The Blessed Man Does… Ps. 1
The first word in the first chapter of Psalms (‘ESHER) is a word that refers to “blessedness” or “happiness” The Psalmist gives us the inspired progression to “happiness” that not only is our earthly possession, but our eternal possession. Let us consider God’s idea of the truly “blessed” man. The one who is blessed
I. finds “his delight is in the law of the Lord” (Ps 1:2).A. “delights” means he finds his pleasure, longing and
desire in God’s Word. Such an attitude was the case
of many great men of faith.
1. Job treasured God’s word more than food (Job 23:12)
2. David found delight in God’s will
a. Ps 19:24,35,77,92,143,174
3. Jeremiah loved the Word so much He ate it (Jer 15:16)
4. Paul let the law guide his inner man (Romans 7:16,22)
B. If Xians delighted in God’s Word. solve many
1. Church attendance (why neglect what you love?)
2. Bible study (why refuse what is as valuable as food?)
3. Personal work ( talk to others about our delights)?
4. Digression (why leave behind the Word we cherish)?
II. Will “meditate” upon God’s Word.
A. This word goes beyond mere reading—to pondering
musing and assimilating the information.
1. If we love someone or something we will often think
upon it (sports, relationships, hobbies).
2. Likewise, love leads to our meditation (Psalm 119:97)
III. Thinks upon the word “day and night.”
A. “blessed” man exercises constant contact to the word!
B. It is interwoven with how…
1. He handles his family relationships (Ephesians 6:1-4)
2. He conducts himself in his work (Ephesians 6:5-9).
3. He treats both saints sinners (Romans 12:1-2, 10-21)
4. He submits to his government (Rom 12:1-2, 13:1-7)
5. He spends his free time (Ephesians 5:15-17).
C. The study of God’s Word goes beyond a Sunday-only focus to an application for ‘every good work” (2 Tim 3:16-17).
II. The Blessed Man Is...
A. Stable instead of shifty.
1. Notice the “blessed” man is compared to “a tree firmly planted by streams of water” (Psalm 1:3)—
suggesting long-term stability (Ezekiel 47:12).
2. On the other hand, the wicked are “like chaff which
the wind drives away” (Psalm 1:4)—suggesting a
constant instability (cp. Ephesians 4:14; James 1:6).
a. how can one have stability when they have no
objective standard for family, morality or relig. duty?
B. Fruitful instead of fruitless.
1. This “blessed man” becomes a strong tree that “yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither” (Ps. 1:3).
2. On the other hand, the one who is “wicked” is like the“chaff”—fruitless and cast away.
How beautiful to see the growth and production one can have when He keeps His roots in God’s Word—like a bountiful garden that blesses many!
C. Prosperous rather than punished
1. Notice the prosperity of the “blessed man” where “in
whatever he does, he prospers” (Psalm 1:3).
2. Sadly, the “wicked” have nothing to look forward
to, especially in eternity, because they “will not stand
in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the
righteous” and “the way of the wicked will perish”
D. With such contrasts in mind, is it wise to be more like
the “blessed” or the “wicked?”
Conclusion: We each have the choice to regress downwards towards sin or go onwards and upwards to God. Will you accept the grace of God which brings salvation so you might consider yourselves among the “blessed” (Titus 2:11-12)?
The Blessed Man Does… Ps. 1
The Psalmist gives us the inspired progression to “happiness” that not only is our earthly possession, but our eternal possession. The one who is blessed
I. finds “his ______is in the law of the Lord” (Ps 1:2).
A. Such an attitude was the case of many great men of faith.
1. ______treasured God’s word more than food (Job 23:12)
2. ______found delight in God’s will , Ps 19:24,35,77,92,143,174
3. ______loved the Word so much He ate it (Jer 15:16)
4. ______let the law guide his inner man (Romans 7:16,22)
B. If Christians delighted in God’s Word it would solve many issues…
1. Church ______2. Bible ______
3. ______work4.______
II. Will “______” upon God’s Word.
A. If we love someone or something we will think upon it
1. Likewise, ______leads to our meditation (Psalm 119:97)
III. Thinks upon the word “______.”
A. “blessed” man exercises constant contact to the word!
B. It is interwoven with how…
1. He handles his ______relationships (Ephesians 6:1-4)
2. He conducts himself in his ______(Ephesians 6:5-9).
3. He treats both ______& ______(Romans 12:1-2, 10-21)
4. He submits to his ______(Rom 12:1-2, 13:1-7)
5. He spends his ______time (Ephesians 5:15-17).
IV. The Blessed Man Is...
A. ______instead of shifty.
B. ______instead of fruitless.
C. ______rather than punished
D. With such contrasts, is it wise to be more like the “blessed” or the “wicked?”