The 5 M S Meaning, Mind, Mood, Motivation, and Method

The 5 M S Meaning, Mind, Mood, Motivation, and Method

Name ______

Romeo and Juliet Act III Type 3 Writing Assignment: Conflict Analysis


For this writing assignment, you will choose ONE of the following types of conflicts and discuss how 2 or more instances of this conflict in ACT III help the plot keep moving and stay interesting.

  • Violence/crime vs. peace/law
  • Old vs. young
  • Fate vs. free will
  • Parents vs. children
  • Trust vs. suspicion
  • Tragedy vs. humor
  • Patience vs. impetuousness (impulsive – acting suddenly without thought)

This involves:

Choosing ONE of the above conflicts from Act III and identify how it keeps the plot moving and interesting in Act III

Identifying at least 2 specific examples from Act III (quoting lines) illustrating this conflict at work

Discussing/elaborating on how specifically the example demonstrates the conflict, what is shows about the conflict, and how it keeps the plot moving.


1 paragraph, ½ page to 1 page long TYPED!!!!

Begin w/ a topic sentence identifying the conflict and how it keeps the plot moving.


Introduce first example – set up what it shows

Give the quotation from the play, along with Act, scene, and line #’s

Explain or analyze what this example shows about the language used


Introduce second example



FCA’s (each one is worth 5 points = 20 points)

Organizes paragraph around a clear topic sentence (TS) that identifies the conflict and how what the conflict contributes to the Act

Uses transition words and statements to help ideas connect and flow

Introduces and implements at least 2 specific examples, in the form of quotations, from the play to support the discussion of the conflict and its impact on the Act

Elaborates on the examples, discussing how each example specifically reflects the conflict and keeps the plot growing more intense

RBE: No spelling errors, no run on sentences or fragments, no errors in S/A and Pronoun Agreement

____/ 25

* * * A rubric may be attached to your writing.

Act III conflict and what it shows:

Introduction/Summary of what the quotation will show:

  • Quotation:
  • Analysis/ Explanation of the quotation (try answering these questions):

How does this quotation demonstrate the conflict?

How is this conflict/quotation working in the Act in general?

Introduction/Summary of what the 2nd quotation will show:

  • Analysis/ Explanation of the quotation (try answering these questions):

How does this quotation demonstrate the conflict?

How is this conflict/quotation working in the Act in general?

The 5 M’s – Meaning, Mind, Mood, Motivation, and Method

Act: / Character:

Who am I? (character’s name and relationship to other characters)

What am I saying?

What am I saying?

Why am I saying it (focused on motivations)?

Because I want (what the character wants to accomplish)

Because I think (what the character thinks about the other characters and the

situation they are in, and what the character thinks about his/her own situation)

Because I feel (fears, hopes, love, hate, envy, contempt, and so on . . . include to

whom this emotion is directed, if it is towards another character. Characters may

also be experiencing more than one feeling – so each emotion should be


Because this is what I’m like (statements about the character’s nature/personality)

How do I speak? (concerned with answers to speaking style, emphasis, tone, speed, pauses, gestures, movements, facial expressions, etc..

Act I sc. i / Act I sc. ii / Act I sc. iii / Act I sc. iv / Act I sc. v
Puns / X


/ X
Allusion / X
Light/dark imagery / X / XX
Oxymoron / X / X
Conceit / X
Foreshadowing / X

Literary Devices in Act I– x’s in squares denotes the number of examples to include. Record line numbers andexplain the meaning.

Act I sc. i / Act I sc. ii / Act I sc. iii / Act I sc. iv / Act I sc. v


True love
Free Will

Conflicts in Act I– Record events with line numbers that reflect any of the conflicts listed below.