Volume IAugust 2010 Number 2



FALL 2010


750 Otts Chapel RoadFax: 302-738-8726

Newark, Delaware19713

Application form is found at the back of this packet.

Information on the application process is found on page 11.

You may also apply at the DBC office.


GENERAL INFORMATION……………………………………………...5

ADMISSIONS INFORMATION………………………………………………….11

ACADEMIC INFORMATION……………………………………………………12

FINANCIAL POLICY…………………………………………………………....14

COURSE SCHEDULE…………………………………………………………...15



APPLICATION FORM………………………………………………………….19

CHARACTER REFERENCE FORM…………………………………………...23

TRANSCRIPT FORM…………………………………………………………..25


A renewed venture with God

DelawareBibleCollege has developed out of a 14 year vision Pastor Jeff Wisot has had to offer training to people in a BibleCollege education. Its purpose is to help individuals who feel called of God to prepare them for greater personal ministry in Christian leadership. It will exist to serve other churches in the community and the world who seek higher biblical education and training for pastoral and missionary service. It is part of the greater creative aspects of LifeCommunityChurch.

The first classes will meet on September 7, 2010. The courses offered this semester will be:

Hermeneutics – The principles of biblical interpretation.

Servant Leadership – Foundational teaching on proper leadership.

Old Testament Survey – A survey course of the Old Testament.

Apologetics (Worldviews and Origins) – Study of foundational motivational thinking.


DelawareBibleCollege believes that the Bible should be at the heart and core of all training and is the standard for evaluating all claims to knowledge. The Bible, as the inspired Word of God, is instrumental in thoroughly equipping God’s servants for ministry. This philosophy is reflected in the wide range of Bible and theology courses DBC plans to offer. DBC believes that the Bible is the only framework within which a consistent, effective, and productive worldview, lifestyle, and life of service to God and humanity can be maintained.


The vision of DBC is to strengthen the body of Christ with effective leaders within LifeCommunityChurch and the community of churches surrounding it. This would require a commitment of those who see this as a need for our church and community. That commitment would be translated in the response of volunteers who would share in a vision to be a part of helping realize spiritual growth and knowledge in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. After the captivity of Israel and when the Word of God was read to them by Ezra the people had deep respect and hunger to please God.

What is happening today?

The church has always had times of great apostasy and backsliding. It is nothing new for this to happen.

People tend to become easily distracted from commitment to God because of the temptation of sin. Sin dulls the heart and mind to God. When you read the book of Judges for example, there seems to be a cycle of apostasy. The heart becomes cold because there is not the fervency to know God. God is a perfect gentleman. He will not force anyone to love Him, obey Him or serve Him. Therefore it is up to men to seek Him. If they do, He will be found.

DelawareBibleCollege is a level of commitment that requires a determination to seek God with all your heart, soul, and mind. There is nothing more rewarding than to study the Word of God in depth so that you may be able to answer the mockers and scoffers of this world.


1.) Uncompromising commitment to the mandates, principles and prohibitions of the Holy Scriptures.

2.) Unambiguous adherence to historic evangelical orthodoxy.

3.) Encouragement of academic freedom and critical thought.

4.) Student-focused Christian leadership committed to both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.

5.) Purposeful Christian love and charity in the community and the world.

6.) Commitment to a spiritually consistent vibrant life that is reflected in the church and the community.

7.) Spiritual, ethical, moral and professional practices in every area of DelawareBibleCollege.


DelawareBibleCollege affirms the Bible to be the inerrant and infallible Word of God. All its teaching is based on a biblical worldview of truth. Teaching from a theological foundation based on its doctrinal statement will equip students to carry out the Great Commission and the Great Commandment to the world.

The college wishes to develop a Christian ethic in its teaching so as to impart to the student an exemplary godly Christian standard of excellence in every area of life. The faculty members are committed to modeling Christian character towards the students as essentially a part of the educational process. The personal life of the teachers must reflect a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ so that the student is not just receiving knowledge but life imparted from the teacher.

All truth has God as its source and therefore all truth is relational to God’s Holy Scriptures. Truth would be not contrary to God’s revelation of truth. All research and study in all aspects of the disciplines are possible because God has placed a logical structure of created order within humanity. The absolute nature of truth is consistent with the knowledge of God. Because man has been created in the image of God, man has the capacity to relate to God by faith and with the ability to think logically in academic pursuits.


1. The Authority of the Bible

The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament have been given by the inspiration of God, the Holy Spirit, and therefore serve as the authoritative guide for Christian understanding, life and ministry. Psalm 19:7, Proverbs 30:5, Matthew 4:4 and II Timothy 3:16

2. God is Trinity

There is but one true God, the supreme, sovereign Being of the Universe and is revealed in Scripture as One divine Being existing in three persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Genesis 1:26, 27, Isaiah 48:16, Matthew 3: 16, 17, Matthew 28:19, I Corinthians 12: 4-6, II Corinthians 13:14, I John 5:7.

