Cambridge, January 2017

Dear Caian,


The Master and Fellows are pleased to endorse the Club Dinner in Hall on Friday March 31st at 7.30p.m. (drinks) for 8.00p.m. The dress code is formal (dinner jackets).

As in previous years, you can either book by email and pay by electronic bank transfer, or if you prefer the traditional method of posting an application form and cheque, that is also fine. Details of both methods are on the application form.

The College has kindly reserved a number of rooms for our use in the Stephen Hawking Building, Harvey Court and the Old Courts. If you would like to reserve a double room, these are available in the Stephen Hawking Building and Harvey Court, with en suite bathrooms, and single rooms can be booked in any of the three locations.

In addition, we have secured a discounted rate at the HIlton Cambridge City Centre (formerly the Cambridge City Hotel) of 10% off their bed and breakfast rate. Please contact the hotel directly and tell them you are attending an event at Gonville & Caius College, quoting Caius as the reference. (01223 464 491). You can also book online here: using the same promotion code. There are of course many other hotels in Cambridge to choose from if you prefer not to stay in College.

Please indicate on the application form whether you wish to park in Harvey Court – we have only limited number of spaces available which will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

If you are not already a Club member, a token fee allows you to join in all subsequent dinners and our other events e.g. the Mays picnic (see for details of events).

We need to push up the price of the dinner at little bit to £68 per head. This will be for 4 courses with wine and port. The College always lay on a fantastic spread for us, so I hope you will think it is well worth the price.

You can also use this form to book car park tickets for the May bumps picnic on June 17th 2017; we need as many people as possible to support our crews, to see if the men can regain the headship after losing out to Lady Margaret last year, and cheer the ladies to push past Downing, after rowing over 4 days running last year. Why not book a car parking ticket and bring a party of friends?

The committee look forward to seeing you at the dinner this year. We are: David Howell Jones (1957), John Jones (1967), Peter Adams (1963), George Budden (1984), Catherine Lister (1985 as Catherine Holden), Laurenne Chapman (2001) and David Bell (1999).

Note that the Club’s Annual General Meeting takes place properly if amazingly briefly during the dinner!

Yours sincerely,

David Howell Jones, ChairmanJohn Jones, Secretary

Any questions? Please contact Catherine Lister (07770 561 635),

(Keep this section and post the request form which follows).

Gonville and Caius College
Friday 31st March at 7:30pm

Please indicate the items required by inserting the cost in the Amount column.

Price / Number / Amount
Dinner* / £68.00
Old courts, single room / £60
Single room with en suite, Stephen Hawking Building, / £87
Single room with en suite, Harvey Court / £87
Double room with en suite, Stephen Hawking Building / £108
Twin room with en suite, Stephen Hawking Building / £108
Parking at Harvey Court / No charge
Life membership of Caius Club / £5
May Bumps event, per vehicle, passengers included / £5

I will pay by cheque/ online transfer (Please delete as applicable)

I require the vegetarian menu (please tick the boxes)for me ☐

for my partner☐

* Includes wines and VAT at 20%. **Bed and breakfast including VAT at 20%.

Please make cheques payable to Caius Club. Or if you wish to pay online, please make a bank transfer to:
Sort code 16-15-19

Account number1124 5548

Account nameThe Caius College Club

Please use your surname as the reference for the payment


(block letters please)




Daytime Phone Number ...... Email address ......

My year of entry was .....…………... Please seat me near ……………………………………………………………………………………

Name of guest[1]: ...... …………………………………….

Please return your completed form and cheque to:

Hon Treasurer, Caius College Club
Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge CB2 1TA

Or email your form to Belen Tejada-Romero: and arrange payment online.

[1] Required if your guest is staying in a college room to satisfy fire regulations