We invite you to be a part of the Toe River Studio Tour
this coming June.
The bi-annual TRAC Studio Tours are among the biggest community money makers in Mitchell and Yancey counties. The 40+-page, pocket sized, 4-color booklet with comprehensive map and artist identifiers makes it so easy for visitors to travel around our beautiful mountains and spend the day or weekend viewing and shopping at our artist studios and galleries. Each tour averages 100 participating artists, studios, and galleries—a big draw as a destination.
Your ad will appear in over 10,000 copies of the Tour Guide. Distribution includes regional galleries and craft events in our state and in Virginia and Tennessee. Artists carry them to craft fairs and other arts councils have them on hand for their guests. Also, guides are placed at our local galleries and businesses. The glossy front and back covers add a bit of enticement. In addition to being highlighted on our website and in our weekly e-newsletter emailed to 2,000 people who have expressed an interest in the arts and our area, your name and location are listed on the individual detail maps in the guide. And because of the easier to handle size and year-round usefulness, it is handed out to visitors even after the Studio Tour has ended.
Ads are limited and on a first-come, first-serve basis with a limited number of spaces available. Deadline for reservation, payment, and ad copy (if you would like us to design your ad) is April 3. Camera ready ads are due April 14.
The three-day event brings hundreds of folks to Mitchell and Yancey Counties where they eat, sleep, and shop. What better way to get the word out than to put it into their hands as they motor around our cities and towns?
Your ad sponsorship helps defray the cost of printing and allows for more advertising on the radio, in newspapers and magazines. Call Kate at 828.682.7215 or email for more information or to reserve your spot.
We’re looking forward to a great 2017. Let TRAC help your business thrive by advertising it in our bi-annual Guide.