3. The Deity and Perfect Humanity of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the preexistent son of God and is fully God and fully man; (The hypostatic union) the only Savior for the sins of the world. He was the Word made flesh; supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit; born of the Virgin Mary; and was perfect in nature, teaching, and obedience. Matthew 6:16, Matthew 22:42-45, Luke 1:35, Luke 1:47, John 1:1, 14, John 10:30, John 14:6, 7, Hebrews 7:26.

4. The Deity of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is ascribed with the attributes of God, is equated with God and does the work that only God does. John 14:26, John 15:26, Acts 5:3-5, Romans 5:5.

5. HumanState of Depravity

Man was created in the image and likeness of God. Man willfully disobeyed God incurring spiritual and physical death. Each human is a sinner by nature and is in need of divine salvation. Genesis 1:26, 27, Genesis 2:17, Psalm 58:3, Ecclesiastes 7:20, Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3:10, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, Ephesians 2:1

6. Atonement by the Substitutionary Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Christ’s substitutionary death on the cross by the shedding of His blood in His vicarious sacrifice for sin shows mercy to sinners and supplies Christians with the life of God. His resurrection from the dead was witnessed by over 500 people before His ascended into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God the Father. Matthew 26:28, John 1:29, Acts 20:28, Romans 3:25, 26, Romans 5:9, I Corinthians 15: 1-8, Hebrews 9:22, I Peter 1:19, Revelation 13:8

7. Salvation by Grace through Faith

Atonement by the literal blood and death of Jesus Christ provided an opportunity for all men to be saved by believing the Gospel. Salvation has been provided freely to all who believe as a result of who God is, and what Christ has done – not who we are or what we have done. Genesis 15:6, John 3:14-18, Acts 4:12, Acts 8:37, Acts 16:30, 31, Romans 10:13, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:8, 9.

8. Christ is Building His Church

The church which is the Body and future Bride of Christ is dedicated to the worship and service of God, as well as the ordinance of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Acts 11:26, Romans 12:4-5, I Corinthians 12:27.

9. The Existence of Satan, Elect and Fallen Angels

Lucifer created perfect in wisdom and beauty as a cherubim rebelled and exalted himself above God, and therefore was judged by God, and drew 1/3 of the angels with him and who are now demons. Psalm 148:2, 5, Ezekiel 14:12-17, Isaiah 14:12-14, Matthew 6:18 Mark 8:38, Luke 10:18, I Corinthians 4:9, II Corinthians 2:11, Ephesians 1:22, 23, Ephesians 3:10, Ephesians 5:23b, I Peter 1:12

10. The Resurrection/Eternal Rewards of the Just and Eternal Punishment of the Unjust

Christ will return to rapture the church. The timing is uncertain. There will be a period of time called the Great Tribulation, Matt 24:21, which is different from the general tribulation all men endure. Following the Great Tribulation, Christ will come again to the earth and establish his kingdom for 1000 years. The Great White Throne Judgment of the unsaved, coupled with Satan being cast into the lake of fire, will allow Christ to establish a New Heaven and a New Earth. John 5:24, Romans 11:32, Romans 14:10, I Corinthians 15:51, I Thessalonians 4:16, 17, I Thessalonians 5:9, Ephesians 2:1-6, Revelation 20:4-5, Revelation 20: 2-7, Revelation 20:11-15, Revelation 21: 1-3.


DelawareBibleCollege recognizes the loss of moral absolutes in the present society. As a biblical Christian institution, DBC adheres to the belief that the Bible defines that not only do we see the Bible as the revelation of God’s truth but also the determining factor in one’s lifestyle. Though the world changes, the Word of God does not. DBC seeks to teach the principles of Holy Scripture and also the resulting discipline exemplified in a lifestyle that glorifies God with personal holiness.

It is the purpose of DBC to help students in personal spiritual growth in preparation for Christian service. We wish to carry on the conservative, evangelical, fundamental and traditional position concerning spiritual values and conduct among all those who are participants of DBC.

DBC asks each student for a personal commitment in their educational journey to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and separation from sin. Not to do so reflects on the integrity of DBC. Personal holiness includes Scriptural prohibition of certain behaviors and attitudes and the manifestation of positive characteristics as described in (Galatians 5:16-26). Since certain negative forms of activities are questionable, students are asked to avoid them for their own testimony and the school’s.

DBC would encourage the student to make a commitment and pledge that he or she would follow the following lifestyle commitments:

1.) Strive for excellence as a student and in all that I do.

2.) Submit to the authority of the scriptures in matters of faith and conduct under the control of the Holy Spirit.

3.) Cooperate respectfully with those in authority at the College.

4.) Participate actively in promoting the cause of Christ, including endeavoring to win others to faith in Him.

5.) Refrain from behavior that will reflect discredit upon the Lord and offend another person.

6.) Avoid the acts of the flesh: As described in (Galatians 5:19-21). The term translated “witchcraft” (Gal. 5:20) is pharmakeia, from which we get the words “pharmacy” and pharmaceutical.” Therefore, the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and alcohol (on or off the DBC property) is strictly forbidden. This prohibition applies to all students and employees of DBC. Further, such possession, use, or distribution will result in disciplinary action take by DBC and may result in local, state, and federal legal sanctions.

