April 29, 2015
The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regularmeeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,
226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:31a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Lori Kokoski, President, Commissioner
Matt Lundy, Vice-President and Commissioner Ted Kalo, Member and Clerk Theresa L. Upton
Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bev Beidleman, Clerk of Courtsgave the prayer for today.
Commissioner Lundy presented a 4/5 year old lab mix found in Lorain, or choose from 25 other dogs.
The following business was transacted______
9:32a.m.Cyndi Costello, Prosecutors will retire with 20 years of service on April 30 and the Board presented her with a proclamation and pin. Ms. Costello thanked the Commissioners, Clerk Theresa Upton, Sandy Strohsack, Jim Cordes, Janice Mokosh, Julie Steele and Jonette Jackson for all their help over the years. Commissioner Lundy thanked her again for her public service and she was recognized at the Township Association and it is very much appreciated that the county has employees that are professional and courteous.
Commissioner Kokoski said she will have Toni Shanahan get all pins together to make sure employees are recognized for their service
______(discussion was held on the above)
9:35 a.m.Pride Day – Keith Bailey & Brandi Schnell, Solid Waste
Lorain County Pride Day will take place this year on Saturday, May 16th from 9am – 12pm.
*There are 21 communities and Findley State Park participating this year in Lorain County Pride Day.
*Every year on the third Saturday of May – volunteers across Lorain County come out to show their Pride in Lorain County by conducting various litter clean up and beautification projects.
Some projects taking place this year across Lorain County on Pride Day include:
- Planting trees in Huntington Twp.
- Multiple Scout troops will be doing roadside and cemetery clean ups in the City of Avon
- In Pittsfield Twp. they are sending out postcards to residents to promote their Pride Day Activities
- Beach Clean Ups along Lake Erie In Avon Lake & Sheffield Lake
- Weeding and Mulching at Parks in the City of Lorain
- Removing debris at Community Park in Carlisle Twp.
- Painting playground equipment in Village of Kipton
- We have a group placing flags on military graves at Evergreen Cemetery in Village of South Amherst
- Painting and repairing of dugouts at Belden park ball fields in Grafton Twp.
- 600 volunteers will be working to clean up litter, weed & mulch and conduct other litter clean-up activities throughout the City of Vermilion.
- Playground and park clean ups throughout the City of Elyria by various groups including a large group of volunteers from the Church of the Open Door
- City of Oberlin will have document shredding and E-scrap round-up events
- Sheffield Village, the City of Amherst and New Russia Twp also have roadside litter clean up and weeding/planting events planned for their volunteers
- Findley State Park will have several scout troops and the Lagrange Hunt and Fish club perform tasks such as planting flowers and picking up litter and have a hot dog lunch for their participants afterwards
This is by no means a complete list of events happening on Pride Day. There are lots of great events to be involved in for anyone looking to come out for a few hours on Lorain County Pride Day, Saturday, May 16th and show pride in their county. Contact Brandi Schnell, in the Solid Waste Office for your community’s Pride Day Coordinator contact information so you can volunteer and get involved.
Brandi Schnell: or (440) 328-2249.
*This year Karen Davis, Facility Manager for Lorain County is looking for volunteers to come out on Pride day and take place in clean-up events around Lorain County Buildings! We would encourage you to participate in this worthwhile event!
Lorain County Pride Week takes place May 11th – May 16th
Some events taking place during Pride Week include:
May 13th from 1pm – 2pm in the Friend’s room, the Avon Lake Library will host a program / town hall type meeting with representatives from local, regional or state entities discussing lakefront erosion concerns and the plan to use a variety of indigenous plant species along the lake to combat the problem.
May 16th from 10:30am – 11:30 the Lorain County Metro Parks at Miller Nature Preserve– they are having a “Make a Rain Barrel” event. Please call the Miller Nature Preserve to Pre-Register. Cost is $45 at the door.
We would be happy to include any other educational events and seminars taking place that week in our list of Pride Week activities. Please contact Brandi Schnell in our office to add those.
