THE Alamo Plant History

In the fall and winter of 1979-80, a special Westinghouse study team concluded its task and recommended that a new plant be established with the following primary objectives:

June, 1980

- Westinghouse began renovation of facility formerly owned by "Duo

Therm" and "Waste King" (The building was first built in 1963 by Waste King;

and Duo Therm purchased the facility in 1968.)

- Charter included:

- Bulk and Condenser Bushings

- Air Core Reactors

- Oil Instrument Transformers

- Transformer Rectifier (TR) sets

December, 1980

- First Air Core Reactor shipped (to Georgia Power) - 76 employees

February, 1981

- First Bulk Bushing shipped

May, 1981

- First Transformer Rectifier shipped

August, 1981

- First Oil Instrument Transformer shipped

December, 1981

- First Condenser Bushing shipped

December, 1982

- Plant start-up complete, 209 employees


- Transformer Rectifier Set (TR) product relocated to Canada


- Westinghouse Medium Power Transformer (Sharon, PA) Plant closed,

Alamo received: Transformer Control Cabinet, Inertaire System, Sudden Pressure

Relay (SPR), De-Energized Tap Changer (DeTC), and Reactance Load Tap

Changer (UVT, UTT, UTS) business


- Westinghouse Trafford, PA plant closed, Alamo received Bushing Potential Device

(PBA2) and Renewal Parts business


- Westinghouse acquired GE "Large Core (40MVA) Transformer &

Bushing" technology

- O Plus C Bushing designs initiated

- Westinghouse/Reinhausen Load Tap Changer (LTC) joint venture initiated


- ABB and Westinghouse formed T&D joint venture


- ABB purchased Westinghouse share of joint venture

- Reinhausen joint venture dissolved and Reinhausenoperations were removed from the Alamo factory.

- ABB type UZ Load Tap Changer localization began

- Air Core Reactor business sold to Trench

- First 765 kV O Plus C bushing shipped


- Oil Filled Pump (VFOA) Cooler product line introduced


- EEMAC Bushing (Canadian Standard) production consolidated to Alamo


- Oil Forced Air (VVAM) Cooler assembly began

- Components Marketing & Sales (Nashville) consolidated into Alamo


- Distribution Components Engineering (Athens) consolidated into Alamo

- Self-Directed Work Teams Implemented


- Distribution Components manufacturing relocated to Alamo (from Puerto Rico)

- ILS Transformer Parts & Service Integration

- Certified to ISO 9000 Standard


-ILS Physical Relocation to Alamo

-ISO 14001 Certified


-VFOA & VVAM Cooler Exit


-MachineCenter Upgrade

-Distribution Components CSP Circuit Breaker Exit


-Shipped first Type-USB On-Load Tap Changer

-Introduced and patented the Epoxy site bowl for condenser bushings


-Line 1 "AB” Bushing Introduced


-Line 2 Air-Oil ("AB") Bushing Introduced

-New Linear De-Energized Tap Changer (DTL) Design Introduced


-Celebrated 25 year Anniversary

-Zenox Relocated from Canada to Alamo

-Gas Detector Relay (GDR) Relocated from Canada to Alamo


-Redesign of Gas Detector Relay (GDR) for more robust calibration stability

2008, 2009 and 2010

-Award from ABB NAM Front End Sales for Best Customer Service


-Market introduction of EHV condenser bushings O Plus C II up to 550 kV


-Distribution Components manufacturing relocated to SLP, Mexico

-Recertified EHV condenser bushings to the latest standard ofSeismic Withstand according to IEEE 693

-Celebrates 30 year Anniversary