The Greene County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, May 18, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Tech Center. Present for the meeting: Chairman Jerry Jones and Commissioners Susan Blizzard, Brad Fields, Bennie Heath, and James T. Shackleford, Jr. County Manager Kyle DeHaven, and County Attorney Borden Parker were also present.

The Chairman called the meeting to order.

Commissioner Jones gave the invocation and led the pledge of allegiance.

On motion by Commissioner Heath, seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda after advising to Delete F6 speaker had to cancel, add new F6 Michael Kelly – NCACC, add a new F1 Chris & Anna Smith – Anchor House to speak before Public Comments, also add G4 – Inmate Labor Contract.

On motion by Commissioner Blizzard, seconded by Commissioner Heath the Board voted unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda.

April 20, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes


Refunds (NCVTS) (TAX & TAG)

Jesse Todd Harper / $110.28 / Lisa Jean Wilson / $77.10 / Janet Delores Skelton / $60.00
MarcelinoPalomares Cano / $37.67 / Greene County Interfaith Volunteers, Inc / $69.18

Budget Amendments for Recreation, DSS, Transportation, Economic Development

Resolution Declaring Surplus Property


  1. Neuse River Basin Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan – Trey Cash presented the Plan and no one had any comments.

This is the 2nd and final Public Hearing, No Comments, Chairman Jones closed the public hearing and asked the Board for approval.

On motion by Commissioner Blizzard and seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board voted unanimously to approve this request.

Chairman Jones advised we would have New Presentation 1 at this time, then Public Comments.

1. Anna Smith with non-profit called Restore One – this is a home for young boys who are troubled and are in need of help and guidance. These are rescued from slavery and this ministry is trying to provide spiritual and emotional guidance. This ministry depends on donated funds to run this facility to help these young men. Chairman Jones asked if she (Ms. Smith) wanted to take questions from the floor, Ms. Smith agreed. The majority of the questions were – why was this kept a secret, who’s to say bad people won’t come looking for these boys, why did you choose this area, how secure is this place going to be? Commissioner Blizzard asked if we can set up a meeting with the towns people and the Smith’s, the towns people advised they were having a meeting this coming Sunday and they would love to have the Smith’s present. Ms. Smith advised of problems there with zoning, they did not intentionally keep quiet, but also did not want to broadcast. She advised they do not want to disrupt the county or people’s lives, they want to help these boys who have been thru this horrendous thing. These boys are not pedifiles and need your help not your hate. They will have 2 staff to one boy in the facility.


1. Joe Smith – The feeling is that these kids will be drug users, thugs who will steal, rape etc. in their area. They feel their kids will be in danger. Scuffelton does not want this home here.

2. Angela Ellis of DSS came forward and advised that there are predators who live in this county and things are relatively quiet and people need to really look at this situation, be receptive and realize that this home will not necessarily bring problems to this area.

3. Sheriff Lemmie Smith spoke up about this and said he felt it will bring problems.

4. Linda Morgan spoke about the drop in property values from this.

5. Ann Moore spoke about this being brought into the county without anyone knowing about it. She asked for the Commissioner’s help.

Public Comment section was closed at this time by Chairman Jones.


2. Erik Lensch Property Tax Abatement Request for Solar Farm. He is the manager of the Arba Solar Farm. He found he had not filed an exemption form in a timely manner as he did not know he had to. He asked the Board to reverse their decision from last meeting.

The Board discussed and with a Motion by Commissioner Heath and Seconded by Commissioner Shackleford the Board voted unanimously to reverse their decision.

3. Patrick Miller presented the Greene County School Budget. Mr. Miller went over their Budget for the next year and asked the County for a small increase in their participating funds.

4. George Mewborn – Greene County Recreation and Tourism Center. George spoke to board on a staffing opportunity for the Recreation Facility at no cost to the county.

5. Mike Barnette – Greene County 2015 SFR. Mr. Barnette could not make the meeting. Mr. DeHaven presented the package for Mr. Barnette. The grant has been received and we need to proceed with the necessary steps to continue with this project.

On motion by Commissioner Heath and Seconded by Commissioner Shackleford the Board voted unanimously to approve this request.

6. Andrew Parker – McDavid and Associates. Spoke about a Project 1H Ordinance Amendment. Mr. Parker went over this Amendment and Commissioner Blizzard had one question about the total water supply and Mr. Parker pointed out the information she was looking for.

On motion by Commissioner Shackleford and Seconded by Commissioner Heath the Board voted unanimously to approve this request.

7. Michael Kelly – NCACC. He was asked to come to different counties to speak about the NCACC and also observe what goes on at these County Commissioner’s meetings. He is amazed at the array of different subjects that are covered at these meetings and commends the commissioners on a job well done.

The Chairman turned the meeting over to the County Manager.


Mr. DeHaven presented a request to appoint someone to the ABC Advisory Board. It was advertised and we had two (2) applicants. Both applicants were discussed and Commissioner Heath recommended Mr. Daniel Taylor. It was asked by Commissioner Fields if Mr. Taylor resigned from the board. It was advised that he discussed it but never did.

On motion by Commissioner Heath and seconded by Commissioner Shackleford the Board voted 3 yays and 2 nays (Nays were Commissioners Fields and Blizzard) with 3 yays this request is approved.

Mr. DeHaven presented information on doing a Mower Lease from Musgrave Equipment versus purchasing them. Recreation Department in need of new equipment. Mr. DeHaven researched this found we could get a lease that includes us getting a loner mower when ours goes in for repairs.

On motion by Commissioner Blizzard and seconded by Commissioner Fields the Board voted unanimously to approve this request.

Mr. DeHaven presented request for a Bulletin Display Agreement. This agreement for a billboard for the Health Department is with Scotty Outdoor.

On motion by Commissioner Heath and seconded by Commissioner Shackleford the Board voted unanimously to approve this requests.

Mr. DeHaven presented request to renew the Inmate Labor Contract.

On motion by Commissioner Fields and seconded by Commissioner Blizzard the Board voted unanimously to approve this request.

Mr. DeHaven presented The 2015/2016 Proposed Budget to the Board and requested that we set up Budget Workshops – after much discussion the 1st workshop will be May 27th @ 6 pm and the 2nd will be May 28th @ 10 am. The Budget Public Hearing has been scheduled for the next regular Board of Commissioner’s Meeting which is June 1st @ 7 pm.

On motion by Commissioner Fields and seconded by Commissioner Shackleford the voted unanimously to having the Budget Public Hearing @ the next meeting.

County Attorney Report and Recommendations - Nothing

Commissioner’s Report and Recommendations – Commissioner Heath advised that he was sorry we upset one gentlemen in audience when we used Commissioner Heath’s patriotic flag tie when we said the Pledge of Allegiance.

On motion by Commissioner Heath and seconded by Commissioner Blizzard the Board voted unanimously to Adjourn the meeting.