direct the workers of "Centre" both founder at the expense of own and other means for training, training, conference, business trip, including abroad;
  • to organize conferences, seminars, exhibition etc.;
  • to execute works and to accrue materials, which contain the state secret or with it connected;
  • other rights, in borders of the current legislation.
3.2. "Centre" when due hereunder realizes book keeping of results of the activity, constitutes the statistical reporting, provides certainty of the given reports and balances.
3.3. The State Committee of Land ordering of Ukraine carries out the control of activity of "Centre" in borders determined by the legislation and this Charter.
4. Management of "Centre"
4.1. "Centre" is headed by the General director, which is nominated as the chairman of State Committee of Land ordering of Ukraine by the conclusion with him of the employment agreement (contract).
The general director has of the deputies, which are nominated as its order. The distribution of the responsibilities between the deputies is carried out the General director.
4.2. The general director organizes work of "Centre" and bears responsibility for its industrial, scientific and financial activity.
4.3. The provision about branches of "Centre" affirm by the General director as agreed with State Committee of Land ordering of Ukraine.
5. Labour collective and its self-management
5.1. The structure of "Centre" affirms by the State Committee of Land ordering of Ukraine. The regular list approves the General director of "Centre".
5.2. The labour collective of "Centre" is constituted by all citizens, which work at "Centre" on the basis of the employment contracts (contracts, agreements), which are stacked by(with) the General director on behalf of the enterprise.
5.3. The decision of labour collective at "Centre" receives trade-union organization, which on behalf of labour collective annually concludes the collective agreement with "Centre" and protects interests of the workers.
5.4. A question of a reception(party) and dismissal, conditions and about payment and the protection of work, order of work and rest are realized by "Centre" according to the current legislation иd of the collective agreement.
5.5. The labour disputes are decided according to the current legislation of Ukraine.
5.6. Authority of labour collective will be realized(sold) by general meeting (conference) and their elected body.
6. Property and financial activity
6.1. The property of "Centre" is constituted a fixed capital and circulating assets, and also other values, which cost displayed in its independent balance.
6.2. Property of "Centre" belong to him on the property rights.
6.3. By a source of formation of property of "Centre" is:
  • The profits received owing to realization of executed works and given services, and also profits received from other kinds of economic activity;
  • Deduction from activity of branches of "Centre" created at state bodies of land resources on places;
  • The credits of banks and other creditors;
  • The incomes of valuable papers;
  • The gratuitous or charitable instalments, donation legal and natural persons;
  • Capital investments and grants from the budgets;
  • Property received owing to accomplishment of the international projects;
  • Other sources which were not forbidden to the current legislation of Ukraine.
6.4. The main generalizing parameter of economic activity of "Centre" is profit. "Centre" makes of the profit obligatory deductions, pays the taxes and payments in the budget, obligatory instalments on social insurance and pension maintenance of the workers, other obligatory payments to state target funds.
6.5. The part of a net profit, which remains after tax payment and other obligatory payments, is at the command of labour collective of "Centre". The order of distribution and use of this part of the profit is defined by assembly (conference) of labour collective.
6.6. The order of use of a net profit, sizes and order, updating and use of funds, is defined by "Centre" independently.
7. Foreign trade activities
7.1. "Centre" has the right independently to realize foreign trade activities according to the legislation of Ukraine.
7.2. The currency means after accomplishment of obligatory payments are used by "Centre" independently.
8. Order of liquidation and reorganization
8.1. "Centre" can be liquidated:
  • Under the decision of State Committee of Land ordering of Ukraine;
  • On other basis stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.
8.2. The reorganization of "Centre" is realized under the decision of State Committee of Land ordering of Ukraine according to the current legislation.