The Anglican Parish of Bayswater

St Augustine’s Church

11th September 2016

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Welcome


Undaunted you seek the lost, O God,

exultant you bring home the found:

touch our hearts with grateful wonder

at the tenderness of your forbearing love;

grant us delight in the mercy that has found us;

and bring all to rejoice at the feast of forgiven sinners.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

God for ever and ever.Amen.

Ngaala kaaditj Noongar moort keyen kaadak nidja boodja

We acknowledge Noongar people as the original custodians of this land

All seekers are welcome at the table of our Lord

Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday at 7.30am and 9.00am and Wednesdays at 9.00am

Morning Prayer is said Mondays to Thursdays at 8.00a.m

Roster for this week

Celebrant and preacher Revd. Chris Hind. Greeters—Wendy, Jean. Overhead—Glenys. Readings Isaiah Jeremiah 4:11-12,22-28 (Nick). Psalm 14 (Ivonna).1Timothy 1:1-2,12-19a(Shelley). Gospel Luke 15:1-10 (John) Intercessor—Ivonna. Chalice—Christine T, John. Counters—Glen, Phil. Morning Tea—Jude, Bread—Glen.

October Organ Festival St Patricks Mt Lawley

Sunday 2nd – 12:30pm luncheon for 2:00pm performance

The RSCM Festival of Great Hymns commences at 2:00pm and follows a luncheon on the church grounds to which all are invited. (This is a free event, though a donation is requested if attending lunch)

Sunday 9th – 2:30pmThe Three Centuries Ensemble presents music for organ, cello and violin. The concert will use the historic 1983 Norman & Beard organ with composers including the father of Baroque violin sonatas Corelli, the inimitable J S Bach and the less well known, but tuneful and romantic Josef Rheinberger and his organ concerto of 1891 (think Schumann or Mendelssohn for the organ)

Please note this and the other two mid October concerts have a nominal admission charge. See their parish website details

Sunday 16th– 2:30pm Music for Organ and Brass. An exploration of music written for this majestic combination of instruments

Sunday 23rd– 2:30pm Organ recital by John Beaverstock. A range of pieces demonstrating the fine tonal qualities of the 1893 Norman & Beard organ

Sunday 30th– 7:00pm A sublime choral act of worship is planned to commemorate All Saint’s & All Soul’s Day. Stay tuned for more information

(as with all acts of worship, this event has free admission)

Operation Christmas Child

“Love in a shoebox” The opportunity to give a needy overseas child a gift has arrived once more. We are making up “shoeboxes of love.”

If you want to take part please take an empty box from the narthex or contact Tricia on 92729383.

From Ivonna — Thoughts on the Energize: Mission Conference

It is some weeks now since the Energise Mission Conference. I could not help but ask on leaving the meeting if there could be any benefits remaining from the experience, especially since there were disappointingly few people attending in the first place? Was this just another well-meaning attempt to arouse passion for Christian ministry in a disinterested and an increasingly hostile culture? Then came to mind last week’s Parish Council meeting where we looked at an incredibly long “to do” list with hints of an equally long wish list for our parish, yet to come. A text from the conference kept playing on my mind. It was written by Paul in his letter to Romans, (10.14-15)

How will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent?

How tempting to leave that job to our church professionals – it’s their job, after all is not it? Just keep that list going for our energetic new priest…!

Then, like a mini revelation on the road to Damascus, another memory from the conference came to mind with forceful clarity: the idea of the priesthood of all believers. That means that we all have a responsibility to look at our gifts and abilities, to listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and then to go out and fearlessly follow. There are many ways to preach the Word.

We heard stories from people leaving their personal “comfort zones” to work in unexpected and unlikely places to witness to the presence of God in the midst of human activity. Not all were ordained or otherwise “licensed” through our church systems. A young man, a refugee with barely a command of English spoke of his miraculous conversion to Christianity, his long & dangerous journey to Perth, the high personal cost of his discipleship to his family remaining in his country of origin. He now works with a local Anglican church that provides food, fellowship, English classes and even more importantly, hope, acceptance and care for many asylum seekers & refugees, many of whom carrying scars from Post traumatic stress disorder as well as their settlement needs.

We can surely give to the Kingdom of God that is with us right now! I recalled a saying that I had seen in various places: paraphrased it goes like this- “You are the hands, feet, eyes, ears and mouth of God…” God works through us, imperfect humans to bring about His purposes; and so that text from Romans now speaks to me even more loudly – if we do not go out and preach the Word, if we do not leave our comfort zones to do the Word – how will anyone believe? Our wish lists will remain just that.

Tip Passes
We are asking for three tip passes to be used to assist the clean up of the rectory this week. Please contact Helen by Wednesday if you can help.

Anglican Messenger

Copies of this month’s edition are available from table in narthex.

From the Rector’s Desk

Native Tree Garden.

At our last parish council meeting, consideration was given to the possibility of replanting the large garden bed running along the edge of the church property on Murray Street. While some preparation and edging still needs to be carried out, we are now in a position to call for donations to assist us with this project. If you would like to buy a plant for the garden bed, please feel free to choose one from the following list. These are available from the Kings Park Native Plant Sale, next Saturday and Sunday.

Swan River Myrtle Small shrubs Pink and white forms if available;

Coastal Daisy;

Basket Flower (Adenanthos) Ask only for small shrub species;

Running Postman, a ground cover;

Scaevola thereare several species, mostly ground covers;

Kangaroo Paw Several types. Plant in groups;

Grey Cottonheads;

Lomandra Plant in groups; odd numbers.

Australian Bluebell;

Banksia. Select only small shrub species;

Eremophila Select only small shrub types;

If more convenient, donations would also be greatly appreciated. It is hoped that preparations for planting will be completed within the next two weeks.

Blessings, Rev Chris.

Stella Gath

Please pray for the family and friends of Stella who passed away peacefully last Friday.


MONTHLY MEETING at 12.30pm this Tuesday, then following the meeting, the Rev. Chris Hind has been invited to tell us a little of his history before arriving at St. A’s. Commencing at 1.30p.m. in the hall. Parishioners are welcome to attend.

DRESS PARADE On Tuesday, Sept. 20th. the Guild will be hosting the annual dress paradeby Cameo Loretta, commencing at 1 p.m. in the hall.Door prizes, afternoon tea.Entry $5.Feel free to bring a friend.

Roster for next week
Celebrant and preacher Revd. Chris Hind. Greeters—Karen, Glen Christopher. Overhead—Ivonna. Readings Jeremiah 8:18– 9:1 (Jeanette). Psalm 79:1-9 (Patrick). 1 Timothy 2:1-10 (Bryan). Gospel Luke 16:1-23 (John) Kids @ Church Leader—Julia Intercessor— Philip. Chalice—Jeanette, John. Counters—Wendy, Nick. Morning Tea—Christine T, Jill. Bread—David C.