The Catholic Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Arlington, Texas
Lay Ministries Schedule
March 2014 A.D.
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
/ 8 am / Altar Server / Craig SouthardMarch 2
/ 10:30 am / Master of Ceremonies / Zack Southard/ Thurifer / Greg Ahern
/ Crucifer / Jeffrey Thomas
Torchbearers / Brian Jones / Nicholas Pratt
Boat Boy / Will Crawford
First Reading / John Hargis
Intercessory Prayers / Helen Mitchell
Oblationers / The Sherman Family
Ushers / Brinton Smith / Bill Thomas
6:00 pm / Altar Server / Derek Histen / Paul Denning (C)
Ushers / Charlene Schwartz / Clara Okeke
Altar Guild: A / Office Help / Ben Oliver
Ash Wednesday
/ 7:00 pm / Master of Ceremonies / Brandon GunnipMarch 5
/ Thurifer / Ben Vina/ Crucifer / John Heitzenrater
/ Torchbearers / Joseph Schmitt / Gabriel Huber
/ Boat Boy / William Heitzenrater
/ First Reading / Ben Oliver
/ Intercessory Prayers / Sharon Oliver
/ Oblationers / The Lewis Family
/ Ushers / Stephen Schmitt / Brandon Brinkley
Friday in Lent
/ 6:30 pm / Crucifer / Thurifer / Greg AhernMarch 7
/ Torchbearers / Sebastian Huber / Brian Jones1st Sunday in Lent
/ 8 am / Altar Server / Zack SouthardMarch 9
/ 10:30 am / Master of Ceremonies / Geoff Sherman/ Thurifer / John Paul Jones
/ Crucifer / John Heise
/ Torchbearers / Will Vina / Josh Vina
Boat Boy / Nicholas Smith
First Reading / Stephen Schmitt
Intercessory Prayers / Megan Schmitt
Oblationers / The Emmanuel Family
Ushers / Lonnie Jones / Tom Nelson
6:00 pm / Altar Server / Paul Denning / Rafael Refi (C)
Ushers / Carol Denning/Mike Bucek
Altar Guild: B / Office Help / Paul Denning / John Hargis
Friday in Lent
/ 6:30 pm / Crucifer / Thurifer / John Paul JonesMarch 14
/ Torchbearers / Will Vina / Josh Vina2nd Sunday in Lent
/ 8:00 am / Altar Server / Brandon GunnipMarch 16
/ 10:30 am / Master of Ceremonies / Jon Carr/ Thurifer / Jack Sherman
/ Crucifer / William Morris
Torchbearers / Joseph Schmitt / Gabriel Huber
Boat Boy / Nate Jones
First Reading / Brandon Brinkley
Intercessory Prayers / Anne Pierce
Oblationers / The Palmer Family
Ushers / Walter Crawford / Stephen Schmitt
6:00 pm / Altar Server / Derek Histen / Paul Denning (C)
Ushers / Carol Denning / Charlene Schwartz
Altar Guild: B / Office Help / Chuck Lynk
Friday in Lent
/ 6:30 pm / Crucifer / Thurifer / Jon CarrMarch 21
/ Torchbearers / Brian Jones / Nicholas Pratt3rd Sunday in Lent
/ 8 am / Altar Server / John Williams, Jr.March 23
/ 10:30 am / Master of Ceremonies / Craig Southard/ Thurifer / Greg Ahern
/ Crucifer / Enrique Ruiz
Torchbearers / Sebastian Huber / Brian Jones
Boat Boy / Joseph Morris
First Reading / Geoff Sherman
Intercessory Prayers / Marty Sherman
Oblationers / The Gunnip Family
Ushers / Dave Palmer / John Hargis
6:00 pm / Altar Server / Rafael Refi / Don Brignac (C)
Ushers / Kartika Refi / Daniel Refi
Altar Guild: D / Office Help / Ellen Thomas
Friday in Lent
/ 6:30 pm / Crucifer / Thurifer / Ben VinaMarch 28
/ Torchbearers / Note Jones / Ian Gunnip4th Sunday in Lent
/ 8 am / Altar Server / Craig SouthardMarch 30
/ 10:30 am / Master of Ceremonies / Brandon Gunnip/ Thurifer / Ben Vina
/ Crucifer / Josh Vina
Torchbearers / Luke Vina / Martin Morris
Boat Boy / Ian Gunnip
First Reading / Rease Parton
Intercessory Prayers / Julie Piland
Oblationers / The Morris Family
Ushers / Ben Oliver / Charles Johnson
6:00 pm / Altar Server / Derek Histen / Rafael Refi (C)
Ushers / Charlene Schwartz / Clara Okeke
Altar Guild: D / Office Help / Don Brignac
Those who are scheduled to serve but unable to carry out the assignment are asked to arrange substitutes and contact the parish office (817.460.2278) about what has been arranged.
NOTES: Ushers should be in place at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled service. Conservative dress is required. Ushers should identify those appointed to serve as lectors and oblationers, and should find replacements if this should be necessary. Ushers should ensure that all members of the congregation have bulletins, hymn sheets, etc., as necessary. They remain near the back of the church to assist as needed during Mass. In particular, they must ensure that no child is permitted to leave the church without an adult member of his or her family. They should seek to identify newcomers, asking them to fill out newcomer cards (blue). They should be at the doors as the congregation leaves, and finally they should tidy the church, removing discarded bulletins and replacing hymnals, etc. Servers and Lectors must be present at least fifteen minutes prior to their serving time, and are subject to replacement if not available. Masters of Ceremonies, Crucifers, Thurifers, Torch-bearers and Boat-boys must be vested and in the sacristy THIRTY minutes prior to their scheduled time, to check on all preparations for the Mass and to receive any special instructions. Black dress shoes are the standard for all, but other dark dress shoes may be acceptable. Tennis shoes or other casual shoes are not permitted. Also, they should wear dark socks and dark trousers and should ensure that the shirt collar is not exposed above the cassock collar. Conservative haircuts are required. Finally, they should make sure that cassock and cotta are properly hung up after Mass.