Chromata Lagoon - Saturday 30 September 2017 - 6pm


Owners present were:

Yiannos Odysseos (Chairman), George Smith (Vice Chairman), Georgia Odysseos (Treasurer), Marianna Patathoma (Treasurer), Annie Reynolds (Secretary), Jonathan Kennard, Joanna Kozak, Shirley Brown, Vincent Brown, Angela Panayioiou, Marissa Christodoulidou, Lacovos Magnitis, Michael Woodhouse, Michael Charalambia, Michael Lakis, Amelchenko Alexey and Petros from 24/7.

Apologies were received from:

Bill and Tracey Taylor, Rosemary Burgess, Amit Banerjee, Suren & Radha Surenthirathas, Olga Gnutova, Jacqui Woods and Sandra and Steve Haddock.

Marianna opened the meeting by welcoming a new member, Lacovos Magnitis (Jacob Magnet) who has just purchased apartment G10.

Marianna has written to Andy Parsonage to say that either she or Annie be added as an additional administrator to the Facebook page as G5 owner, Angela has been pending to join the site for some time now.

It was discussed which was the best time of the year to hold the A.G.M. and most people present preferred September.

  1. Marianna read out the Chairman’s welcoming speech for the period September 2016 to September 2017 and mentioned the projects that have been done around the complex within the last 4 years. These items include the following:

Roof Isolation

Fixing and painting all the walls and balconies around the complex.

Restoration of the rocks around the pool area.

Placing an umbrella waterfall in the children’s pool.

Ordering extra sun beds, umbrellas and coffee tables around the pool area.

Placing a stair and handrail down into the pool and changing all the water lights to LED.

Placing a digital electric clock, temperature guide on B Block which can be seen from the pool area.

Restoration of the fence and extension of the wooden kiosk around the pool.

Changing the sand water filters of the pool to glass water filters.

Replacing the water pumps in the engine room.

Placing an electric security door system around the pool area and to the children’s play area/garden area.

Replacing all the lights on the wall with high-standard security lights.

Lighting all the green areas with LED lights.

Creating a green area and adding wall lights at G Block.

2. New Vice Chairman

Marianna welcomed on board George Smith as our new vice chairman and thanks were given to Dave McLean for his contributions to the committee’s work.

3. Committee Members

As there had not been anyone who had been nominated for any of the posts (apart from Vice Chairman), the committee will stay as they are.

4. Elections

The next elections will take place in September 2019. This is a reminder that the election procedure will take place every two years. A date for 29 September 2018 was agreed for next year’s A.G.M.

5. Treasurer’s Report

The balance of the account as at 30 September 2017 stands at 31667.74 euros. This is excellent news as when we took over the accounts 4 years ago there was a balance of 12000 euros.

The new system of collecting fees by 30 June has been a success. Apart from the apartments who have been taken over by the Banks and one owner in A9, all owners have paid their fees this year.

6. Everyone at the meeting seemed extremely happy with state of the complex and what had been completed in the last 4 years. Mike Woodhouse mentioned that he was not a member of Facebook and that he was not aware of what was going on around the complex. He asked that he be emailed. We did try to encourage him to go on the Facebook page and he is going to think about it!! However, it was agreed that anyone who does not have entry to the Facebook page, inform the committee and we will send emails to those individuals of any information the committee may put out on the Facebook page.

7. Legal Issues etc.

There has been so much talk about the Title Deeds. At the moment we are waiting for the Municipality to pass their checks, and then there will be another check required by the Land Registry. There had been so many discussions about whether Giovani has a mortgage on the land and the answer is No.

It is hoped that the Title Deeds will be available by the end of 2018. The Deeds will be available the same day for all owners. The Land Registry fees vary on the size of your property. If an owner has a mortgage on their property, Giovani will not give you the Title Deeds until such time as the mortgage has been paid off. Therefore, the deeds will go to the Bank. For all owners who do not have a loan on their property, they will receive the deeds themselves.

When the Title Deeds are released then everyone has to go to the Giovani office.

Anyone who wishes to know anything about their Title Deeds etc, please do not keep getting in touch with the committee. It is a matter between yourselves and Giovani. Phillipia from Giovani is the person dealing with the Deeds.

8. Maintenance.

It was requested that if owners have any problems they please contact the committee who will contact 24/7 on their behalf.

However, if you do need to contact Petros urgently when ringing from the UK, the 0800 number will not work. You need to phone or msg his mobile on 99412780.