Keep America Beautiful President’s Circle Award
In order to achieve the President’s Circle Award our affiliate ‘Keep Lorain County Beautiful’ must meet certain criteria to be considered “in good standing” with Keep America Beautiful. Our Community Outreach Coordinator, Brandi Schnell acts as the Liaison between Keep Lorain County Beautiful and Keep America Beautiful. In this capacity she is responsible for submitting a semi – annual report, Community Appearance Index and Annual Report by their respective deadlines in Re-TRAC as well as attending 6 hours of training each year and making sure our dues are paid. When this criteria is met we are rewarded by receiving the President’s Circle Recognition Award.
*Keep Lorain County Beautiful Advisory Board will have their next meeting tomorrow, April 30th at 9:30am in Commissioner’s hearing room B.
______(discussion was held on the above)
c.1RESOLUTION NO. 15-257
In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the )
Lorain County Treasurer )April 29, 2015
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain
County Treasurer.
DATE / DESCRIPTION / AMOUNT / INTEREST EARNED / ON / cusip / INV WITH / ACCT #1 / 4/24/2015 / INT PAYMENT / $875.00 / Federal Home Loan Mortgage PO#13-0012 / 3134G42M9 / US BANK / 001050976260
2 / 4/24/2015 / INT PAYMENT / $5,250.00 / Federal Home Loan Mortgage PO#14-0004 / 3134G42R8 / US BANK / 001050976260
3 / 4/24/2015 / INT PAYMENT / $4,375.00 / Federal National Mortgage Assn, PO#14-0010 / 3135GOPQO / US BANK / 001050976260
4 / 4/24/2015 / INT PAYMENT / $3,927.00 / Federal National Mortgage Assn, PO314-0042 / 3136G1KN8 / US BANK / 001050976260
5 / 4/23/2015 / INT PAYMENT / $2,870.00 / Federal Farm Credit Bank, PO315-0008 / 3133EELN8 / US BANK / 001050976260
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.2RESOLUTION NO. 15-258
In the matter of authorizing various appropriations)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations.
$27,530.50to be appropriated to:salary & pers that is reimbursed from lc port authority for legal work done by office/pros
$1,395.71to be appropriated to:purchase new barracuda web filter credit received when other returned/pros
$400,000.00to be appropriated to:restore account that had been used for temp adv to spec rev /comm. gf
$250,000.00to be appropriated to:repay county adv/alcohol & drug
$5,000.00to be appropriated to:Elyria muni court video salaries/sheriff
$(1,000.00)to be appropriated to:proj spending levels/substance abuse mental health
$108,702.31to be appropriated to:reimburse gf for admin exp/comm. dev
$65,772.14to be appropriated to:travel exp w/in contract executed 12/11/13 new world sys/q-construction buildings
$18,605.00to be appropriated to:inc salaries and benefits due to staffing changes, purchase of comp & equip/cffc
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.3RESOLUTION NO. 15-259
In the matter of authorizing various account & fund transfers)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account & fund transfers.
$1,000.00from2061-2063-100-116-07-6200-0000adv for sale of 759 oliver/comm. dev
$1,000.00from3420-0000-100-000-05-7000-7011cover cost/golden acres
$100,000.00from3424-0000-100-000-05-6200-0000golden acres meet exp/golden acres
$100,000.00from3480-0000-100-000-03-6200-6218meet upcoming obligations/911
$25,000.00from7100-7118-300-304-11-6200-0000reimburse gf for soil & water allocation/san eng
Fund transfers;
$100,000.00from3424-0000-999-000-05-9900-9900balance cash flow for exp/golden acres
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.4RESOLUTION NO. 15-260
In the matter of authorizing advances/repayments)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize advances/repayments.
$250,000.00from2000-2000-999-000-05-9900-9901repayment of temp adv/alcohol & drug
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.5RESOLUTION NO. 15-261
In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and)
Services for various county departments)April 29, 2015
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.
