THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting on August 3, 1999 at 6:00 p.m. in Courtroom #1 located in the Anson County Courthouse.

Commissioners present: Bill Thacker, Chair

Bobby Moore, Vice Chair

Steve Lear

Michael Livingston

Mary McLendon

Dr. Jim Sims

Ross Streater

Staff members present: Steve Leary, Interim County Manager

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board

James Bennett, Human Resources

Dorothy Tyson, Finance Officer

Chairman Thacker called the meeting to Order, welcoming those present. Reverend W. W. Williams of Ebenezer Baptist Church delivered the Invocation.

Public Hearing: Chairman Thacker stated that after review by Steve Leary, Interim County Manager and the Planning Board, they found it was not necessary to rezone the parcel in question so the public hearing would not be held. According to Steve Leary, Interim County Manager, in reviewing the present Ordinance, they found that in the residential-agricultural district, any form of agricultural or horticultural is permitted. The same is also allowed in residential zoning. He read that portion of the Ordinance to Board members. Commissioner Sims does not favor placing industry in a residential area and feels we need to take immediate action to change the Ordinance. Chairman Thacker agreed the Ordinance was outdated but action was taken based on current policy. Commissioner Sims wondered about the mailing of notices regarding the public hearing and why only 8 people received such notice and asked Interim Manager Leary to speak to the issue. Interim Manager Leary answered that state law requires that adjoining property owners be notified of any rezoning request. In an effort to assist, he got the names and addresses of adjoining property owners from the tax records and gave them to the Inspections office. The notices were mailed from there of the upcoming public hearing. There was some question that the School Board had not received a notice but James Bennett reported that they had indeed received a letter. Vice Chair Moore suggested that since the hearing was on the Agenda and property owners were present, they be allowed to speak. After discussion, motion by Vice Chair Moore, seconded by Commissioner Sims, that the public hearing not be held but that adjacent property owners be allowed to speak to the issue. Motion carried 6 to 1 with Chairman Thacker opposed.

Carroll Anderson was the first to speak. As a local realtor she is familiar with the Zoning Ordinance and had Interim Manager Leary continued reading, it would have shown that the intent of residential/agricultural was to allow non-commercial agricultural. She asked for a legal interpretation as she feels the intent was to allow produce stands and green houses. She also feels that the intent of agricultural was to allow a home based business and not a business for profit. She agrees we need the industry and wondered if all available locations were explored before deciding on this particular area.

Richard Pinkston felt the full impact of the study was not being revealed. He made reference to several sections of the Ordinance.

Interim Manager Leary feels the hatchery is not an industry because they will not be manufacturing anything. Chickens are birthed, same as cows or horses.

Lawrence Gatewood owns property in the area and has a problem with an industry being located so close to the new school planned for the area. He asked the Board to table action until the County Attorney could review the matter.

James Meachum opposes this industry being located so close to the proposed school, a nursing home and nice homes.

Commissioner Livingston is familiar with the industry in question and feels they are a sound industry with a good track record. He reminded those in attendance that the proposed school will be located on a major highway and we can't control the traffic. The industry in question will add about fifteen trucks a week to the traffic already using highway 52 south. Some in attendance voiced concern that the industry would emit an odor and Commissioner Livingston commented that there would be more smell from the school garbage than the hatchery.

John Fazekas, Zoning Officer for the county, commented that when the Ordinance was written in the 1960’s, hatcheries were considered an industry as they had large trucks coming every day bringing feed and other things. This is a totally different concept as this industry will hatch chickens and within a few hours they will be shipped out.

Commissioner Lear also had a concern that the industry would create an odor. This same industry has been located in Marshville for twenty-five years and never had a problem with odor. He has a very good friend that worked beside the Marshville location for a number of years who reported there was not a day when he smelled an odor from their location. Commissioner Lear wondered what was the most troubling to those appearing, the actual industry or the request to rezone the area to heavy industrial.

Don Scarborough also voiced concern for Anson County and the school. He pointed out that on the advice of the Zoning Officer and the Planning Board, it was no longer necessary to rezone the area. He reported that based on this fact, the industry closed on the land deal and they are now the owner of the property.