If your block has not been cleaned properly, just tell Vanessa. She may have forgotten something, after all she is human and may have forgotten. Her hours are 7.00-1500 during the summer except Tuesdays and 3 days a week from 7.00-15.00 in the winter season.

Mick asked for a list of what Vanessa’s schedule is. There is a copy of this on the notice boards at most blocks.

Many chores are done around the complex from 24/7 after a monthly meeting and visit around then complex from Yiannis and Petros.

9. Yearly checks

We have yearly checks and maintenance of the elevators, the rocks around the pool, the waterfall, the pool, the park, the green areas and the lights around the complex.

We have received quite a few comments from owners as to why the waterfall is not working. The reason being, was that the water was not passing from the filters to get cleaned and therefore contaminating the water. This work will be done in the Engine Room at a cost of around 500 euros in the winter season. Dave McLean had asked if the pipes, filters etc were under guarantee. There was no guarantee when we took over as a committee. Not for the swimming pool or the electric equipment in the pump room. We now have employed a local firm from Paralimni who do the pool renovations for us at a very good rate.

There is a new Government Law that has come into force for pools on complexes. We need to apply to the Governmental Technical Services to get permission to operate our pool at the complex. The cost of this will be around 2000 euros. Once we are in receipt of this, we will have official approval for operating a pool. However, we need to complete the work mentioned above, before we can apply for permission to run the pool at the complex.

There will be an automatic system which will take place at night time at 9pm. Chlorine will be released through the pump into the pool. This takes just under 12 hours.

Questions were asked if the pool could stay open longer, but because of the release of these chemicals the pool will have to be closed for 12 hours for safety reasons.

The Fire Extinguisher in G Block has gone missing and will need to be replaced.

New LED lights have started to be fitted around the complex. They have started to put them up in the car parking space of B Block. Sample lights were shown to everyone. Much more practical than the previous lights. These lights will be fitted not only to the car parks, but on the walls of the stairways and owner’s balconies. The cost of this work will be around 4500 euros but in time will considerably reduce the electricity bill for the complex.

10. Communal Fees

Georgia was pleased to announce a reduction of 10% of the communal fees starting from January 2018. This means the annual fee for a 1 bedroom apartment will be 650 euros, a 2 bedroom apartment 760 euros and a 3 bedroom apartment 880 euros.

11. Security

The security system that was placed around the pool has helped us collect all the outstanding fees of 9000 euros for the period 2012-2015. 22477 euros for the period 2016 and all the fees for 2017 except as mentioned before A9 apartment. For 2018 the deadline will be as this year - 30 June. If you have not paid your full year’s fees by this date, your key to the pool with be de-activated.

Jo and Joanne from A block had had someone try and break into their apartment. Fortunately they had not managed to enter their premises. It was suggested that each apartment purchase their own alarm system. These alarms can alert your mobile phone when you are in England or another country. You can then contact a member of the committee or contact Petros direct. A surveillance camera would not help in these circumstances. Georgia said with the 100 euro reduction in the maintenance fees, it would be good for owners to purchase these for piece of mind when they are not here.

12. Entrance Systems

A great deal of time was discussed about owners of G block wanting to put up a gate to stop their children from getting hurt from vehicles driving down beside their apartments. After Marianna had put out the Agenda on Facebook, more complaints had been received. We all felt that the owners are blaming the committee for this problem. Everyone felt the same at the meeting, that it is not only G block that suffers this but also A, B, C and E block. The outside concrete space is not a play area for children but a communal area where bikes and cars are allowed to drive on. The play area is by the side of C block and this is where children should be playing as there are swings and roundabouts there, not on a thoroughfare. Like the first and second floors, the owners could have a railing put up for safety reasons.

George said he would look into the matter further and see what could be done to help the residents of G Block.

There had also been complaints about motor cycles parking in the communal area. The reason they do this is because it is safer to park by their apartments and be seen rather than parking them under the parking bays.

Mick asked if disabled cars had to place signs in the car to say they were disabled. Marianna told him there are signs on the cars to say they are disabled. Mick then went on to say that he did not want too many gates around the complex to which everyone agreed with him.

13. Other Business Suggestions

It was agreed that many people are using the Facebook page as a way to complain to the committee. We had already put a note on Facebook asking owners who had complaints not to use Facebook but to send personal emails to the committee. We have agreed within the committee that we will not deal with complaints this way anymore and only deal with them via the Committee’s email.