LOG # / DEPARTMENT / FUND / DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE / VENDOR / AMOUNT644 / 911 / 3480 / New Instant Recall Recorder for Carlisle / VASU Communications Inc / 3,095.00
645 / 911 / 3480 / Movement of Telex Radio Console / VASU Communications Inc / 4,606.00
646 / Auditor / 1000 / SBPO – Payroll Services / ADP, Inc. / 72,500.00
647 / CBCF / 8300 / Living In Balance Curriculum 1-33 / Hazelden / 851.72
648 / CBCF / 8300 / Facility Washing Machine Repair / Belenky / 386.16
649 / Commissioners / 1000 / Legal Services Rendered / Brzytwa, Quick & McCrystal / 3,108.00
650 / Commissioners / 1000 / Safety Yellow T-Shirts for Maintenance Dept / Shoreway Sports & Graph.. / 498.00
651 / Comm. Dev. / 3412 / Toolboxes, Generators, Power Sprayer, etc / John Deere Financial / 1,600.00
652 / Dom Relations / 2680 / Alcohol & Drug Counseling / Lorain Co Alcohol & Drug / 5,000.00
653 / Engineer / 2580 / SBPO Road Salt per State Contract / Cargill Salt / 100,000.00
654 / Engineer / 2580 / 2015 Yamaha Grizzly 700 ATV / Kennedy’s Elyria Sport / 8,479.00
655 / Golden Acres / 3424 / SBPO for Pharmacy Supplies / Omnicare, Inc. / 24,200.00
656 / Maintenance / 1000 / Vehicle Repair of Unit #2547 / JPI Collision Center / 1,970.50
657 / 911 / 5000 / Travel Exp. Related to Contracted Services / New World Systems / 65,772.14
658 / Adult Probation / 2560 / SPO – Drug Testing Supplies / Intrinsic Interventions Inc / 11,252.15
659 / Adult Probation / 2560 / SPO – Drug Testing Supplies / Intrinsic Interventions Inc / 9,100.00
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.6RESOLUTION NO. 15-262
In the matter of authorizing Travel Expenses to various )
personnel to attend meetings of interest to their departments)April 29, 2015
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize travel expenses to various personnel to attend meeting of interest to their departments.
LOG # / DEPARTMENT / NAME / EVENT / LOCATION / DATE / AMOUNT not to exceed100 / Job & Family Services / Kiely, Marge / Addendum to Res 15-162 to Add An Addt’l Meal – Employee Hearing / Columbus, OH / 3/17-
3/19/15 / 23.00
101 / Job & Family Services / Golski, Mary Lou / Addendum to Res 15-143 to Add An Addt’l Meal – Employee Hearing / Columbus, OH / 3/17-
3/19/15 / 23.00
102 / Job & Family Services / Plavsich, Nick / Addendum to Res 15-117 to Add An Addt’l Meal – OCOWF Training / Newark, OH / 3/26-
3/27/15 / 7.00
103 / Job & Family Services / Remaklus, Joe / Addendum to Res 15-117 to Add An Addt’l Meal – OCOWF Training / Newark, OH / 3/26-
3/27/15 / 7.00
104 / Job & Family Services / Dalton, Sarah / Addendum to Res 15-117 to Add An Addt’l Meal – OCOWF Training / Newark, OH / 3/26-
3/27/15 / 7.00
105 / Job & Family Services / Schramm, David / Addendum to Res 15-117 to Add An Addt’l Meal – OCOWF Training / Newark, OH / 3/26-
3/27/15 / 7.00
106 / Job & Family Services / Eckstein, Ann / Attorney Networking / Akron, OH / 5/1/15 / 75.00
107 / Job & Family Services / Burns, Deborah / BIC Reports Training / Columbus, OH / 5/12/15 / 30.00
108 / Job & Family Services / Curtis, Denise / BIC Reports Training / Columbus, OH / 5/12/15 / 10.00
109 / Job & Family Services / Eckstein, Ann / OCDA/Canton Cleveland District / Akron, OH / 6/15/15 / 60.00
110 / Job & Family Services / Shope, Leesa / Medicaid Meeting / Marysville, OH / 6/23/15 / 10.00
111 / Job & Family Services / Jones, Amanda / Medicaid Meeting / Marysville, OH / 6/23/15 / 30.00
112 / Job & Family Services / Molnar, Joe / Child Care Committee Meeting / Columbus, OH / 6/9/15 / 30.00
113 / Job & Family Services / Wanderi, Lucy / Child Care Committee Meeting / Columbus, OH / 6/9/15 / 10.00
114 / CBCF / Nickerson, Donald / OCCA 14th Annual Conference / Dublin, OH / 4/23-
4/24/15 / 125.00
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.7RESOLUTION NO. 15-263
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve the following bills for payment, which have been signed by two or more Commissioners:
Al's Auto Glass Carm's Radiator Inc. / Vehicle Repair & Maintenance / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 / $65.00
Autobody Products Inc - API / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $81.28
Bright Idea Shops / Other Expenses / 1000 0000 100 104 01 7070 0000 / $504.00
Columbia Gas of Ohio / Utility Services / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6200 6202 / $542.96
Famous Supply / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $2.60
