2009 Annual Meetings African Development Bank Group

The African Community of Practice on Managing for Development Results


Wednesday 13 May 2009 15.00 – 18.00 and Thursday 14 May 2009 8.00 – 12.00

Palais des Congrès - niveau 0 : B002 - 20U


The African Community of Practice for Managing for Development Results (AfCoP-MfDR) is a virtual community of over 500 members from 32 different African countries and 25 countries off the continent. The community’s mission is to build African MfDR capacity through sharing experiences, networking and building strong learning relationships between MfDR practitioners in Africa and around the world.

AfCoP members are practitioners of MfDR working for African governments, civil society, and as independent experts in the field.


The goal of the two AfCoP advocacy days is to give the opportunity to members to introduce the community, explain its vision and mission, present goals and progress to date, and suggest potential linkages. They will also present how the AfCoP is contributing to implementing the Accra Agenda for Action through strengthening the ownership of national strategies, and national systems and building country capacities. The members of several national CoPs will hold an exhibition to present the CoPs and their products to the annual meeting participants.


The AfCoP advocacy days - May 13 2009

Palais des Congres 15 h – 18h - Room: B002 - 20U

§  Introductory remarks by the African Development Bank

§  General Presentation on AfCoP (AfCoP Secretariat)

o  Introduction of the community, its vision, mission, goals and progress to date

o  Proposals for new linkages

§  Partnerships for the AfCoP (African Development Bank)

§  Role of the national CoPs in implementing the Accra Agenda for Action at the country level (Niger, Mauritania CAP-Scan)

o  Capacity building, ownership of national strategies and use of country systems

§  Discussions

§  Closing remarks by the African Development Bank

AfCoP Marketplace

Palais des Congres May 14: 9 h – 12h Room: B002 - 20U

AfCoP online platform demonstrations, AfCoP and national CoP exhibition, and new member sign up.