Commissioner Streater suggested the Board table the matter and have the County Attorney review and advise the Board. Vice Chair Moore suggested the Zoning Officer, Interim Manager Leary and the Planning Board seek assistance from Raleigh and begin immediately to rewrite the Ordinance. Board agreed to table the matter until next week.

Approval of Agenda by Commissioners: Under Commissioner Concerns, Commissioner Streater asked to add a discussion of issues in the Sheriff’s department, Vice Chair Moore asked to add a discussion of data processing and Commissioner Lear asked for an economic development update. Commissioner Livingston asked for an update on the Belk building. Motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Lear, to approve the Agenda as presented with the additions. Motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda: Motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner McLendon, to approve the Consent Agenda as follows:

Approval of Minutes: Approved regular meeting minutes dated July 6 and 22 and closed session minutes of July 6 and 22, 1999.

Resolution/Proclamation: The first Resolution is from New Hanover County. The Resolution asks for improved highway transportation between Wilmington and Charlotte.


Supporting Improved Highway Transportation Between Wilmington and Charlotte

WHEREAS, Wilmington and Charlotte are two large cities in North Carolina; and

WHEREAS, many people wish to travel by automobile from Wilmington to Charlotte to visit acquaintances and conduct business in the largest city in North Carolina; and

WHEREAS, many people wish to travel by automobile from Charlotte to Wilmington to visit acquaintances, conduct business and visit tourist areas in the largest seaport in North Carolina; and

WHEREAS, trucking companies wish to transport between Charlotte and Wilmington but find that the trip is extremely slow due to the inferior condition of many portions of the road; and

WHEREAS, merchants in Charlotte and other cities in central North Carolina wish to ship and receive commodities requiring ocean freight to and from the State Port at Wilmington, but instead ship through Charleston since interstate highways link Charlotte and Charleston; and

WHEREAS, the economy of Wilmington is being restrained by the failure to maximize the number of jobs that the State Port could provide with a better highway to Charlotte; and

WHEREAS, counties such as New Hanover, Brunswick, Columbus, Robeson, Scotland, Richmond, Anson, and Union could attract more industries and create new jobs if a better highway existed between Wilmington and Charlotte;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anson County Board of Commissioners requests the North Carolina Department of Transportation:

1.  Allocate funds from its budget to prepare a report on the feasibility and cost of building a modern highway between Wilmington and Charlotte. This highway should be build in accordance with Federal Interstate Highway Specifications. Recently updated portions of U.S. 74 between Wilmington and I-95 should be utilized for this highway wherever possible; and

2.  Upon completion of the feasibility study, efforts should be made to have the highway added to the U.S. Interstate Highway System to enable the Federal Government to pay ninety percent (90%) of the cost; and

3.  This request should be placed at the highest possible level on the list of priorities of the North Carolina Department of Transportation.

Adopted this ______day of ______, 1999.

The next Resolution opposed a proposal that would have North Carolina counties fund 50% of the non-federal share for mental health Medicaid services.





WHEREAS, Anson County is one of 100 counties in the State of North Carolina dedicated to the principles of accountability, fiscal responsibility, and good government; and

WHEREAS, North Carolina is one of only 7 states which requires counties to match Medicaid costs; and

WHEREAS, Governor Jim Hunt is proposing to increase from 15% to 50% the non-federal share for mental health Medicaid services paid by North Carolina counties; and

WHEREAS, this type of unfunded mandate will place a severe financial burden on Anson County and its taxpayers.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anson County Board of Commissioners hereby requests the Anson County delegation to the North Carolina General Assembly to oppose any legislation that would increase the Medicaid funding burden on North Carolina counties.

This 3rd day of August, 1999.

The Proclamation celebrates the 85th anniversary of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service and proclaims August 27, 1999 as “Extension Heritage Day” and urges all citizens to support our local extension office.




