The Air and Waste Management Association


The University of Montana Student Chapter

Minutes-February meeting, 2/27/08, 4:15pm Chem 212


-Tony gave a short presentation on what AWMA is and the benefits of becoming a member for the “new” people in the room


-coming soon!

-the address will be:

-pages are finished and the site has been created by IT, but just trying to clear up password/access issues

-Megan and Raj will both have access to edit the page

AWMA membership:

-Megan, Raj, Rob, Emily, and Jessica are now members

-need 5 more to become an official chapter

-Rob will talk to Heidi so we can send hers in

-we will pay membership for the first year ($35) for anyone else that joins now


-current balance is $300-something (Emily didn’t give the exact number)

-paid $35 dues for 5 members to be official with AWMA

-getting $750 from Steve Rybolt/PNWIS for recruitment/party (still coming)

Recruitment party:

-hold in March/early April instead of a speaker?

-ideas: bowling, food, rent a room at a nice restaurant

-make sure we can give a short presentation on AWMA (like Tony did at the meeting)


-e-mail nominations to Tony and then voting will be done via e-mail

-see the bottom of the minutes for current officers/duties of each office

-add advertising to the job description of the VP? Another office? We need someone to be in charge of making sure it gets done for each event

-term will likely be through August, when people might be graduating/leaving

-start holding an officers meeting mid-month to get things set-up/make sure we’re moving forward

Montana chapter/environmental consultant companies:

-not discussed

-want to coordinate the first meeting with our recruitment event if possible

AWMA conference in Portland:

-abstracts for the student competition are due March 3rd (website now says April 4th?)

-prize money in the student competition is up to 4100 for doctoral students, 2600 for masters students, and 1800 for undergrads

-Raj, Megan, and Emily have already submitted abstracts

-if you submitted an abstract already and want to switch to the student session, e-mail to withdraw your original abstract

-conference is June 24-27th in Portland, OR


-check out the student section on the website-there are lots of student programs!

-money is available from different sources to help cover travel expenses for those that want to attend

-student registration is only $70 before May 15th for AWMA members (non members are $105, which includes the membership fee)

Environmental Challenge International (ECi):

-are we interested in forming a team for Portland? Need 3-5 people

-consider donating a small portion of any winnings back to the chapter

-would be easier to participate in than PNWIS since posters must be done before arriving at the conference

-problem is already posted (see conference website)


-did not discuss any other speakers for spring semester

-hold a recruitment party instead of a speaker in March??


-see flyer for upcoming events from the Environmental Action Community

Elected Officers and duties:

President: Heidi, Conference duties, monthly meetings, contact speakers.

Vice-President: Jessica, Conference duties, monthly meetings.

Treasurer: Emily, Keep track of finances, dues.

Secretary: Megan, Keep notes, organizes meetings, old and new business.

Recruiter: Rob, Recruit new students

Faculty advisors: Tony Ward, Meeting facilitator