The Board of Trustees, Town of Harrold, met in regular session January 9, 2017 at City Hall (Auditorium). President Becker called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with Dean Becker, Ken Branine, and Marty Winckler, Trustees, and Cec Johnson, Finance Officer in attendance.
NOTE: All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
MOTION by Winckler to approve the minutes of the December 12, 2016 regular meeting; second by Branine. Motion carried.
The following bills were submitted and approved for payment: Pipemasters $1087.50 (clean lift station); Venture Communications $114.99 (phone and internet); Northwestern Energy $484.13 (school and bus shed); Northwestern Energy $503.42 (city electricity); Cap’s Trail Service $155.21 (gas); Highmore Herald $24.46 (publishing); Jeff Johnson $1425 ( ); Mid-Dakota Water $40.00 (city water); Marty Winckler $138.34 (supplies); US Treasury $602.80 (payroll taxes); Cec Johnson $137.97 (office supplies); Hoffman Oil $38.95 (gas for blade); Dean Becker $138.52 (Oct-Dec wages); Ken Branine $46.17 (Oct-Dec wages); Marty Winckler $138.52 (Oct-Dec wages); Cec Johnson $529.10 (Dec. wages); Envirotech $43.56 (school garbage); Mid-Dakota Water $63.25 (auditorium water).
MOTION by Winckler to set First Dakota National Bank, Blunt, as the town depository, and the Highmore Herald as the official newspaper; second by Branine. Motion carried.
MOTION by Winckler to leave the mileage reimbursement rate at $.40 per mile; second by Branine. Motion carried.
MOTION by Becker to set the trustee wages at $1,200 annually and $75.00 for special meetings; second by Branine. Motion carried.
MOTION by Becker to leave the finance officer wages at $600 per month; mowing wages will be set at the current state minimum wage at the time the services are provided; second by Winckler. Motion carried.
MOTION by Branine to set the municipal election date to be April 11, 2017; second by Winckler. Motion carried.
MOTION by Becker to approve the financial report; second by Branine. Motion carried.
MOTION by Branine to appoint Marty Winckler and Dean Becker to the Railroad Board Authority, and Larry Engbrecht as the at-large member; second by Winckler. Motion carried.
Notice of Vacancy-. Dean Becker’s three-year term is up for election due to the expiration of the term. Circulation of nominating petitions may begin on January 27, 2017. Petitions may be filed in the office of the finance officer located at 501 S. Nixon Harrold, South Dakota between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Central Time, and not later than 5:00 p.m. the 24th day of February 2017. To acquire a nomination petition please contact Cec Johnson, Finance Officer. Petitions can also be found on the Town website and must be printed front and back on a single sheet.
President Becker declared the meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm
Cecelia M. Johnson, Finance Officer
Web page: www.harroldsd.com email: