FILM #341/SPRING 2012



MEETING DAY & TIME: Mondays & Wednesdays; 5-6:30 P.M.

OFFICE HOURS & LOCATION: Mondays & Wednesdays; 4-5 P.M.; Mitchell Hall 181A

COURSE OBJECTIVE: Question: What does a film producer really do?

Answer: Everything.

Students will learn the many business and creative roles and responsibilities of a producer in the collaborative worlds of independent, Hollywood, short and even documentary filmmaking. From story and script development, financing, and pre-production to production, post-production, and marketing and distribution, there’s a lot more to making a movie than making a movie.

Students are expected to follow current film industry news and trends through the Required Reading sources (see below) and actively participate in class discussions, be prepared for unannounced quizzes, and complete periodic assignments, which may be posted in our course dropbox on their due date by 10 A.M. or handed in at the start of that day’s class.

GRADING: Final exam: 40%; assignments and quizzes: 50%; class participation and meaningful contribution: 10%.

ATTENDANCE: Class attendance is mandatory. Four unexcused absences will result in the lowering of your final grade by one full letter.

Class disruptions are not tolerated. No eating or texting. Cell phones should be turned off.

NOTE: Screening days during case study weeks (usually Mondays) will usually exceed our allotted 90 minutes. Please plan accordingly on those days if necessary.

REQUIRED READING: Free subscriptions to daily e-letters:

RECOMMENDED READING: The Mailroom: Hollywood History From the Bottom Up by David Rensin; The Hollywood Assistants Handbook: 86 Rules for Aspiring Power Players by Hillary Stamm & Peter Nowalk; The Real, Low Down, Dirty Truth About Hollywood Agenting by Rima Greer; What I Really Want To Do Is Produceby Helen de Winter.

WEEK 1 (01/23):INTRODUCTION: Course overview and expectations. Story ideas and pitches.

ASSIGNMENT: Write coverage for your favorite movie – then prepare a verbal pitch, describing and defending the film, explaining its relevance, who its audience is, etc.

WEEK 2 (01/30):STORY & SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT – PART 1: Discuss the week’s industry news and trends. Discuss basic script story structure (three acts; A-B-C), including outlines, premises, central conflict, and story and character arcs. Discuss First Act expectations and a film’s first five minutes.

ASSIGNMENT:Write an analysis of the first five minutes of your favorite film.

WEEK 3 (02/06):STORY & SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT – PART 2: Discuss the week’s industry news and trends. More about Development Hell and D-Girls.

ASSIGNMENT:Create a premise for your own imaginary film project, which you will use in future exercises.

WEEK 4 (02/13):CASE STUDY WEEK: Case study film TBA.

WEEK 5 (02/20):LEGAL: Discuss the week’s industry news and trends. Overview of legal issues affecting writers. Contracts, options, negotiations.

ASSIGNMENT:In-class mock negotiations.

WEEK 6 (02/27):PACKAGING: Hollywood vs. Independent: Attaching talent (actors & directors) to your project. Discuss the week’s industry news and trends.

ASSIGNMENT:Create a game plan to package your film project. Casting and director lists.

WEEK 7 (03/05):FINANCING: Explore money sources in the ever-changing world of film finances. Discuss the week’s industry news and trends.

WEEK 8 (03/12):CASE STUDY WEEK: Case study film TBA.


WEEK 9 (03/26):PRE-PRODUCTION – PART 1: The one of the most important stages of filmmaking! Budgeting, scheduling, crewing, locations, etc. Discuss the week’s industry news and trends.

ASSIGNMENT:Reviewing budgets, schedules, day-out-of-days, etc.

WEEK 10(04/02):PRE-PRODUCTION – PART 2: More of the above. Discuss the week’s industry news and trends.

ASSIGNMENT:Continue reviewing the above.

WEEK 11(04/09):CASE STUDY WEEK: Case study film TBA.

WEEK 12(04/16):PRODUCTION: You’re going to battle; be prepared. And professional. Call sheets, cost reports, troubleshooting, etc. Discuss the week’s industry news and trends.


WEEK 13(04/23):POST-PRODUCTION: A review of the editing process and the business and creative decisions that come with it. Discuss the week’s industry news and trends.


WEEK 14(04/30):CASE STUDY WEEK: Case study film TBA.


You’re going to battle again; know how to navigate the war zone. Discuss the week’s industry news and trends.

ASSIGNMENT:Written study of producing project due.