Firelands Electric / Repair / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000 / $257.50
H Leff Electric / Equipment / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6050 0000 / $273.61
Home Depot / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $804.01
Home Depot / Equipment / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6050 0000 / $230.27
L J Heating and Cooling / Repair- Building Maintenance / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6380 0000 / $607.70
Lorain County Agricultural Society / Allocation / 1000 0000 100 142 01 7300 7308 / $3,300.00
Lowe's Home Centers, Inc. / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $153.86
Morning Journal / Subscription / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 / $262.60
North-Coast / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $30.17
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copy Machine / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6200 0000 / $25.00
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copier Lease / 1000 0000 100 142 01 6200 0000 / $279.79
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copier Lease / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6050 6050 / $168.13
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copy Overages / 1000 0000 100 000 01 6000 0000 / $54.89
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copy Machine / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6200 0000 / $257.00
Paladin Protective Systems, Inc. / Service Call / 1000 0000 100 108 01 6380 0000 / $902.50
Paladin Protective Systems, Inc. / Service Call / 1000 0000 100 108 01 6380 0000 / $210.00
Safari Micro / Replacement Hard Drive / 1000 0000 100 108 01 6050 0000 / $66.98
Swift First Aid Service / Supplies / 1000 0000 100 104 01 6000 0000 / $36.75
Wellington Implement Co., Inc. / Vehicle Repair & Maintenance / 1000 0000 100 112 01 6380 6380 / $636.49
Windstream Corporation / Telephone Services / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6200 6202 / $38.68
Windstream Corporation / Telephone Services / 1000 0000 100 124 03 6200 6202 / $64.19
TOTAL / $9,855.96
Community Development
Buchs, Donald dba All American Trucking & Ex. / Contract Services / 2061 2063 100 116 07 6200 0000 / $499.50
Lorain County Treasurer / County's Cost Allocation Plan / 2060 FY12 100 116 07 7070 0000 / $10,111.97
Lorain County Recorder / Mortgage Recording / 2660 2660 100 120 07 7000 0000 / $32.00
TOTAL / $10,643.47
Jones, Jennifer / Workers' Compensation / 2200 0000 550 000 03 5100 0000 / $434.97
TOTAL / $434.97
Solid Waste
Office Products dba MT Business Technologies / Copy Overages / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $310.62
PICT Partnership dba The Press/NRPress/Vermilion / Advertising / 2260 0000 100 000 05 7220 0000 / $468.00
WW Grainger dba Grainger Inc. / Supplies / 2260 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $58.88
TOTAL / $837.50
Common Pleas Court
Lorain County Treasurer / Foreclosure Funding / 3630 0000 360 000 02 7070 0000 / $33,189.85
TOTAL / $33,189.85
Bobel's / Supplies / 7000 7000 100 000 12 6000 0000 / $138.78
Burge, James / Hosp. Refund / 7000 7000 100 000 12 5080 5084 / $89.77
TOTAL / $228.55
Lake Screen Printing Inc. / Signs for Buses / 7200 0000 100 000 11 7220 7221 / $406.00
TOTAL / $406.00
Children and Family Council
Burke, Angela / OCBF-Admin-Other Expenses / 8100 FY15 100 000 14 7070 0000 / $75.00
TOTAL / $75.00
Golden Acres
Clemans, Nelson & Associates / Consultant Services / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 0000 / $448.10
Golden Acres Petty Cash c/o Jeri Dull / Supplies / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $7.19
Golden Acres Petty Cash c/o Jeri Dull / Services / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6200 6210 / $42.00
Golden Acres Petty Cash c/o Jeri Dull / Postage / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 6002 / $20.49
Golden Acres Petty Cash c/o Jeri Dull / Fuel / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 6000 / $12.00
Golden Acres Petty Cash c/o Jeri Dull / Travel Expenses / 3420 0000 100 000 05 7200 0000 / $11.50
Golden Acres Petty Cash c/o Jeri Dull / Other Expenses / 3420 0000 100 000 05 7070 0000 / $51.25
Lorain County Treasurer c/o Lorain County Sheriff / Fingerprinting / 3420 0000 100 000 05 7000 0000 / $54.00
Med Pass Inc. / Forms / 3420 0000 100 000 05 6000 0000 / $58.33
