An International Professional Organization
advocacy and action in support of group work practice, education, research, and publication
toll free (888) 775-9931
March, 2010
Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Fellow Group Workers:
of the
JUNE 3-6, 2010
(Symposium: Friday, June 4 - Sunday, June 6)
(Pre-Symposium Institutes/Outstitutes: Thursday, June 3)
The Symposium Planning Group has worked very hard to develop a professional event that sparkles with energy and opportunities for many forms of enrichment - don’t miss it! Attached are materials that provide you with:
►highlights about the symposium, its theme, and its wonderful cast of characters
►information about some fabulous area highlights
►contact information for the Delta Montreal Hotel, our 2010 symposium site
►information about Institutes and Outstitutes overviews
►registration cost and
►a paper copy form to register for the symposium
I look forward to seeing you in Montreal!
Dominique Moyse Steinberg
Symposium Planning Chair
Under the auspices of the AASWG this event will provide an opportunity for researchers, practitioners, academics, and students interested in group work to network, collaborate, and share interests and expertise. This symposium will be a fantastic opportunity to explore the many facets of group work through pre-symposium institutes, papers, workshops, and four exciting plenary presentations. DO NOT MISS:
Pre-symposium institutes on conflict resolution, working with persons who suffer from co-morbid conditions, ecological life groups, and visits to different local agencies!
Several speakers of prestige including Julie Stein Brockway, Center for Family Life, US; Alice Home, University of Ottawa, Canada; Mark Macgowan, Florida International University SSW, US; Michael Preston-Shoot, University of Bedfordshire, UK; Daniel Turcotte, Laval University, Canada; Dominique Moyse Steinberg, Hunter College SSW, US; David Ward, De Monfort University, UK; and many more!
Visit Montreal Friday evening. See what Montreal has to offer! Discover the dynamic streets of the city: Peel Street, rue Ste-Catherine, rue St-Denis, boulevard St-Laurent, or the historic sites of the Old Port. The restaurants of Montreal will surely satisfy all tastes and budgets (see for restaurant guides).
Saturday Soirée: You will not want to miss the dinner show with an international twist! This thematic evening of musical rhythm offers you a world tour of music from various countries, certain to be a delight for all your senses.
Networking activities geared to creating ties on an international level between group workers.
Make your stay in lovely Montreal memorable one!
Festival international de jazz de Montréal :
Grand Prix de Montréal : Take a glance at the Tourism Montreal web site in order to see what the lovely city has to offer:
The Delta Montreal Hotel, in which we are hosting the symposium, is located in the heart of Montreal at 475 President Kennedy:
A.Pre-Symposium Institutes & Outstitutes, Thursday, June 3
INSTITUTE A4. Helping groups to deal effectively with conflict (English only). Dr. Dominique Moyse Steinberg, Chair of Group Work, Hunter College SSW. 9:00-12:00 USD$45
This Pre-Symposium Institute will help social workers to develop their skill at helping groups to transform conflict into meaningful food for thought, growth, and change. It will present a conceptual framework of conflict as difference and promote difference as a valuable tool of mutual aid. Large-group discussion and small-group exercises will offer opportunities for self reflection, comparing strategies and implications, and for exploring applicability to participants' work settings. Work materials and a bibliography will be made available. Participants will be asked to participate in pre- and post-test evaluations.
INSTITUTE A5. Supervision of agency-based group work practice (English only). Urania Glassman, DSW, LCSW, Director of Field Instruction, Yeshiva University Wurzweiler SSW, New York, NY. 1:30 - 4:30 Free (but registration required)
Principles drawn from clinical supervision and field instruction will be applied to the supervision of worker and student group work practice. Building a democratic process, honing skills for handling authority issues, and achieving group and member growth will be highlighted. Dealing with difficult issues in one's group work practice and the supervisor's examination of parallel process issues in the work with the supervisee will be explored.
