August 16, 2015
Saturday 5:00 pm (LM) Frank Schroedl
Sunday 8:00 am (LM) Joseph Knies, Sr.
Sunday 9:30 am (JC) Pro Populo
Sunday 11:00 am (LM) Marvin and Brian Krull
If the Mass intention is for a friend or family member, we encourage you to be gift
bearersat that Mass. Please let the ushers know before Mass if you will bring up the gifts.
THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE: LM = LakeMills JC = Johnson Creek
Tuesday 18thWednesday 19th
Thursday 20th
Friday 21st
Friday 21st
Saturday 22nd
Sunday 23rd
Sunday 23rd
Sunday 23rd / 8:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
8:00 A.M.
8:10A.M. to 8:25A.M.
8:30 A.M.
5:00 P.M.
8:00 A.M.
9:30 A.M.
11:00 A.M. / LM
LM / In Thanksgiving
Fr. Gerald B Hauser
Bill Heinz
Fr. Bernard Pickarts
Pro Populo
5oth Anniversary of St Vincent De Paul
Eric Mess
Virginia Brown Wyss
This Sunday’s Scripture Readings
Prv:9:1-6; Eph 5:15-20; Jn 6:51-58
Next Sunday’s Scripture Readings
Aug 16, 2015, Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Jos 24:1-2,15-17;Eph 5:21-32;Jn 6:60-69
Daily readings are at - ->Bible- ->Today’s Reading
TODAY’S REFLECTION:In Proverbs, Wisdom invites us to her banquet which symbolizes joy and closeness to God. In Ephesians, Paul encourages us to be filled with the Spirit, giving thanks always to God the Father. In John’s Gospel, Jesus tells the crowd to eat His Body and Blood in order to live so that they may be one with Him and He with them. We may often wonder about our entrance into heaven at the end of time. We are given all we will ever need through Jesus. In order to be raised with Christ on the last day, we are called to a banquet to be fed by the Wisdom of his Spirit, and by his Body and Blood. This fully incorporates us into Him and Him into us. It is our choice.
Historic 2015 National 54 Day Rosary Novena
August 15 through October 7, 2015
A Message of Hope in response to the spiritual crisis in our culture and nation.
What: Pray the rosary for 54 straight days for the Novena Intentions; 27 days in petition from August 15 through September 10; 27 days in thanksgiving from September 11 through October 7, 2015.
Where: Pray the rosary individually or as a family in your home or as a part of your parish community.
Primary Novena Intention: “For the family and marriage including for peace, human life and religious freedom.”
A Hearts United Campaign of the Rosary Evangelization Apostolate. ( / †✍From Fr. David:►St. Gabriel’s Parish has received a grant for $30,000 from the Apostolate to the Handicapped for the lift project at our Johnson Creek location. We have been planning this project for almost 2 years, and now we are close to starting. We are just waiting for approval from the Diocese so that we can start the construction. Such approval is needed for large projects. Hopefully in the next few weeks we can start! The architect’s drawings are displayed by the literature table. Please take a look. The lift shaft will be outside the current structure of our church building, in the area of the stairway by the parking lot entrance. During construction, we may ask you to use the front entrance of the church, which is under the bell tower. ►The annual summertime outdoor Mass sponsored by the Apostolate to the Handicapped at Wisconsin Dells is this Friday. I am planning to be there with many other people from across the diocese. It is always a great celebration. The Tommy Bartlett Water Show is provided free for all who come. Bring your sunscreen! ►I will be gone Aug 23 afternoon until Sept 4. If there is a need for a priest during that time, please call the office.
►At SFX only, next weekend is Commitment Weekend for the Priests for Our Future Campaign. During Masses, we will invite all parishioners who have not yet participated to consider making a sacrificial gift to the campaign—one that is right for each family. The broad goal of our diocese is to establish a $30 million permanent endowment fund dedicated to education and formation of future priests. We are already $20,000 over our church goal of $120,000, so our church will be getting back some of the funds according to the formula: 50% in the range $120,000-150,000, and 80% for anything over $150,000. That means that these funds which are over goal will go to two very worthwhile causes: educating future priests and supporting our church with all its needs. Please prayerfully consider how you might participate in this effort which is spread over 5 years.
Suggested Gift Plans:
$50 per month given over 60 months equals $3,000
$35 per month given over 60 months equals $2,100
$20 per month given over 60 months equals $1200
Thank you to all who have participated. Your gift at any level is greatly appreciated.
St. Mary Magdalene Church Family
► SMM’s Second Annual Pig Roast is in 4 weeks! Please note the location—it will be at the JohnsonCreekCommunityCenter (NOT at the church) on Saturday, Sept 12, serving 4:00-7:00. Happy Hour is 3:00-4:00. There will be a silent auction, live music by Sandi Webb, 50/50 raffle. The meal will include pork off the spit by Glenn’s Market, baked potato, coleslaw, apple sauce, rolls, bars, cookies, beer, wine, soda, coffee, water. Pre-sale tickets will be available soon.
►SMM Pig Roast Committee is looking for donations for the silent auction in conjunction with the pig roast to be held on Saturday, September 12. Contact Cathi Nelson @ 699-3556 with your donation.
