The ABC’s of Ms. Carroll’s

Kindergarten Class


Allergies: Please let me know of any allergies, food or otherwise.

Absences/Attendance: If your child is absent, please send in a note the day that he or she returns. Please include your child’s name, date of absence, and the reason for the absence.

Agenda: Your child will have his or her own agenda. The agenda will be sent home with any behavioral concerns. Please sign and return the following school day.


Book Orders: Each month I will send home Scholastic book order forms. Please make sure that you make your check payable to Scholastic. Please do not send in cash.

Backpacks: Your child’s backpack should be large enough to hold a pocket folder. Please check your child’s backpack each day. Please no backpacks with wheels. Please make sure your child’s name is clearly labeled on the outside of the backpack. Suggestions: luggage tag, key chain, lettered beads, or permanent marker

Bus Tags: Each child will be given a bus tag during the Kindergarten Open House. Your child must wear the tag each day regardless of transportation to and from school.

Bus: All children will be put on the bus unless I have received a written note to the otherwise. Please make sure that you or your daycare provider is at the bus stop each day. If the designated person is not there, the bus driver will return to school with your child. If your child will be having a play date and will be riding a different bus home or getting off at a different location, I will need a note from parents.


Communication: Please send in any written communication in your child’s agenda. If I cannot respond that day, I will contact you the next day. My school email address is

Calendar: A monthly calendar will be sent home to let you know about the month’s events. Please keep it in a convenient location where you can refer to it daily for special activities and homework.

Curriculum: Kindergarten teachers will teach the Standards of Learning as mandated by the Virginia State Board of Education. Your child will use Foresman-Wesley Math, Words Their Way, Math Their Way, and the Scott-Foresman Reading Series.


Dates: We have many special days in Kindergarten. There will be days when the children will need to bring in something special to school for a lesson or project. Please refer to the calendar.

Dress: Please have your child wear tennis shoes daily for safety on the playground. Also, please keep in mind that we will be working with glue, markers, and paint.


Early Dismissal: If your child needs to leave school early, please send in a note. You will need to sign out in the office and the office will call down to the classroom, and your child will come to the office to meet you.

Emergency Cards: We will keep an emergency card on file for your child. Please be sure that we have current and up to date phone numbers for home and work. Please be sure to include all cell numbers.


Folders: Your child will need to bring their folder and agenda each day. Please check the folder nightly. Please put any notes or lunch money in the folder. They will be checked each day. Please do not put information for school loose in the book bag.

Field Trips: We usually take several field trips during the year. Most field trips only allow two chaperones per class. Due to limited space, parents will be asked to drive and follow the bus. Permission slips and fees for admission will be collected from students prior to the trip. Parents will need to pay upon arrival at our destination.

Fees: Please send in $6.00 to help cover the cost of the Primary Journal and Weekly Reader.


Games: We will be learning many new learning games in class. Some may come home for review. Please make sure that the games are returned the following day with all the pieces.

Guidance: We will have guidance lessons each month.


Happy Birthday! To celebrate birthdays in our room, your child will be a star student close to their birthday week. If you would like to send in cupcakes on a specific day, please let me know in advance. Please DO NOT send in cakes or big cookies. They are hard to serve. We are not allowed to distribute party invitations to students. A mailing list will be sent home so that you may mail invitations. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Homework: Homework will be sent home as needed. There will be several projects assigned throughout the year. Homework will be a review of skills taught in class and should be returned the next school day. Homework assignments and projects not completed will be reflected on the report card. Make time each night to read with your child and review daily work.


Interest: If you have a particular interest that you would like to share with our kindergarten class, please let us know. We would love for you to come in and share with the class.

Illness: Please do not send your child to school if he or she has a temperature. If your child becomes ill at school, you will be called by the nurse. Please be sure that we have at least 2 working numbers for you. Please remember that children must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.


Journal Writing: We will be writing each day! Please practice letter formation at home.


Keep me updated. Please let me know if your child is experiencing anything that may make his or her behavior change. Often a new medication or a parent on travel can alter a child’s mood.


Letters and sounds: All letters and sounds will be taught throughout the Kindergarten curriculum. Please practice at home.

Lunch: Students may buy lunch, milk, or bring their own lunch from home. Please make sure that your child knows what they should do each day. Our lunchtime is 12:00-12:30. Please feel free to join us. Please check in with the office and then meet us in the cafeteria. Separate accounts will be available for lunch and snack (ice cream). Please prepay with a check, if possible. Breakfast: 95 cents Lunch: $1.85


Money: If you ever have to send money to school, please put it in a sealed envelope with your child’s name on it. Place it in your child’s folder and mark the envelope with what the money is to be used for (lunch, book order, field trip, etcetera)

Math Tubs: We will use math tubs in addition to our math curriculum. Different manipulatives will be available for free exploration.


No toys! Please make sure that your child does not accidentally put toys in their book bags. We will have show and tell days and toys will be appropriate for those days.

Newsletter: A kindergarten newsletter will be sent home each month to inform you of coming events and curriculum activities in class. You will also receive a combined newsletter from the principal and the PTA each month. Please keep these newsletters on hand during the month, as they will contain valuable information and important dates for you to remember. Newsletters are also posted on the TES website-


One Two Three Magic: I will use this as our classroom discipline plan. Your child will get 3 warnings to stop a behavior before spending 5 minutes working away from the group.

Outside: We will have outside time daily, weather permitting. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather.


PTA: I encourage all parents to join the PTA. I hope that our class will have 100%! The PTA provides many wonderful things for the students and staff. They need your support to continue their work.

Parties: We will have many celebrations throughout the year. I will need parent volunteers to help coordinate these days. Please let me know if you are interested. 


Questions?: Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s education.


Read Read Read: Read to your child and then read some more! This will assist them with reading readiness.

Resources: Your child will attend Art, Music, PE, and Library. The resource schedule is attached. Please remember to return library books prior to library day. Children get very upset when they are unable to check out a new book.

Restrooms: There is a restroom in our classroom and your child is allowed to go when needed. Unfortunately accidents will happen. If so, your child will be sent to the nurse for a change of clothing. Please return the borrowed clothing the next school day laundered.


School Records: Please make sure that all records are complete for the school files before school begins. Shot records and physical forms must be on file before your child will be allowed to attend school.

Snack: We will have snack daily in our classroom. Children will need to bring a healthy snack for themselves each day. If your child brings lunch from home, be sure that their snack is separate. Some ideas are cereal, crackers, goldfish, fresh fruit, cheese sticks, muffins, yogurt or pretzels. Please no peanuts or peanut products.

Safety: Your child’s safety is top priority. Please send in a note with your child if he or she is to go home a different way.


Tardy: If your child is late for school, please walk them to the office and sign them in. They will then walk to the classroom. Please do not accompany them to the classroom.

Take Home Folder: All communication should be in the pocket folder. Notes from school or me will be found in this folder.

Time: School begins at 8:45 and ends at 3:11.


Units of study: Each month we will have a different thematic unit that we will explore.


Volunteers: If you would like to volunteer, please let me know which day(s) you would like to come in.


Wear tennis shoes: The PE teacher requires that sneakers be worn for class. Students without the proper shoes will be asked to sit out to prevent foot injuries and will cause the class to lose a PE sticker.


Extra help: Extra help is always given to students who need to be challenged a little more or need more remediation.


YOU: You are your child’s first teacher. Please continue to be positive and excited about learning.


Zzzzzzz’s: Please be sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night. Kindergarten students require 10-12 hours of sleep a day. I know that oftentimes it is difficult, but please try to set a bedtime and be consistent.