Petros wanted to mention the items which Lucy Jack (Lyudmila) from A9 apartment had posted on Facebook on 11 September. She had requested that it be mentioned at our AGM tonight.

Mr and Mrs Jackson are divorced but they both jointly own the apartment. Mrs Jackson has been using 24/7 for renters. However, on many occasions she has insisted that things have gone missing from the apartment and that she had received large electricity bills for dates when she had not rented through 24/7. She gave a list to Petros who said that he would reimburse her which he did and also paid her bills as a matter of goodwill. However, it transpires that the someone else has been renting out the apartment privately without Mrs Jackson’s knowledge. Therefore Petros recovered the monies. This has been going on for quite some time. Mrs Jackson had not paid her maintenance for 2016 which Petros transferred from the rental monies and she is still owing her 2017 maintenance fee.

14. Any other business.

Emma Jervis had written to say that her daughter had cut her foot in the pool in August because of the missing tiles and saying these had not been replaced last year. All these tiles were replaced last winter and it is children during the summer months that pick at the tiles and lift them up. We can assure Emma that this work will be completed again this winter. We would like to ask parents to ensure that children are not left unsupervised in the pool.

Emma had also written in September suggesting that a voting page be set up on Facebook or email for decisions regarding what needs to be done on or around the complex. She felt that small or big changes should be put to owners as she felt they should all be involved in decision making to avoid unnecessary upsets. Mick and Vincent both said this was not a good idea. What was the point of appointing a committee if this were the case. It was cause chaos. Everyone agreed 100% against this idea.

Dave McLean had mentioned that the concrete flag stones between F and G block were broken. These will be removed and new ones laid in the winter months.

A suggestion was made that owners contact the committee when they are renting out their apartment. The committee can advise Petros or Vanessa who can keep an eye on their properties to check everything is OK and report anything suspicious.

The subject of the cats was discussed at some length. People are still feeding the cats although there are signs around the complex saying not to. However, most of those feeding them are renters. If they want to feed them, then it must be outside the complex boundaries. Annie informed everyone that she had seen 2 different cats sitting on the balcony of E10. Marianna said that cats are good for the complex green area as we are surrounded by dry fields and the cats kill the snakes and rats.

It was felt that it was up to owners to inform their renters not to feed the cats.

The meeting ended at 7.45pm.


2nd Meeting of Chromata Lagoon AGM

10am - Sunday 4 October 2017

Because there were less than 50% of owners present at last night’s A.G.M., under Cypriot Law, regulations say that another meeting has to take place the following day to make it official.

Those present were:

Yiannis and Georgia Odysseos, George Smith and Anne Reynolds, Marianna Papathoma and Keyvan Villa, Vincent and Shirley Brown, Jonathan Kennard and Joanna Korak.

  1. Annie asked if it would be possible to have some sort of perspex over the wall by C block to stop people climbing over into the pool. It was thought that perspex would not be a good idea because it would create too much heat and therefore stifling for the owners of C block with their apartments being so close as it would stop a breeze. The committee are going to look for some alternative ideas.

2. Shirley asked why the lights were on all through the night as they shone too brightly into their bedroom at night. Yiannis informed her that the Insurance Company say these should be on all night. They are on a light sensor. Hopefully the new LED light might prove to be less bright.

3. Everyone present seemed happy that the fees should continue as last year and be paid by 30 June 2018 at the very latest.

4. It was agreed that a check by Petros and Vanessa on water pumps and roofs would be done twice a month rather than monthly. Sometimes when Yiannis and Petros have been checking the water tanks they have found small problems and have repaired them paid by the committee rather than bother owners. However, if there is a larger problem, owners are contacted.

5. If someone wants access to the roofs could they please contact Petros.

6. As mentioned last night, the lights on owners balconies will be changed to the LED variety. These will be done by using a Cherry Picker similar to how the painting was done.

7. We have had complaints from Dave and Ron regarding the use of disabled toilets for storage of Vanessa’s cleaning materials. The toilets have had to be locked because we have had items stolen from them including sink basins, taps, toilet brushes etc. If anyone has a visitor coming who is disabled could they please inform Petros a few days before so he can give you a key.

8. Once we have our Title Deeds, a storage area will be placed for Vanessa under E block.

The meeting finished at 11am and everyone thanked Marianna for providing coffee and pastries.