“Idiopathic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia/fibrosis: comparison with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and BOOP”
S. Nagai, M. Kitaichi, H. Itoh, K. Nishimura, T. Izumi, T.V. Colby
Eur Respir J 1998; 12: 1010–1019.
The author wishes to point out the following.
In the Materials and methods of this article, the first sentence of the 4th paragraph should read:
BOOP, UIP and NSIP are described as follows: BOOP shows oedomatous tufts of granulation-type tissue, predominantly within airspaces, usually alveolar ducts, but often involving bronchioles as well.
and the first sentence of the 7th paragraph:
The 31 patients with NSIP were subdivided into two groups (cellular and fibrotic groups), which were further subcategorized according to the classification system of Katzenstein and Fiorelli [4] which was; Group I: cellular interstitial pneumonia, little fibrosis; Group II: cellular interstitial pneumonia, significant admixed fibrosis; and group III: fibrotic interstitial pneumonia, severe derangement of lung architecture.
Table 1 was also incorrectly printed. The correct version is printed below:
Table 1. – Histopathological features of idiopathic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia/fibrosis (NSIP) compared with other types of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia
Type of pulmonary lesion
Cellular Fibrotic UIP/IPF DIP BOOP DAD/AIP
Distribution of pulmonary Diffuse Periacinar Periacinar Diffuse Centrilobular Diffuse
lesions predominant/ predominant/ predominant
diffuse and patchy
Type of intra-acinar fibrosis Homogeneous* Homogeneous* Heterogeneous+ Homogeneous* Homogeneous* Homogeneous*
Density of fibrotic lesions Loose Loose/Dense Dense Dense Loose Loose
Honeycombing‡ 0 0–+1 +1–+3 0–+1 0 0–+3
Fibrotic lesions with loss of 0–+2 +1–+3 +1–+3 0–+1 0 0–+3
normal alveolar structures‡
Hyaline membranes‡ 0 0 0 0 0 0–+3
Diffuse cellular infiltration +2–+3 +1–+3 ±–+1 +3 +1–+2 0–+1
in alveolar walls
Fibroblastic foci‡ 0 0–+2 +1–+3 0 0 0
Granulation tissues formed in +1–+2 0–+2 0–+1 0 +2–+3 0–+3
terminal air spaces
(BOOP) pattern‡
Data from Refs. [1–7].*: temporally homogeneous; +: temporally heterogeneous; ‡: 0: absent; ±: very mild; +1: mild; +2: moderate; +3: marked. UIP: usual interstitial pneumonia; IPF: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; DIP: desquamative interstitial pneumonia; BOOP: bronchiolitis obliterans-organizing pneumonia; DAD/AIP: diffuse alveolar damage/acute interstitial pneumonia.