June 2006doc.: IEEE 802.11-06/0877r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

June 28th, 2006 TGs Telecon Minutes
Date: 29 June-2006
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Donald Eastlake 3rd / Motorola / 111 Locke Drive
Marlboro, 01752 USA / +1 508 786 7554 /





The Chair convened the call at 17:05 EST

All participants were familiar with the IPR policy. The chair called for any member knowing of any patents of which the 802.11 Chair should be made aware and there was no response.

The chiar reviewed the announced Agenda and proposed to add an iten concerning a prospective TGs tutorial at an 802 plenary. There was no objection to the Agenda as so modified which was as follows:

  1. Attendance
  2. IPR policy pointer:
  3. Agenda for call
  4. Discussion of "Local Link State Maintenance Procedures" by Guenael Strutt, a document which proposes a resolution of informal comments 37 and 53. This is 11-06/839r0 or the latest version (expected to be r1 by the teleconference).
  5. Discussion of the agenda for the TGs meeting at the July 802.11 meeting in San Diego. Document 11-06/827r1 or later version if available.
  6. Discussion of prospective TGs tutorial.
  7. Other discussions and/or presentations related to TGs Draft improvement.
  8. Adjourn

Guenael Strutt reviewed document 11-06/839r1 which resolves informal comments 37 and 53.

This document moves the draft section about “link state announcement” to clause 11A.4,removes reference to symmetric links in Network Discovery and makes symmetric link measurements optional, adds a note in HWMP about symmetric links, generalizes link state definition in Network Discovery, and has some related clean up.


  • Because of the use of link acknowledgements, aren’t 802.11 networks generally symmetric?
  • Acknoledgements are shorter and more robust than most data frames.
  • Perhaps 802.11 networks should be called “bi-directional”, not symmetric.

Straw Poll: No one on the call objectioned to the 11-06/839r1 resolution in this document but one person responded when the chair called for abstentions.

In discussion, the group thought that this document should be reviewed again during the Monday morning ad hoc time at the San Diego meeting. The chair indicated that he would add it near the beginning of the tentative agenda.

There was a question about the process at the Monday morning sessions of the TGs meeting in July in San Diego. The chair indicated that the Monday morning ad hoc time there would be good for tentatively adopting informal comment resolutions. Like comment resolutions adopted at the June TGs ad hoc meeting in Hillsboro, any such decision would have to be ratified during a regular session of TGs later in the week.

There were questions about whether TGs could go to WG Letter Ballot from the July meeting. While technically possible, this now seems unlikely. Including tentative resolutions at the June ad hoc, 59% of the informal comments are resolved. Of those remaining, 43 are considered high priority to be resolved before Letter Ballot and have someone assigned to draft a submission to resolve them. The distribution of TGs sessions during the week at the July meeting does not seem adapted to getting lots of ratified comment resolutions properly edited into the Draft and the Draft available on the server for long enough to get a WG Letter Ballot approved. This is especially true if some of the comment resolutions involve re-organization of the structure of the Draft or similar extensive changes.

The was some discussion of holding weekly teleconferences between the July and September meeting and/or holding an ad hoc meeting in August (probably the last week of August to minimize vacation conflicts) in order to maximize the chances of going to Letter Ballot at the September meeting. This sort of thing will generally be decided by vote of the Task Group at the July meeting.

On the topic of a TGs tutorial, the chair indicated that, as a first step towards increased communication between 802.11s (TGs), 802.15.5, and 802.16j, there was a desire to follow up the 802.16j tutorial held in March with an 802.11s and possibly an 802.15.5 tutorial. However, all tutorial slots for the July plenary have been taken so this will have to wait until the November 802 plenary. It would be good to get in a tutorial application, through Stuart Kerry, early in the July meeting.

A question was raised as to whether we could discuss additional informal document resolution submissions during the currently scheduled 5 July TGs teleconference.

The chair indicated this was a good idea and that he would issue a call on the TGs mailing list for those working on submissions to resolve informal comments to contact him so that consideration of them could be added to the tentative agendas for consideration during the teleconference or the July meeting. [Note: Subsequent to this 28 June teleconference, the 5 July teleconference was rescheduled to 12 July.]

No one had any additional topics they wished to bring up on this call.

The Chair adjourned the call at 17:34 EST.


Donald E. Eastlake 3rd

Guenael Strutt

Azman Osman Lim

Kathy Sohrabi

Huihui Wang

John Tomici

Kazuyuki Sakoda

Guido Hiertz

Hideyuki Suzuki

Michael Bahr

Ariel Sharon

Steven Conner

Submissionpage 1Donald E. Eastlake 3rd, Motorola