AParish Meeting was held in Welton Village Hall on 14th May 2015
Chairman:Cllr Greenway was nominated by Mrs Pamela van Gelderen. Cllr Greenway to take the Chair in the absence of the Chairman, Cllr R Pikett – All agreed
Secretary:Mrs Julie Murray (Clerk & RFO to the Parish Council)
Present: 64members of the public, District Cllrs Mrs Diana Rodgers and Stephen England and Sir Edward Leigh MP
- Planning Application 131940 – Welton & Jays Ltd
Cllr Greenway welcomed everyone and gave a brief summary of why this meeting was taking place. He introducedRichard Fieldsend and James Child from Welton and Jays Ltd and Katrina Hulse from DLP Planning Consultantsrepresenting the applicants.
Richard Fieldsend gave a brief history of his involvement with this project and informed the meeting that there are 4 owners involved in this development, consisting of 3 landowners and the owner of High Barn on Hackthorn Road.
He explained that he had observed that the current health centre in the centre of the village was overcrowded and that it would be a good idea to include a new medical centre within this development. None of the other planning applications for larger developments had been submitted when this project was being put together. James Child explained what other development schemes the group have been involved with in various areas of the country and that they try to work with local communities to meet their needs. This is only an outline application, the types and styles of houses have yet to be decided. They always strive to make quality developments. Katrina Hulse explained why the new medical centre has been removed from the application following their consultation with NHS England who objected to itand would prefer tohave a financial contribution instead as they would need a much strongerbusiness case before they could consider investing in any new medical centre. Planning Officers at WLDC suggested the alternative of safeguarding the land for a medical centre to be built in the future. They appreciate that the village feel they have been short changed as they were not given the opportunity to make further comments regarding the change.
A member of the public commented that as the medical centre is no longer on the plan, there is no reason for the development to proceed. Welton and Jays Ltd responded that they are still committed to building a medical centre in the future.
A number of comments were made by the public:
- A string of developers who want to build in Welton have been submitting applications in recent months
- Co-ordinated strategy from a set of developers who would commit to working with the community is required
- Young people have to move out of the village as they are not able to afford to live in Welton
- Welton and Jays Ltd were asked if they had bought Turley’s land? No they have not.
- This development cannot be built if it is not connected to the village by other properties
- The villagers are not able to determine who lives in the affordable housing
- The plan for this development shows houses next to it
Planning should be led by the NPPF. This development is on the very edge of permissible distances.
WLDC have said that there is a way of connecting the two sites so it will be connected to the village.
Schools/health issues – Section 106 agreement monies will address these issues and the amounts of money to be allocated. £64,000 for health care is not enough to provide the facilities that are required. The village is no longer sustainable. Is this a sustainable development?
Sustainable development should address three points Economic, Social and Environmental – Planning guidelines will provide new infrastructure for the village through contributions i.e. new A46 improvements. The developers have agreed to all WLDC’s requests.
In 2001 there were 1528 households in Welton and by 2014 there were 1800.
WLDC has recently granted applications which will add another 600+homes in Welton and 400+ in Dunholme. LCC should be providing the money for junction improvements. Welton is becoming the sinkhole of West Lindsey and West Lindsey the sinkhole for Lincolnshire.
The Neighbourhood Plan is supposed to impact where development should be and Welton’s does not support this development. The affordable housing needs have already been met by applications already granted, so this development is not necessary and WLDC should support the recommendations of the Neighbourhood Plan. This site was looked at by the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group and is not deemed a preferential site for future development.
When the Parish Council was first approached by the developer this development had some merit because of the provision of a new medical centre and this was its initial attraction even though other criteria were not met. A meeting was held with NHS England and they said they could not support it. The Neighbourhood Plan does support one development which offers benefits to the community for which permission has been granted.
WLDC will not accept the cumulative numbers and will only consider each application on their individual merits.
William Farr is full and has confirmed that they will not expand any further. Children in villages in the surrounding villages will be forced to go further afield for their education.
The Health Centre is in the centre of the village and parking problems are a constant problem.
A46 roundabout – LCC has never made any improvements. It is feared that 106 Agreement monies will go towards the Eastern bypass and not to the village.
The developers thought they were doing the right thing as all the planning applications for larger development hadn’t been granted when this one was in production.
The question was raised as to why there were no Planning Officers from WLDC present – the Clerk informed the meeting that they were invited, but were unable to attend.
Other comments made by the public:
- The Central Lincolnshire Plan is so far behind schedule.
- Welton is bigger than Market Rasen – who is going to live in these properties?
- There is a need in the country for a range of different housing.
- The village has doubled in size over the last 35 years and is not a village any more. The villagers feel there is no hope left. 350 houses have been granted before the Neighbourhood Plan is in place.It isn’t right that all these houses are being built.
- Affordable housing is being used as an excuse for building. Stewart Close – not many sold, taken for rental instead.
- WLDC should be ashamed of themselves to keep granting permission to build so many in Welton.
- Affordable housing is for social rent – managed by companies that specialise. No guarantee that they will be for people who live in the village.
- Developments also devalue the houses that are near to the building.
- WLDC is a disgrace.
- Good development can increase the value of properties and this has been proven.
- 6/7 large village altering size projects, all developers have made promises. Section 106 monies may not be forthcoming as phased developments.
- Government need to make a co-ordinated approach.
- Limit to what the PC can do, but praise to them for what they are doing.
Sir Edward Leigh MP commented that this application is dead in the water; planners should take account of the emerging Neighbourhood Plan and get a sense of control over your neighbour and should look at the overall picture. There is strong opposition to this application and he would be astonished if it is passed. The Neighbourhood Plan says there was some interest due to the medical centre and this is never going to happen. The original rationalfor the whole scheme is no longer there. Already too many have been granted. Welton is over developed, it started as a village and is now a small town, it was originally built as a rural village.
Welton is not a nice place to live any more. We have great facilities on the doorstep. People are starting to move out of the village now.
If all the developments go ahead what effect will the roundabout on the A46 have?
WLDC are not listening to those who live in the village.
Cllr Greenway said that whatever the Parish Council are saying is having no impact on WLDC.
The developers were surprised and said it was staggering that Welton villagers are so upset by this development.
There is a clear disconnection between WLDC and this village.
DCLG clearly stated that the lack of a 5 year land supply does not mean development can go ahead.
No housing or site allocations have yet been made by Government.
The developers were advised by Planning Officers at WLDC to submit this application sooner rather than later.
In conclusion Cllr Greenway said there is a disconnection between WLDC and the village. He thanked the developers for attending this evening.
The developers thanked everyone for coming this evening.
8.30pm Meeting closed
Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regardedas the official minutes until they are approved and signed at the next Parish Meeting