
The Service currently comprises two part-time specialist teachers:

Linda Kendall, Lead MLD Specialist Teacher

Mandy de Leon, MLD Specialist Teacher (Down’s Syndrome Lead)



“I believe these sessions have taught him things I didn’t think could be taught – playing in groups, enjoying parties, tolerating noise. The sessions have been invaluable.” (Parent)

“We are privileged to have this facility…It has done wonders for his vocabulary and social skills” (Parent)

Some wonderful quotation from a school blah blahhhhhhh hhhhhh (School)

For more information please contact:

Linda Kendall or Mandy de Leon

Tel: 020 8780 2360


Department of Education and Social Services


The Specialist Support Service for MLD is based at Victoria Drive PRU, and works peripatetically to support Wandsworth primary schools in meeting the needs of pupils who have Moderate Learning Disabilities. Support is offered to pupils both with and without EHCPs or Statements, whose learning disabilities cannot be adequately catered for within the mainstream classroom already employing a range of differentiation strategies, and who have failed to progress despite the school following the Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle.

Support offered:

  • Advice on a range of differentiation strategies
  • Identifying learning targets
  • Advising on learning programmes, or providing bespoke resources to address the learning targets, including social and life skills, and monitoring the effectiveness of these
  • Training in support and/or teaching strategies
  • Direct intervention with individuals or small groups
  • Extra-curricular enrichment opportunities to allow for the development of social and life skills, as well as to form friendships with children with similar needs. Links are made with agencies providing opportunities for pupils in special education which might otherwise be inaccessible for pupils with SEND in mainstream schools.

Written and verbal advice is provided for all pupils referred. Where appropriate, liaison is kept with external agencies, and contributions made to meetings, including TAC, EHC and Annual Review meetings.


Pupils referred will receive support according to the following prioritisation criteria:

  • Have a statement or EHC plan which identifies Moderate Learning Disabilities
  • Have had a request for assessment for an EHC plan turned down
  • Are undergoing assessment for an EHCP
  • Have been at the “SEN support” stage of the 2014 COP for one term or longer


Referrals for pupils who are already receiving support from the Literacy Support Service or Garratt Park Advisory Service should only be made in consultation with those services in order to avoid any overlap of provision.

Pupils with SpLD (specific literacy or numeracy difficulties) or SEMH who are cognitively within the average range should not be referred. There may be cases, however, when a pupil’s learning needs have not been clearly identified. In these cases, a referral may be accepted but after a period of assessment support may be withdrawn.


To refer a pupil, a form should be requested from the MLD Service.