The Bodkin & Buckler Inn

Dinner for 12

By: SamwiseGamgee

November 9, 2015

Table of Contents


Seating Chart……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

Seating Chart Legend……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...5

Explanation or Rationale for Chart……………………………………………………………………………………………………….6-8

Appendix I

Tonight’s Menu……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10

Appendix II

Conversation Between Monk and Friar……………………………………………………………………………………………12-13

Conversation Between Franklin and Parson…………………………………………………………………………………….14-16

Welcome to the Bodkin Buckler Tavern

Since 1221 the Bodkin & Buckler has stood at the intersection of Gate Street and Canterbury Road serving weary, hungry pilgrims on their arrival to our fine city. Just blocks from the Cathedral of the Martyr, St. Thomas Beckett, the Bodkin & Buckler…so forth…and…so on…until you have a clever introduction to your own restaurant….

Thank you and Enjoy Your Time with us!

Bodkin & Buckler is a member of the Canterbury BBB and a Division of Gate Street Enterprises, LLC.


Legend for Seat Chart

1 - Knight: “Quote from our textbook or Florida State University Canterbury Tales website…” (insert line number as just a number).

2 – Franklin: “It positively snowed with meat and drink” (355).

3 – Reeve: “…” ( ).

4 – Manciple: “…” ( ).

5 – Etc.

Rationale for Seating Chart

Knight: The knight will sit at the head of the table because…..

Franklin: Seated to the left of the knight, the Franklin is a perfect choice because as a newly married man he needs to get the knight perspective on life with a wife….

Reeve: Beside the Franklin sits the Reeve. The Reeve is a natural choice because he and the Franklin can discuss such things as…

Manciple: While the Manciple might be better suited to sit beside the Parson, his ability to drive a hard bargain makes him well suited to sit next to the Reeve. The Prologue tells us that the Manciple “…” (7). With that sort of character it makes sense to arrange him between the Reeve and the Carpenter. He can talk with the Reeve about…and the carpenter will appreciate….



First Course

--Stone Soup--

Our delectable soup made from ingredients fit for a children’s book about sharing! We start with a kettle filled with water and add a delicious stone (we offer sedimentary, metamorphic or igneous)….

Second Course

--Dandelion Salad--

You saw it growing roadside today and it’s on your plate tonight! Freshness is the name of the game with this salad….

Main Course

--Twenty Black Bird Pie--

And you thought it was only from a children’s rhyme! No! Tonight only, enjoy this fabulously difficult to eat treat….


--Honey and Biscuits—

They’re sweet, they’re tough…Chef Jujubee’s own hockey pucks of bee-made bliss come with butter and clover honey….


Conversation Overheard: Monk and Friar

Monk: “…and so a third Manciple walks into the bar and says, ‘what do you think of the cheese? It tastes like lunch meat!’ Ha! Ha! Ha! I can’t believe that joke’s still making the rounds after the recent crackdown by summoners on illegal food additives!”

Friar: “Good sir Monk, that is the filthiest joke I’ve ever heard and I am offended to the core at you lack of propriety…! …. Ha! Ha! Ha! Got you! Got you, good and well, you merry monastery muggler! I’m kidding! I’m not offended. Ever. At anything. In fact, just last week I got a young lass from Kent to ….”

Conversation Overheard: Miller and Physician

Miller: “This drink is for what ails me, my doctor. …For what ‘ales’ me...ales…. Ah, never mind. Better than any of your cures, I’m sure. Doctor, did you know drink is a great does three things to all who drink to excess. Uplup. Oh, good God. I just threw up in my mouth….”

Physician: “What, Jack Miller, though I trust you not to deal straight with me, are those three things? Thievery must surely be one if you’re involved.”