Guidelines 2013/2014

The aim of Cavan Sports Partnership is to increase participation in sport and physical activity among all persons in County Cavan. Cavan Sports Partnership is looking to support initiatives by sports and physical activity clubs in Cavan who are working towards this aim.

Cavan sports partnership wish to invite applications for their sport and physical activity grant scheme for 2013/2014.

Applicants may apply under one of below schemes.

Grants up to a maximum of €1000 and minimum of €200 can be applied for under the following headings.

1.Increasing participation among minority sports

Eligible Costs

Funding is available towards the following costs: -

-Accepted administration costs

-Set-up costs including sundries

-Facility access costs (where required)

-Promotional costs

-Coaching/Programme delivery costs

-Transport costs, where required (to a maximum value of €200)

Ineligible Costs

Funding is not available towards the following costs: -

-Capital Costs

-Annual operational costs such as insurance, registration, affiliation fees.

Who is eligible?

  • Sports and Physical Activity Clubs based in CountyCavan;
  • New sports Clubs;
  • Clubs must be affiliated to their National Governing Body of Sport where such an NGB exists;
  • Clubs must also be run on a not for profit basis;
  • Clubs must operate under the basis of best practice for children in sport – a member of the club must have previously attended a Child Welfare & Protection Awareness course (new clubs must commit to attending training where appropriate)

Who is not eligible?

  • For profit groups/commercial organisations
  • Private facility owners
  • Statutory agencies

2. Community Mass Participation

The key objective of this fund is to provide support to communities who wish to deliver community sports participation events in 2014 which increase opportunities for people to take part in physical activity.

Who is eligible to apply?

It is open to communities and sports clubs who are organising local sports participation events in 2014 in Cavan.

Who is ineligible to apply?

  • Private organisations
  • Statutory agencies

To be eligible for funding, the event must:

  • Use the funding support for the purpose outlined.
  • Provide feedback to CSP in terms of objectives achieved and numbers of participants, both national and international with evidence (photos, press release) that the event has taken place. Provide invoices/receipts showing expenditure*.
  • Ensure CSP and the ‘This is Cavan’ Logos are branded on all promotional materials and on day of event. Please note banners etc. can be provided on day of event.
  • Events must place emphasis on participation rather than competition.
  • Events must ensure that there is medical cover at all times and all events are covered by their insurance (a copy of which must be supplied when recouping funding).
  • Show ability to provide for Cavan Sports Partnership target groups to participate: Older Adults; Women; Young Girls; Disadvantaged Communities; People with Disabilities.
  • Have the capability to promote the event and provide a potential for media coverage.
  • Event to be uploaded on Cavan Sports Partnership & The ‘This is Cavan!’ website:
  • Be either a new event which will take place in 2014 or an addition to an existing event which is being expanded.

* Funding will only be made available to successful applicants after receipt of invoices

Closing Date for Applications is Friday, 25thOctober 2013 at 5p.m.