The Addictions Recovery Ministry is a specialized ministry of this diocese and a local affiliate of the Recovery Ministries of the National Episcopal Church. This ministry welcomes recovering people into the Episcopal community and also helps recovering Episcopalians find a home within the organized church. Within the diocese, the Addictions Recovery Ministry provides education, guidance, and support for families and parishes struggling with, or wishing to learn more about, addiction. In this context, the term “addiction” means a relationship with any activity or substance that interferes with healthy functioning including but not limited to alcohol, drugs, relationships, sex, work gambling or food.

The Commission continued to meet at least quarterly in 2009 and conduct Celebrations of Life in Recovery which include a pot luck lunch, open 12 Step meeting, and a 12 Step worship service. We would like to thank Fr. Bill Terry for hosting a series of Eucharists incorporating the 12 Steps at Grace and St. Anna’s over the summer. We would like to hear from any parish interested in hosting a Celebration of Life in Recovery or sending a representative to a Commission meeting.

The Commission also provided information to our General Convention delegates regarding two important resolutions being presented for approval. Resolution A078 proposed that “every congregation in The Episcopal Church is to institute a Recovery Sunday to be celebrated annually on a date or dates to be determined by the Ordinary.”, and resolution A079 proposed that “every course of study for the ordained ministry of the Church, in seminaries and elsewhere, include education in the nature of addiction, in the identification, practices of intervention and treatment of addiction, and in Twelve-Step programs for recovery from addiction and that each diocese commit to continue to address the issues of education, prevention, intervention and treatment in support of its congregations, clergy, laity and employees.” Both of these resolutions passed, and the Addictions Recovery Ministry is uniquely positioned and qualified to assist the Diocese of Louisiana with the implementation of these initiatives. The members of this ministry will make themselves available to the congregations in the diocese as a resource for those dealing with addiction in any form. We are able to participate in educational programs at parishes and at clergy events whether through special presentations, personal testimonies, Sunday school classes, or Recovery Sunday events. We have materials and resources available that would free the parish clergy from the necessity of developing their own Recovery Sunday programs. If a parish or group would like to host a recovery-related event, please contact Lance Armstrong in Baton Rouge at 225-922-2563. In addition, the Addictions Recovery Ministry continues to hold two retreat weekends for people in, or interested in, recovery - a Women’s Weekend in January and a co-ed Mixed Weekend in August.

The Women's Weekendon January 9-11, 2009 was a success with 27 attendees. We are still finding that the stress of Hurricanes as well as life in Recovery require us to take time for ourselves. With Linda Nelson as our facilitator and the Life of the Beloved by Henri Nouwen providing the message, many of usfound spiritual refreshment.We were fortunate to have Martha Tennyson with us for a “Dreamwork” group, as well as several other great afternoon activities including art and spiritual direction. The Taizé service with music by Kim and Kelly Richert, provided an appropriate close to the day. As always, the Eucharist on Sunday, with a wonderful message from Reverend Giulianna Gray, was uplifting and sent us on our way strengthened and ready for the world. We are very grateful for all those who made the Weekend possible, from SolomonCenter staff to our facilitator and priest. As always, we are also grateful for the fellowship of the amazing women in Recovery who attended.

The MixedWeekend for men and women took place on August 7-9, 2009, at the Solomon Episcopal Conference Center. The theme of the weekend was Being Made Instruments of Gods Peace: The Prayer of St. Francis. Our facilitator was Sr. Cathy Cahill, OSF, who is the director of the FranciscanCenter in Tampa, Fl. Sr. Cahill’s humor and experience led us through reflections on the St. Francis prayer in different ways, weaving the wisdom of the prayer and the wisdom of the steps. The retreat also included individual spiritualdirection, 12 Step meetings, and a Taizéserviceofhealing with musicfor theservice providedby Kelly and Kim Richert with Greg Tanner. The weekend concluded with a Eucharist incorporating the 12 Steps.

Should you have any questions concerning the Addictions RecoveryMinistry for yourself or your parish, please contact Lance Armstrong inBaton Rouge at 225-922-2563.