WHEREAS, eighty-five years ago, the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service was established as a partnership of county, state and federal governments; and

WHEREAS, the essence of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service has long been to help people put knowledge to work so that they can improve their lives; and

WHEREAS, Extension Service has been a supportive partner of other county programs, including, but not limited to, social services and natural resources; and

WHEREAS, throughout history, Extension Service has focused on providing people with educational programs that meet their needs, providing decision-makers with objective information and providing the framework for successful individuals, families, and communities; and

WHEREAS, Extension Service takes the research of North Carolina’s two land-grant institutions-North Carolina State University and North Carolina A&T State University-and develops educational resources based upon the needs of North Carolinians; and

WHEREAS, Extension centers are located in all 100 counties and on the Cherokee Reservation.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Bill Thacker, Chairman of the Anson County Board of Commissioners, hereby proclaim August 27, 1999 as ‘EXTENSION HERITAGE DAY” in Anson County. We are proud to take this opportunity to join with the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners in recognizing the 85th Anniversary of Cooperative Extension Service in North Carolina, and we urge all county citizens to use, visit and support the local Extension Service.

Adopted this 3rd day of August 1999.

Budget Amendment: The health department received additional funding for environmental health and to help support the efforts of the local outreach coalition which will identify children for enrollment in both NC Health Choice and Health Check.



BE IT ORDAINED by the Anson County Board of Commissioners that the 1999-2000 FY Budget Ordinance be amended as follows:

Section 1. Expenditure:

Increase Health Programs 11-5110-81 $ 1452.00

Total Expenditure: $ 1452.00

Section 2. Revenues:

Increase All Programs 11-5110 $ 1452.00

Total Revenue $ 1452.00

Adopted this 3rd day of August, 1999.

Tax Releases:

Vehicle Tax Adjustments:

Candice Barland 1998 5.10 Situs

Douglas Burch 1998 8.69 Situs

Gary Burr 1998 27.36 Situs

Harrington & Assoc. 1998 13.18 Situs

Lacy Martin 1998 6.70 Situs

Yvonne Martin 1998 53.15 Situs

Sipio Whistnant 1998 28.21 Situs

Deborah Williams 1998 5.24 Situs

Talmadge Williams 1998 0.17 Situs

Total 147.80

Vehicle Tax Refunds:

Anson Pest Control 1998 15.55 Proration

Candice Barland 1998 5.10 Situs

Daisy Batten 1998 15.86 Proration

David Blanchette 1998 97.35 Proration

Ricky Bullock 1998 34.32 Proration

Mary Carelock 1998 11.61 Proration

Darrell Edwards 1998 39.27 Proration

First Union Bank 1998 184.46 Exempt

GMAC 1998 86.05 Proration

Glen Godwin 1998 57.75 Proration

Robin Griffin 1998 34.56 Proration

James Hanna 1998 26.18 Proration

Ethel Henry 1998 5.40 Proration

Pauline Horne 1998 18.97 Proration

Howard Lisk Inc. 1998 37.10 Proration

Edmund Huntley 1998 17.64 Proration

Mamie Knotts 1998 4.76 Proration

Marjorie Leonard 1998 3.22 Proration

Rachel Lockler 1998 13.83 Proration

Haskell Marsh 1998 34.46 Situs

Argus Martin 1998 9.14 Proration

Joseph McCormick 1998 49.47 Proration

Patsy McLauin 1998 23.64 Proration

John Mooore 1998 25.15 Proration

Ollie Parker 1998 34.74 Proration

William Pegram 1998 3.05 Proration

Bobby Napier 1998 7.50 Proration

Jonathan Teets 1998 167.17 Value

Leonard Ward 1998 16.24 Proration

Michael Warwick 1998 40.16 Proration

Sipio Whistnant 1998 17.95 Situs

Ernie Williams 1998 7.04 Proration

Total 1,144.69

Vehicle Tax Releases:

Douglas Burch 1998 156.33 Situs

Gary Burr 1998 64.53 Proration

Imogene Caudle 1998 26.09 Value

Eugene Chambers 1998 2.65 Value

Barbara Chewning 1998 19.58 Proration

Allen Clark 1998 84.32 Proration

Nancy Cornwell 1998 17.46 Proration

Walter Correll 1998 49.95 Proration

Thomas Cureton 1998 24.88 Proration

Charles Diggs 1998 29.80 Proration

Donald Edwards 1998 10.90 Proration

Gaye Harrington 1998 30.78 Situs

Harrington & Assoc. 1998 142.34 Situs

Alalade Horne 1998 72.32 Proration

Archie Jackson 1998 61.25 Proration

William Jackson 1998 17.82 Proration

Sonya Leak 1998 11.80 Proration