Document Checklist for Nomination Form of IFM Honorary Fellow

Completed nomination form (typed)
Latest passport size photography (taken within the last 6 months)
Curriculum Vitae
Signature of proposer and seconder



Candidate for Appointment as an HONORARY FELLOW

(A)Particulars of Candidate

1.Name (in full): ______

2.Nationality: ______

3.Date of Birth:______

4.Correspondence Address:



5.Email: ______

6.Phone: ______H/P: ______Fax: ______

7.Place of Work & Address:



8.Position/ Designation:______

9.Physics/Engineering/Technology Discipline: ______

10.IFM Membership No:______


(A short citation of NO MORE than 1500 WORDS, stating specifically why the candidate’s achievements are considered to meet the criteria for appointment as Honorary Fellow of Institut Fizik Malaysia)

Date: ______

Signature / Signature
Name: / Name:
Tel No: / Tel No:
Fax No: / Fax No:
Email: / Email:


An IFM Council Member or Honorary Fellow can only propose maximum TWO nominations as proposer and maximum TWO nominations as seconder within the same year.

Submission should be mailed to


C/O Jabatan Fizik, Universiti Malaya,
50603 Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.

OR email to

1.0 Criterion for Appointment as an Honorary Fellow

The Constitution of InstitutFizik Malaysia provides the following criteria in Article 5. II. (A) for the appointment of an Honorary Fellow of IFM:

"Distinguished persons intimately connected with physics or a science allied thereto whom the Institute especially desires to honour for exceptionally important services in connection therewith, and any distinguished person whom the Institute may desire to honour for service to the Institute or whose association therewith is of benefit to the Institute, shall be eligible to become Honorary Fellows of the Institute"

2.0Proposing of Candidates for Appointment as Fellow

2.1Nomination must be based on scientific or industrial merit and NOT based on current position.

2.2It is the responsibility of the Proposer to ensure that:

(a)The nomination form is complete and that it includes the signature of the seconding IFM Council member or Honorary Fellow.

(b)The nomination form should be supported also by detailed curriculum vitae.

(c)The nomination form to be submitted before or on the 30th April each year.

2.3An IFM Council Member or Honorary Fellow can only propose maximum TWO nominations as proposer and maximum TWO nominations as seconder within the same year.

2.4The proposer and the seconder must know the candidate well enough to be in a position to nominate the candidate. Each IFM Council Member or Honorary Fellow who signs a nomination form will be deemed thereby to certify that to the best of his/her knowledge and belief the person named therein is qualified to be appointed as Honorary Fellow.

2.5The nominated Fellow is an active member without any dues in annual fees.

3.0Completing the Nomination Form

3.1Nomination form must be typed.

3.2A complete nomination must consist of the following items:

  • Completed nomination form
  • Passport photograph taken within the last six months
  • Updated Curriculum Vitae
  1. Any incomplete nominationwill be REJECTED and not be considered for nomination.