TOTAL / $704.86
Windstreamtelephone service2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6202$1,874.90
Windstreamtelephone service2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6202$4.901.68
Fitch, jeanMedicaid transportation2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6220$1,473.68
Zapor, tarahMedicaid transportation2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6220$1,178.84
Centurylinktelephone service2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6202$1,481.76
Clemans-Nelson & Associatestelephone service2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6218$1,874.67
Cothran, micheleMedicaid transportation2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6220$1,289.60
Lambert, MelissaMedicaid transportation2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6220$1,096.16
Zapor, tarahMedicaid transportation2280-0000-260-264-06-6200-6220$1,075.88
Windstreamtelephone service3520-0000-260-0000-06-6200-6202$1,409.17
Lorain county treasurerpostage1000-0000-400-406-02-6000-6002$2,463.46 total $2,463.46
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.8RESOLUTION NO. 15-264
In the matter of authorizing various personnel actions as )
indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the )April 29, 2015
jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various personnel actions as indicated on the summary sheet for employees within the jurisdiction of the Lorain County Board of Commissioners.
Golden Acres:
New hires;
1.Sarah Powers, STNA, effective May 7, 2015 at rate of $9.08/hour
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.9RESOLUTION NO. 15-265
In the matter of approving and waiving the reading of )
the County Commissioners meeting minutes of )April 29, 2015
April 22, 2015 )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby approve & waive the reading of the County Commissioners meeting minutes of;
April 22, 2015
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.10RESOLUTION NO. 15-266
In the matter of authorizing an agreement and payment )
of $610,951 to CORSA for insurance renewal, effective)
May 1, 2015 – April 30, 2016 )April 29, 2015
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize an agreement and payment of $610,951 to CORSA for insurance renewal.
Said agreement is considered a part hereof to this resolution by reference thereto and can be found on file in the Commissioners/Purchasing/Safety Risk Office, effective May 1, 2015 – April 30, 2016.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.11RESOLUTION NO. 15-267
In the matter of amending Res#15-92, adopted )
February 11, 2015 Authorize Issuance of $1.3 )April 29, 2015
million taxable sanitary sewer system )
improvement notes to pay costs of constructing )
facilities in the Amherst portion of the county’s )
sewer system, to pay costs of fine issued by )
OHEPA related improvements to county’s )
sewer system and attendant legal costs and pay )
costs of issuance of bond anticipation notes )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby Amend Res#15-92, adopted February 11, 2015
Authorize Issuance of $1.3 million taxable sanitary sewer system improvement notes to pay costs of constructing facilities in the Amherst portion of the county’s sewer system, to pay costs of fine issued by OHEPA related improvements to county’s sewer system and attendant legal costs and pay costs of issuance of bond anticipation notes.
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, Said amendment is to reflect Section 3 will now read as and other provisions of resolution are in effect;
SECTION 3. That the Notes shall be dated their date of issuance, shall bear interest at the rate not to exceed four per centum (4.00%) per annum as evidenced by a certificate awarding the Notes (the "Certificate of Award") which the County Auditor, the County Administrator or the Budget Director are hereby authorized to sign and shall be payable each June 1 and December1, commencing June1, 2015, shall mature on December 31, 2034 and shall be one note initially of the denomination of $1,300,000.
Motion by Kokoski, seconded by Lundy to adopt Resolution. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted as: Ayes: all.
Motion carried.______
c.12RESOLUTION NO. 15-268
In the matter of authorizing an interagency )
agreement between Lorain County Department )
of Job and Family Services and Lorain County )April 29, 2015