Minutes of the meeting held by Potterne Parish Council on Wednesday, 8th February 2012 in Potterne Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present: Mr Hoddinott, Mr Hunt-Grubb, Mr Molland, Mrs Straw, Mr Smart, Mr Twiney,

Mr McCormick, Mr Edwards and Mr Chandler.

Apologies: Mr Bringloe, Mr Burns and Cllr Liz Bryant

83/11/12 / Welcome and Apologies: Mr Hoddinott welcomed members, particularly Mr Edwards who had been co-opted at the last meeting and also took apologies.
The Council also wished to pass on their thanks to Mrs Straw who has kindly provided coffee for the Council, which was very much welcomed on a very cold evening. /
84/11/12 / Declarations of Interest: There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes of meeting held on 11th January 2012: It was proposed by Mrs Straw and seconded by Mr Molland that the minutes be signed as an accurate record.
85/11/12 / Matters Arising:
1. / Devizes Area Board: Mr Molland reported that at the last area board meeting very good presentations were made by groups requiring grants and he was pleased to say that all received funding.
The Localism Act was also discussed at this meeting and it was agreed that Parish Councils would have more power. Partners also gave updates at this meeting and the Core Strategy was discussed, particularly as the formal consultation process commences soon.
Mrs Straw said that the Devizes Community Area Partnership raised concernat factual errors appear in the core Strategy.
2. / Youth Centre: Mr Chandler reported that the Youth Centre had run a very successful Burns Night supper in the village hall. He particularly wished to thank Ann and David Howard as well as the young people who served at the tables.
Mr Chandler reported the management committee were still seeking further members for their committee.

Open Session

Mr Hoddinott declared that the meeting was temporarily suspended to allow for an open session for 10 minutes so that the public could place questions to the Council to be discussed at the next meeting if confirmed in writing.


/ Mrs Straw reported on a meeting she had attended on Monday where villages could choose topics of interest and help sort priorities.
At this meeting discussions around transport took place, particularly about railways where people were keen to see a station open at either Lydeway or Littleton Pannel. A bus route plan, similar to that of the London underground, is being produced and it hoped to be able to let parishes have a copy to display, although costs re this is not yet known.


/ Police: The villages PCSO attended the meeting and reported that the Police had successfully arrested a man re the recent spate of burglaries in the area. Nina was also pleased to report that the young people in the area do not seem to be causing too many problems at the moment.
The Police are aware of heating oil being stolen at the moment and this is something that the police are keeping a watchful eye on as they are aware that this is happening in our locality.


/ Neighbourhood plan: Mr Hunt-Grubbe informed the Council that a public meeting is to be held on 21st March in the Social Club.
Mr Hunt-Grubbe asked if the parish Council would be able to assist with photocopying expense as it was hoped to submit a questionnaire to every household in the parish. Mr Hoddinott said the Parish Council have a small budget to assist with a neighbourhood plan and as long as receipts were available some of these costs could be covered.
/ There were no further comments from the public therefore Mr Hoddinott closed the Open Session.
86/11/12 / Correspondence:
1. / Annual Parish Meeting: 25th April 2012: Discussions on a speaker for the Annual Parish Meeting took place and it was agreed to place this on the agenda again for the next meeting.
2. / Diamond Jubilee grants: The Clerk reminded Councillors that grants were available from Devizes Area Board to help celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee. An article had been placed in the parish magazine, but as yet no groups have come forward and applications to have the approval of Parish Councils before being submitted.
3. / Aster Living: A letter from Aster Living, formerly known as Ridgeway Care & Repair explained the work that they underake. Information was available that could be sent to the parish magazine and the Clerk will arrange for this to be done. / Clerk
87/11/12 / Finance:
1. / Accounts to be paid and transfer sufficient funds to pay accounts: It was proposed by Mrs Straw and seconded by Mr Molland that these accounts be paid and sufficient funds transferred to pay same.
Chq No. / Payable to / Net / VAT / Gross
1165 / F A Coles / 275.00 / 275.00
1166 / Sally Hoddinott Salary Expenses /
75.00 /
1167 / HMRC / 85.60 / 85.60
1168 / Potterne Village Hall / 18.00 / 18.00
Total / 796.08 / 796.08
2. / David Owen & Co: Letter of Engagement: The Parish Council has used the services of David Owen and Co as their preferred internal auditor for a number of years. David Owen & Co have sent a letter of engagement, which confirms the Parish Council wishing to continue with their services for another year. It was proposed by Mr Smart and seconded by Mr Molland and unanimously agreed that the parish council continue to use the services of David Owen and Co and the letter was duly signed.
88/11/12 / / Footpaths & Highways: /
/ Subsidence in the High Street carriageway: It was noted that the A360, in the High Street was beginning to subside in several places. It was also noted an area in Whistley Road was also subsiding. The Clerk was asked to report both these areas to Highways. / Clerk
89/11/12 / / Burial and Property Maintenance: /
/ Water tap at Brownleaze Lane cemetery: It had been reported that the tap was now running continuously. The tap was inspected and a local plumber called out to repair same. He has advised that the water be turned off at the mains during this cold spell and when milder he will replace the tap. /
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm

Minutes of meeting to discuss planning application received on 8th February 2012

Present: Mr Hoddinott, Mr Hunt-Grubb, Mr Molland, Mrs Straw, Mr Smart, Mr Twiney,

Mr McCormick, Mr Edwards and Mr Chandler.

Apologies: Mr Bringloe, Mr Burns and Cllr Liz Bryant

E/2012/0071/FUL / Revoli,
Mill Road, Potterne / Demolition of existing porch. Erection of single storey extension; replacement shed and garage with home office above; provision of solar panels to main house and garage roof.

The Parish Council raised no objection to this application.