Minutes of the Board Meeting April 21, 2010

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Rocco Annesi, Jack Carey, Dick Connolly, Jim Harrington

Ed Mahan, Bill Prodgers, Rich Sullivan, Fred Tirrell and

Commissioner Van Khachadoorian


GUEST: Bob Beault, Tony Fucci

Meeting called to order at 9:05 AM

Approval of Minutes: Jim Harrington noted a correction to the minutes of 4/14/10; under Commissioner’s Report (3rdBullet) “…Harwich is starting a foot team”, should read, “Harwich is starting a football team”. Motion made to accept minutes as corrected. Motion seconded. Minutes approved

Treasurer’s Report – Jack Carey

Motion made by Ed Mahan to accept report, seconded by Fred Tirrell. Treasurer’s report accepted

League Matters:

6. Bo, the foreman Parks & Rec. and Brian, in charge of the field irrigations systems, stopped by to address the infield irrigation issue. The irrigation system is a pump start, so you cannot run a hose from it. You would have to put in a well or run a line to get town water. Best bet would be to get town water –run a line off of Whitehouse Field and run off the same meter as Whitehouse. Van will talk to the Water Department to see if we can get a line run from Whitehouse.

Also, Bo stated that there is a rain sensor for the irrigation system.

1. Player Assignments: Board Action

  • Request to remain in Division III

A motion was made by Fred Tirrell (for each Player) to stay in Div.III, the motion was seconded each time by Rich Sullivan after much discussion a vote was taken regarding each request.

Players:Vote by Board

Bill Page6 oppose 2 approve

Jim Parmelee1 oppose 7 approve

Tom Fazio8 oppose 0 approve

Mike Onnembo8 oppose 0 approve

  • Request to play in Division II – Tony Fucci

Vote taken: 5 oppose 3 approve

  • Request to move to Division IV – Dick Wilsack

Vote taken: 0 oppose 8 approve


2. Harwich Memorandum of Agreement Report – Jim Harrington

  • We asked for:exclusive use of Memorial field from April 1 to Dec. 1, noon to dusk and 8am to noon Sat and Sun. We would be totally responsible forthe financial cost of maintaining the field and we would reinstall the permanent batter’s box.
  • We ask the commission to wave any user fees, any like fees, or taxes
  • They want to approve our contractor who would do field seeding etc…

Basicallythey want us to go through their contractor, R.F Morse

  • Commission did not want “exclusive users” used in the agreement. They wanted the word “primary users”. Jim had the feeling, in talking with the commission, that they would recognize us a primary user.
  • Also, No to a permanent batter box, we can take that language out
  • Request for 5 year agreement might have to go to a town meeting: need to get a legal opinion; but they thought a 3 year agreement would be OK.
  • Update: legal opinion obtained: a 5 year agreement would be alright as long as it was denoted as something other than a binding 5 year contract.

Jim is awaiting a conversation with the Chairman of the Commission regarding that legal opinion…just to make sure.

Bill Prodgers noted that the Sat. Sun, use should be from 8 to 2pm. Tues., Thurs time should be changed to 9 AM. Jim will change that. Jim will also put language in the MOA that we are to be called if someone else request useof the field.

Van will get a quote from R.F. Morse

3. Division President: Job Description – Report Fred Tirrell

Friendly Amendments:

  • That all reporting goes to the Commissioner\Board….
  • Eliminate “D”
  • “F” make it“Protest/Grievances” have Presidents handle protest.

Motion made by Rich Sullivan to accept the President’s Job Description. Motion seconded by Rocco Annesi

Vote: unanimous acceptance

4. Pool Player Policy: Bill Prodgers

Motion made to accept the pool player policy. Motion seconded by Ed Mahan

Vote: unanimous acceptance

5. New Player Tryouts

  • All managers must attend
  • Managers will be given rating sheets
  • 51 potential new players have responded so far

6. Potter/Memorial Fields: Irrigation issues

See page 1 under League Matters

7. Other League Matters: Van Khachadoorian

  • Phil Cunningham and Fred DeCass will not manage in Div. II
  • Terry Brooks and Neil Harris will manage in Div. II. All managers are in place now for Divisions I, II and III. Division IV is not set yet because we do not know how many teams we will have


  • Rich Sullivan reported that the ASA did not change the arc of the pitch, it is still 6’ – 12’
  • The Commissioner stated that the Flax Pond recreational area including fields will be undergoing major renovation in the fall. Would the Board consider giving a gift of $500 to the project? The Board felt that $1000 should be gifted. Rich Sullivan made a motion that $1000 be gifted to the Flax Pond project. Seconded by Bill Prodgers. Vote for approval was unanimous.
  • Jack Carey request to reconsider his vote regarding Tony Fucci moving to Div.II. A motion was made to reconsider the vote, motion seconded. Vote:

6 approve and 2 oppose.

Jack Carey changes his vote to ‘yes’ which produces a tie. Van broke the tie with a ‘no’vote.

Discussion: Rocco disagrees with the process of players moving up down

  • Ed Mahan – Div. I and II would propose having a “one-pitch” Tournament.
  • Fred Tirrell – have other field usage been explored? Like Barnstable, Sandwich etc. The Commissioner stated that other fields have been looked at but noting has worked out
  • Jim Harrington – The Champion Travel team, when they get press never mention that they are part of the Cape Old Timers. Rich Sullivan said that it’s not for lack of trying, but he doesn’t have control over what the press prints. He did state that the June issue of Cape Cod Magazine will clearly address this issue.
  • The Commissioner said that the Board needs to develop a philosophy for the League, not based on individuals, but on the league as a whole.We have been discussing this for years. What are we? Recreational or Competitive?

Meeting Adjourned: 11:25 AM

Submitted by: Judy Kennedy, Recording Secretary
