The Atomic Bombs

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1)  What was the name of the B-29 bomber that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

2)  On what date did the United States drop the first atomic bomb?

3)  Where was Shinji when the bomb was dropped? Why?

4)  How did he describe the searing pain?

5)  What other phenomenon did the father and son witness after the initial blast?

6)  “Walking was agony, not only because of his burned flesh, but because of .”

7)  Out of Hiroshima’s 45 hospitals, how many were still functioning after the bomb?

8)  How far was Shinji from the epicenter? Why was he hurt so much worse than his father?

9)  How long did the pair wander until they reached help?

10) When was the second bomb dropped on Nagasaki? When did the Japanese finally surrender?

11) What family heirloom did Shinji find upon his return home? At what time was the watch stopped?

12) In the aftermath, Shinji said, “These were the blinders that provoked conflict, not soothed it.” What exactly did he mean by that?

13) What became of his father’s pocket watch?

14) Why did this situation turn out to be a blessing?