7.) Maintain a personal appearance and dress which will honor Christ.




The prospective student is assessed according to his academic background, personaltestimony for the Lord Jesus Christ, and evidence of his Christian faith. In consideringapplications, the Office of Admissions reviews the prospective student's completerecord, recommendation, and personal information. If the prospective student meets therequired standard, he is admitted to DBC until he completes his program or becomesinactive.Application must be made on the official form furnished at the back of this packet. When the required information and fee have been received,the DBC Office will notify the applicant in a timely manner of their status acceptance or non acceptance.

Acceptance to a program at DBC will be granted only after evaluation ofthe application, reference form, and official transcripts. The application must be accompanied by the appropriate fee (see "Financial Policy").

The applicant must also have signed that all of the information given is true and thathe will adhere to the Standards of Conduct as long as he is a student of DBC. He must affirm his belief in Articles 1 through 10 of the Doctrinal Statement. Further,he must indicate that he has read and will abide by the financial policies of DBC.Finally, he must indicate that he has read and will respect the institution's purpose,philosophy, and objectives. Information proven to be false on the application mayresult in dismissal.

Applicant File Retention

Applicant file documents will be retained in the DBC Office for a period oftwelve months. If the prospective student's admission is not finalized in twelve months,the applicant documents will be destroyed.

Admission Requirements

  • High School Diploma or G.E.D.
  • Submit an official transcript and a $25 non-refundable application fee
  • Complete an interview either over the phone or in person with an assigned admissions staff.
  • Minimum G.P.A. 2.0 (based on a 4.0 scale)


1. Submit the application found at the back of this packet with appropriate fee.

2. Have official transcripts from each institution attended sent directly to DBC.

An official transcript request form is found in the back of this packet. (They MUST NOT be sent to you personally only DBC can receive the transcripts from each institution). If more are required, please copy the one found at the back of the packet.

3. Have the completed Christian character reference form sent directly to DBC.

All required admissions documents must be received before a transcript review and course recommendations are possible.







Below 70 F


1. In order for a student to receive credit for a course, the student's name mustappear on the official class roster. Instructors verify their class rosters during the first week of a semester. A student who remains on an official class roster must be given a grade even if he or she never attended. A student cannot receive a grade even if the work was completed successfully if he or she is not properly registered.

2. All work is graded by letters which are interpreted as follows:

GRADEDescriptionGrade Point

A Excellent4

B Good 3

C Average2


FFailure 0

R Repeat -

S Satisfactory -

* UUnsatisfactory -

N Audit -

I Incomplete -

MI Medical Incomplete -

WD Withdrawal Drop -

WP Withdrew Passing -

WF Withdrew Failing 0

W Withdrew -

WC Withdrawal due to Cancel course

R--This indicates the course was repeated.

* U--This indicates additional work must be done to receive a passing grade. A "U" will become an "F" in 60 days if the work is not satisfactorily completed in that time period.

N--This grade is assigned only to those who audit a class. No arrangements may be made at a later date to change the grade to one allowing course credit.

I--This grade may be assigned only if the student has been unable to complete the course because of unavoidable circumstances. The reason for an "Incomplete" must be approved by the professor of the course and shall be notedon all grade reports. A course in which the student received a grade of "I" must be completed within 30 days after the end of a semester unless special permission is granted by the instructor and the Dean. Failure to complete the work within those time limits will result in a grade of "F." Merely failing to complete the work on time is not a legitimate justification for the use of "I." If the grade of "I" has not been officially changed within 30 days, the grade will automatically be changed to "F."

MI--This grade is an "Incomplete" assigned due to medical concerns. The same considerations given above for an "I" apply to the "MI" except that the 30 day time limit might be extended based upon recovery time required for the illness,

accident, etc.

WD--During the first week of a class, a student may drop a course without academic penalty. These courses will show a grade of "WD" on the institution's internal database but will not be printed on outgoing transcripts. These courses

will not be calculated on the cumulative grade point average.

WP--This indicates that the student is withdrawing as passing. This grade has no bearing on the student's GPA.

WF--This indicates that the student is withdrawing as failing. The grade of "WF" will be calculated as part of the student's GPA.

W--This indicates that the student has officially withdrawn from the institution. A "W" is not calculated as part of the student's GPA.


The Numerical Equivalent from the Letter Grade is multiplied times the credit value for each class, resulting in the Credit Points achieved for the class. The Available Credit Points for each class is calculated by multiplying the credit value for each class time the maximum Numerical Value of 4.0. The grade point average is determined by dividing accumulated Credit Points by the number total Available Credit Points attempted. All courses in which a student is enrolled on a credit basis are included in the grade point average of the student.

Attendance Policy

Class attendance

Regular and punctual attendance is required for all students at DelawareBibleCollege. Students are responsible for requesting and completing any class work missed. Students are advised to confirm the attendance policy of each instructor.


Students name must be on the official Class Register for a course. If a student’s name is not listed the student must contact the DBC offices immediately so that it can be corrected.


Application fee with application $25.00 non refundable

Registration feedue at matriculation$35.00 non refundable

Late registration fee per class $30.00 non refundable