OUTSTITUTE B1. Famijeunes, (Bilingual). 9:00-12:00 USD$30
Famijeunes is a community aimed at families... which rhymes with family group work! In this organization, the emphasis is really put on group work and on all fronts: from team supervision to group work with families. The visit will allow participants to familiarize themselves with the different group practices of the organization, aimed at both kids and their parents. Lunch is not included.
OUTSTITUTE B2. Centre jeunesse Montérégie, (Bilingual). 9:00-12:00 USD$30
The Centre jeunesse de la Montérégie is a public institution offering special services for children, young people in difficulty and their family. The visit will enable participants to learn about various group programs established to meet the needs of children in Youth Protection's care and their parents. Lunch is not included.
OUTSTITUTE B3. Journal L'itinéraire, (Bilingual). 12:30-3:30 USD$30
The "Itinéraire" is a charity organization founded in 1990 to help homeless people in Montreal. Their activity includes the production of a bi-monthly journal sold by homeless people in the streets of Montreal as well as a coffee shop, group and individual interventions, social reintegration programs for street youth and much more! This visit will involve a tour of the site, lunch at the Café l'Itinéraire (not included in the fee) and a forum to explore their services with a particular emphasis on a project led by a group young people who work on a multimedia production.
Registration Form Begins on the Next Page
Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups, Inc.
2010 Symposium Registration Form
1.Contact information
First Name: / Last Name:Professional Affiliation (Workplace)
2010 AASWG Membership Number (or Internal ID Contact):*
City: / Province/State:
Postal code: / Country:
Phone (home): / Phone(work):
*If not already 2010 Member please, apply online at by May 1, 2010.All presenters must be members.
2. AASWG Symposium
It is my first AASWG symposium.
I am a presenter at the Montreal Symposium
3. Registration Fee
PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL AMOUNTS ARE IN U.S. DOLLARS. / FeePre-Symposium Activities: Institutes,Thursday, June 3
Helping groups to deal effectively with conflict (English 9-12) / $45 / $
Supervision of agency-based group work practice (English 1:30-4:30)
(check at right if you wish to be registered for this Institute) / Free but registration required / ____ Yes, register me for this Institute
Pre-Symposium Activities: oustitutes, Thursday, June 3
Famijeunes (Bilingual: 9-12) / $30 / $
Centre jeunesse Montérégie (Bilingual: 9-12) / $30 / $
Journal L’Itinéraire (Bilingual: 12:30-3:30) / $30 / $
symposium: Thursday June 3- Sunday, June 6
MEMBERS / Non Members / Students, Retired, & Not Employed
Full Registration – Early birds (before May 1) / $285 / $345 / $220 / $
Full Registration – Regular (as of May 1) / $325 / $370 / $235 / $
Friday ONLY Registration / $190 / $215 / $105 / $
Saturday ONLY Registration / $190 / $215 / $105 / $
Sunday ONLY Registration / $ 95 / $ 95 / $ 95
Saturday Soiree, June 5(see the “Do Not Miss” section previous page)
Dinner and show / $ 55 / $ 55 / $ 40 / $
Suggested donation to help subsidize reduced fees for student, retired, and unemployed participants / $ 10 / $ 10 / $ 10 / $
Amount / $
PLEASE NOTE: Registration includes Thursday banquet, all breakfasts, lunches, & coffee breaks
4. Special Requests
CEUs: Please indicate if you plan on obtaining CEUS at an additional cost of 10$, payable at the Symposium.
Special dietary requests are required in advance (please specify): ______
5. Payment
I am paying my registration fee by CHECK or MONEY ORDER in the amount of $______payable in US dollars made out to: AASWG, Inc.with “registration-32ndSymposium” in the memo line.
I am paying my registration fee by CREDIT CARD in the amount of $______.
Master card
American Express
Name of Card Holder (print)Card number: ______/ Expiration: __ __/ __ __
CVV Number is required for Visa and Master Card (3 digital number on the back of the card): ______
Amount (US Dollars)
Card Holder Signature
Please mail this two-page registration form with your check or credit card information to
c/o Hunter College SSW
129 East 79th Street, Rm. 526-DMS
New York, NY 10075
See you at the Symposium!