Personal book

The angel of the Lord Current Issues in Biblical and Patristic Interpretation

Gerald Hawthorne 324

A Mighty Fortress is our God ET 3-105

Abaddon ET 20-234

AbbaET 20-356

In OT JETSS 31(1988)385-398

Peter AbelardExp 4th VIII 37

Men and Affairs ET 85-4 Jan ’74 p28

Heloise and Abelard

Abimelech ET 29-511


Epidemic Americanholocause BS 139-342 10/82

In Bible, early Christian lit NTA 27(3-83)1136

Logical, theological considerations BS 148(Jan 91)112

Pro-lifeJETS 33/4 (Dec 90) 489-508, 509-512

Rights appraisal BS 148(2/1991)337

Partial birth Clear Thinking 1-3 (Winter 96)


DateET 10-210,278

In history and tradition BS 134-123 4/77


Covenant BS 127-241 7/70

UnconditionalBS 142(1985)320


And other ancient traditions B&S 6-65 Summer 77

And ChristET 12-258,505


Expositor 4th VIII 266


Definitions and women’s rights ET 95-330,332 8/84


ET 77-44


Fred Smith Leadership II,3 good


Ethical standards in religion ET 85-6 March 74 p167-171

Theological issues BS 133-530 Apr 1976 p 143

African religion

Learning from other faith ET 83-324

African theologyET 86-8 May 1975 p233-236

Some current concerns ET 87-6 3/76 p164


In OT OTA 9-2 597

The AgapeET 90-356 9/79

AgingLeadership W’82 p105 very good

Agnosticism, Christian ET 27-198


ET 69-7,97,182

Exp 4th IX 1,97


The name ET 17-564

Ahazdate BS 127-207 7/70

AIDS Church and AIDS crisis BS 149(Jan 92) 74

à Kempis, Thomas Imitation of Christ ET 69-81

Akhmim Fragment and fourth gospel Exp 4th X 320

Alchemy outline, as a psychological problem Q2

Alcohol and Christ ET 41-491

Alcoholism and church, support group L II-2 Sp 81 p113

Aleppo codex BRev Aug 91-223

Al-Ghazali Religious beliefs of John Watson ET 86-7 Apr p200

Alice in Wonderland ET 70-18

Allegro, JM Men and Affairs ET 82-288

Almugtrees ET 9-470

A and Ω ET 23-185,285

Alphabets first BRev 12/92 p18

St Alphonsus ET 18-19

Altars in OT Et 40-11,69,135,168,214,281

Alternate versions of Christianity ET 88-115 1/77 good

Amanuensis NTA 29-1030 3/85

Amazing Grace song ET 93-18 10/81

Ambition sermon ET 40-131

Amen ET 8-100

Amillenialism Parables and second coming NTS 3-142

Ammonites B&S 11-1 W82

Anabaptists America’s debt to

See back of article Spener’s Pietism under Church History file

~ view of the church EvQ 56-81 4/84

Anabaptists The Reformation CTR 6(Spr 93)195

Analogy of faith JETS 35-69 3/88

Anatolianism Int 6-156 1/10?

Ancestor worship and deification of Babylonian kings ET 25-126

Anderson, Norman ET 97-288 6/86

Fallen angels Mayor Jude ch 10

Anger sermon ET 81-318

Anglo-catholicism ET 39-53

Aniconic tradition early Israel CBQ 50-65 7/88

Animals relation to humans ATR 7/81 259 ET 78-339

Annihilationism JETS 37(Dec 94)553

Anointing CBTJ 1(1985)44 – OTA 9-301 1/86

Of OT priests JETS 29-132 6/86

Anointing the sick

Origin of medieval rite JTS NS 7-211 10/56

Antanaclasis in OT CBQ 44(551 10/82

Antediluvian civilization ET 5-351

Antediluvian patriarchs ET 10-352

Antediluvian ages JETS 37(June 94)161

Kingdom of God in ante-niceanfathers ET 30-248

Return of Christ in ante-niceanfathers JETS 29-169 6/86

Baptism postponed Augustine Confessions 13n

Miracles Augustine Confessions 59n 220n** 387***

Fasting Augustine Confessions 267n

Israel and the church in the ante-niceanfathers BS 144-254 4/87

Anthromorphism in Hellenism and Judaism BS 127-212 7/70

Angels anteNicean literature on

Origin De PrincipiisPref 6-10, I, V,1-5,VIII,1-4 v. Kelsey, Tongues 180

Antichrist identity PT 9/74 PT 4/75

Origins and early development of the Antichrist myth ET 103(3/92)182 book review

Antijudaism in Luke Accts NTS 41(Jan 95)19

Antinominianism and John Fletcher WTJ 3-38 Sp 68

And dispensationalism BS 153(Jan 96)141

Antinominianlanguaecontrovery HTR 69-345 7/76

Antiochus Epiphanes CBQ 49-113 1/87

Aorist tense uses for preaching ET 71-267 ET 7-75

Aphorisms ET 76-136

Apocalypse of Peter ET 42-21

Odes of Solomon ET 42-21


Rise of Themelios 3-10 1/78 ET 89-324 8/78 V 2/81

Relation to eschatology JETS 12/81 289

Social setting of JourStudPseud 4(89)27-47 NTA 35-436

Revival o RevExp 72(Sum 75)

Apocrypha, canonicity

Hawthorne, Issues 31

Why rejected EvQ 1(Oct 29)361

Apollinaris of Laodicea ET24-246,410

Apollos study in pre-Pauline Christianity ET 9-8 sermon ET 95-245 5/84

Pastoral epistles Exp 4th VIII 110

Rev Exp 56(Oct 59)

genuineness of BS 150(April 93)131

authorship ET 30-230ET 67-7770-91

Biblica 71(1,90)343ET 104(Nov 92)45

the disciplined lifeET 31-410