The registration cost is $40 for men/women and $25 for students at the door. Make sure to select St. Matthew Parish when registering online.


  • Women and men can register online by January 21 for tickets at $35 each. Discounts are automatically applied at checkout.
  • The student ticket price is $20 each if you register online by January 21. The discountis automatically applied at checkout.
  • IF YOU WANT TO BULK REGISTER through the Knights of Columbus to receive an additional $5 off your ticket price, please contact Steve Davis at or by calling 419-989-0325.
  • Register as a couple and put your names in a drawing for a Valentine’s Dinner for two -- a gift card to the Refectory Restaurant (worth $100.00).
  • We will be drawing for three (3) women’s and three (3) men’s conference tickets. Winners will be announced at Mass on the next three consecutive weekends. (January 21, 28 & February 4)

After the Early Bird Registration deadline, the Knights will continue with bulk registration for women/girl students until February 11.Bulk registration for men/boy students runs until February 18. Bulk registration saves an additional $5.00 for everyone. Save some money and register early.

THE 21st ANNUAL CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE is scheduled for Saturday, February 24 in the Cardinal Hall at the Ohio Expo Center. This year’s theme is “Cast Your Nets and become Fishers of Men.” CMC speakers will be Jeff Cavins, Chris Stefanick, and Dr. Scott Hahn. Bishop Frederick Campbell will be the Holy Mass Celebrant. Additional information can be found at or

St. Matthew Parish has had the largest group of men in the Columbus Diocese for several years to attend the Men’s Conference. At the 2017 CMC, 250 men attended. Please join us this year to meet our goal of 450 men. All it takes is each of the 250 men to ask one other man in their life to come to the conference with them. Who will you bring this year that didn’t attend last year?

The Knights of Columbus St. Jude Council 5801 will be offering financial assistance to all Women and Men registering for the conferences that have a financial need. Please contact Steve Davis if you have a financial need for either the Women or Men’s Conference at or by calling 419-989-0325.

If you are worried about travel, there will be carpooling available to all men. We will meet in the south parking lot of the Parish, starting at 5:30-7:00 a.m. Please consider bringing your grandfather, father, father-in-law, uncle, brother, brother-in-law, son, son-in-law, grandson, friend, co-worker, and any other man in your life to the Catholic Men’s Conference this year.Please prayerfully consider attending the 2018 CMC to help form our faith journey to be the “Man that God called YOU to be in the Domestic Church.”Thank you for your support!

Become a sponsor for the Catholic Women’s and Men’s Conference as a business or individual. You will find more information online or by picking up a sponsorship form at the Knights of Columbus bulletin board near the Parish Office. Great way to get free tickets based on the amount of the sponsorship.