The Archetype of the Hero’s Journey


A good reader summarizes what he or she has read, asks questions of the text, supports what he or she thinks about the text by citing passages from the text, and links what the reader has read to personal experiences and other things the reader has read. A Dialogue/Dialectical Journal helps facilitate this conversation/interaction with the text.

1.Setting up the journal is simple. Divide a page into two columns, labeled as follows:

Dialectial Journal

Quotation – MLA / Analysis/Connection

Copy the passage on the left hand side of the journal exactly as it is written. You may cite the first few words and then use an ellipsis(...)and then cite the last few words if the passage is long. Remember to use MLA format to quote and write the page number in parentheses.

  1. Use the right side of the page to respond to your quote/passage 5times throughout the novel. Your quotes must span from the beginning of the novel to the end of the novel.
  1. As you read, you may want to use color coded Post-it notes to track the following tasks.


5 Entries total

Choice entries:Use different sentence stems to respond to the text. You may use the response stems as a prompt or come up with your own. Make sure you are not just summarizing the text; be sure to craft your entries with insight and care.

Use the yellow sheet with the suggested responses to help guide your writing.

Hero’s Journey: Write and respond to the hero’s journey and the classic challenges a hero faces.

*You may choose to complete all 5 entries that trace the different stages of the hero’s journey, or you can mix and match your entries with your choice of response.


  • You will need 5entries TOTAL.
  • A minimum of 5 sentences per entry.
  • Entries should be in complete sentences, with correct grammar and mechanics, and legible!
  • Each entry should include your observations as well as reasons to support them.
  • Use the character’s names when referring to them. Avoid the over-use of pronouns (He, it, they…)
  • Remember, short quick answers get short quick grades.
  • Entries due ______– Test Grade


There are 5 rich entries with association. / There are at least 3 entries with association. / Number of entries is insufficient (below prescribed number) and/or most are located within one part of the text. The entries are not associated with the choices given.
Journal is well-organized; it is well-divided into columns, MLA citation format is used, passages are quoted accurately, ellipsis are used properly. / Most of the journal is well-organized. Most of the pages are properly cited. There are lapses that do not greatly undermine the effort of the student. / The journal appears to have been put together at the last minute because the requirements have not been followed consistently. There are lapses that greatly undermine the effort of the student.
Responses are reflective, thoughtful and crafted in complete sentences. / Most responses are reflectiveand thoughtful. Most responses are in complete sentences. / The majority of the responses do not reflect thoughtful consideration. Most of the responses are not in clear, meaningful sentences.
Quality of responses reflects true insight on the part of the reader. / Quality of responses generally reflects insight on the part of the reader. / Quality of reflection is uninspired.
A variety of sentences are used to reflect a careful consideration of writing. / Many of the sentences show variety and are used to reflect consideration of writing. / Sentences are short, fragmented.

Original Journal Expectations Prepared by Rob Riordon