► We need many helpers for the Pig Roast. If you can help, please call Denise Nelson at 699-2165.
► The next planning meeting for the annual Pig Roast is Wednesday, August 19 at 6:30 pm in the church basement. Anyone who would like to help is invited.
► Please, if you have any towels that need to be returned to the church kitchen, please do so as soon as possible. They are needed for the festival. Thank you.
► The Daughters of Mary will be collecting school supplies for the less fortunate, A box will be in front of the Ambo for the next 3 weeks
► There is a collection bin for St. Vincent de Paul at the far end of the parking lot. We are encouraged to donate used goods there and place them inside the bin. They don’t accept anything left outside the bin.
► Please browse through the new batch of greeting cards at the front doors of our church. They are made by the Daughters of Mary. There are excellent birthday cards there and cards for other occasions. They are very reasonably priced.
►VacationBibleSchool at St. John’s Lutheran is Aug 16-20, 5:00-8:00 pm, $15 per student. It is for kids 3k-6th grade and includes dinner. Please call Pastor Matthew Smith-Laubenstein 699-2471
St. Francis Xavier Church Family
†BAPTIZED IN CHRIST This weekend at St. Francis Xavier is Grace Vera Krull, infant Daughter ofJayne Krull. Through water of baptism, Grace receives the gift of eternal life and becomes a child of God. May she and her family always feel the depth of God’s love for them. Congratulations!
✞REST IN PEACEPlease remember in prayer, Robert Derse, whose funeral mass was held at St Francis on Tuesday, August 11. We extend our sympathy to his family. May he rest in peace. †
►All Catholic WomenMany thanks to Barb King for her help with thispast Thursday's CCW social. Extra thank you forthe amazingly delicious appetizer Barb made.You are the best. We had a very nice turnout. Women enjoyed Barb's Viennese Bread, Root Beer floatsalong withCatholic Women fellowship.
Please join us fornext month's FirstThursdayCatholic Women Social: Thursday, September3, ChurchCenter at 6:15, right after Benediction.Our 1st Thursday meeting will welcome Mary Ann Spangler, who will inspire us with easy, inexpensive and inspiring ways, for “Cookie Creations”.
►Miles For Meals Food Drive Event 2015 will be on Saturday, September 12th from 9 AM to 5 PM at LakesideLutheranHigh School.
Henceforth please write all donation checks to our new name “St. Gabriel” and discontinue writing checks using the old names, SFX and SMM.
Envelopes ………………$ 840.……...$ 2353
Offertory..…...…...... …$ 230….... $ 576
Please remember in prayer all of our beloved family and
friends, especially:
Lou D’Agnolo, Jim Best, Mark Brabender, Don Bruns, Erika Effenhauser,Tom Faubel C.J. Graves, Mary Ann Hepp, Ed Hrobsky, Lucille Kleinsteiber, Wendy Kopplin, Dana Odegaard, Betty Reamer, Steve Rietz, Martha Stafford, Mahalo Stiemke, Nancy Sykora.
If you need prayers and would like your name added here, please call the parish office. 648-2468. If you are calling to add someone to the list, please ask for their permission to place their name in the bulletin.
Classes start on September 9
►All parents of religious ed students are invited to the Parent’s Meeting on Wednesday, Sept 2 at 6:00 pm at the SFXCenter.
►Teachers Needed
The school year is fast approaching and I am in need of high school religious education teachers. The commitment would be for three weeks. You can choose which month you would like to teach in and what topic. You would have the opportunity to work with a great group of students. If you are interested please call Mary Paulowske Youth Director at 648-8092 or e-mail
Teachers are needed for Religious Ed. classes for grades 4 and up. You would be team teaching with another adult, averaging 3 Wednesdays a month. Please email Lin Cleghorn or call 648 – 5743
Thank you.
St.Gabriel Family
►The Finance Council meets this week Tuesday, Aug 18, 6:30 at SFX basement.
►Golf One, Golf All!The Knights of Columbus will beholding a Golf Outing Fundraiser to benefit Rainbow Hospice of Johnson Creek at Lake Mills Golf Club on Aug. 29th startingat 1:00 pm. The$50 entry fee includes 9 holes of golf, cart, andburger and brat bar. There will bedoor prizes, raffles, and fun. This is open to the entire St. Gabriel Parish.For more information please contact Trey Willie @ 920-988-5683 or
Next weekend, August 22 and 23
5:00pm(LM) - Sally Kressin
8:00am(LM) - Gerry Oesterreich
9:30am(JC) - Jackie Ensenbach
11:00am(LM) – Ray Kessenich
5pm(LM) – Kathleen Hansen
8am(LM) – Cathy Oesterreich
9:30am(JC)-Spike Klockow
11am(LM) –Jean Korban
5:00pm(LM) - Mark and Leo Mackesey
8:00am(LM) - Sandy and Terry Hein
9:30am(JC) - Tom Schicker and Eugene Mess
11:00am(LM) – Jeff Kenyon and Peter Kirschhoffer
5:00pm(LM) –Brady and Eli Wagner
8:00am(LM) - Hanson Children
9:30am(JC –Ralph Hombsch and Amir Spangler
11:00am(LM)–Norah and Kate Fitz Gibbon