Selectmen's Meeting

Town Office

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

5:30 P.M.

Present: Selectmen Robert Hamilton, Roberta Oeser, Jim Qualey. Executive Secretary Katy Robbins and Finance Director Ellen Smith

The Chair opened the meeting. Motion by Roberta to go into non-public per RSA 91A-3. II(b), second by Jim. Roll call vote: Jim – Yes, Roberta – Yes, Bob – Yes.

The Chair re-opened the meeting at 6:00 P.M.

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

Roberta motioned to seal the minutes of the non-public due to reputation. Second by Jim. Motion passed 3-0.

Citizens’ Forum

A suggestion was made to post a ‘help wanted’ sign at the transfer station regarding the open positons of Executive Secretary and Bookkeeper. Nicholas Handy (our local reporter for the Ledger Transcript became a father on July 1st. It was announced that Katy Robbins would be leaving and her last day would be this Friday.

General Business

  1. Approval of:

Payroll and Accounts Payable: Motion by Roberta to approved the Payroll and Accounts Payable for July 21, 2016 and July 28, 2016. Second by Jim. Approved 3-0

Minutes: Not approved as all had not read them.

  1. General Business:
  2. School Permit Fees: Bill Harper of West Rindge Builders presenting. Request from the school district to waive the building permit fees for the minor renovation to the Rindge Memorial School. The fee is $55.00. Discussion that this is actually a fee to the taxpayer. Was mentioned that Rindge pays the district over $900,000 a month. Roberta motioned to waive the fee. Second by Jim. Approved 2-1
  3. Health Reimbursement Account: Ellen provided the information that the vendor had changed but there is no change to the plan. The Board needs to take ‘formal’ action to amend the NHIT (New Hampshire Interlocal Trust). Roberta made a motion to adopt the changes and read the entire document (attached). Second by Jim.

Discussion: It was explained that the Town pays into the fund which pays part of an employees deductible which gives us lower insurance rates. The individual deductible is $1500 and family is $4500, with the employee paying $500 and the fund pays up to $1000. Approved 3-0.

The Chair changed the order of business:

d. Town Administrator Transition update: The Board has scheduled a second interview on


c. Abatements: Tom Coneys appeared before the Board to appeal his assessment on

Map 10 Lot 29-1. This had been referred to KRT and they recommended the request be denied. Tom presented his information and believes his assessment should be rated the same as the properties located near the Tractor Supply store. He also questioned the assessment on his land value. He also questioned the assessment on his building. His questions will be sent to KRT for explanation of rating properties CIA (Commercial/Industrial Average) and CIG (Commercial/Industrial Good) which his is graded. He also wanted an explanation of why he was charge for his fence when other properties were not. There were errors found on his assessment card to be corrected: 2400 square feet to be changed from office to storage and 2 lights that he does not own to be removed.

Deborah Sweeney appeared before the Board to appeal the assessment on Map 20 Lot 10. She supplied numerous waterfront properties and questioned why hers was graded superior to homes she felt were nicer than hers. Roberta motioned to change the Grade level from 5 to 4. Second by Jim. Approved 3-0

  1. Informational Items/Communication

May Revenue and Expenditure reports were distributed to the Board.

Adjourned 8:34 PM
