The 8th International Exhibition of Arms and Military Equipment
Nizhny Tagil
September 8-11, 2011
The State Demonstration and Exhibition Center of Armament and Military Equipment
Federal State Enterprise “Nizhny Tagil Institute of Metal Testing”
29 Gagarin street, Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk Region, Russia 622015
FSE “NTIMT”, Demonstration and Exhibition Center
Phone: +7 (3435) 43-90-10, 47-52-10, 47-52-14, 43-90-22, 47-51-83 Fax: +7 (3435) 43-90-11, 47-53-29
E-mail - Web -
General terms and conditions of participation for foreign participants
1. Time and place of the event:
The exhibition will be held at the State Demonstration and Exhibition Center of Armament and Military Equipment (further – Exhibition Center, EC) FSE “Nizhny Tagil Institute of Metal Testing” on September 8-11, 2011.
2. The organizer:
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
With assistance of:
· Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
· Ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation;
· Federal Service of Military-Technical Cooperation;
· “Rosoboronexport” JSC;
· Government of Sverdlovsk region;
· City Administration of Nizhny Tagil;
· Sverdlovsk region Union of Defense Industry Enterprises;
· “Scientific-Production Corporation “Uralvagonzavod”, JSC.
3. The exhibition will be held by the FSE “Nizhny Tagil Institute of Metal Testing”
The official partners of the exhibition:
· Russian Board of Industry JSC
· Exhibition Companies Association “Bison” JSC
· State Unitary Enterprise of Sverdlovsk region “State Regional Exhibition Center “InExpo”
· “Scientific-Production Corporation “Uralvagonzavod”, JSC
The exhibition organizer main counterparts:
- Limited Liability Company “EXPONORM” – individual stand building;
- State Unitary Enterprise of Sverdlovsk region “State Regional Exhibition Center “InExpo” - stand building;
- Limited Liability Company “Real-Media” – official catalogue publication, information support;
- Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Special communication department in Sverdlovsk region – Head office branch of the Federal communication agency special communication” – military purpose production official transportation;
- Hansa-Messe-Speed GmbH - military purpose production official transportation;
- Service Сenter “ExpoTour” - exhibition guests and participants servicing.
4. Exhibitions schedule:
Contract reception deadline - August 25, 2011
Payment deadline - August 31, 2011
Exhibits delivery and installation - August 25 through September 7, 2011
Exhibiting stands arrangement inside the halls - September 6-7, 2011
Rehearsals – September 4-5, 2011
Final rehearsal - September 6, 2011
Exhibition is open: September 8-11, 2011
For specialists: September 8-9, 2011
For visitors: September 8-9, 2011
Exhibits dismantling and removal: September 12-13, 2011
Exhibition working hours:
For participants: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For visitors: September 8-11: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., September 11: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Exhibition opening ceremony: September 8 at 12 a.m.
Exhibition closing ceremony: September 11 at 4 p.m.
5. Exhibition profile:
1. Military vehicles and components:
- Armored vehicles (tanks, tank support combat vehicles, infantry combat vehicles, armored troop carriers, prime movers). ***
- Military engineering vehicles. Engineering means of intelligence and overcoming, devices for mine-exploding barriers (mine sweeps, mine finders and annihilators, systems of remote mining, devices for creating mine fields)
- Military automobiles and trailers*.
- Combat vehicles protective means**.
- Engines and their components.
- Combat and transport helicopters***.
- Systems of automated troops control, stationary and mobile complexes of radio-, radio relay, and space and wire communication, means of information security, deception and radio reconnaissance.
- Engineering and means of radiation, chemical and biological shielding.
2. Armament and component parts
- Artillery armament (self-propelled guns and mountings, towing artillery guns, tank, air and marine guns) **.
- Missile launch rocket systems (combat vehicles, transport charge vehicles) ***
- Close combat means (anti-tank rocket systems, shoulder-fired and tripod-mounted rocket launchers, rocket launchers) **.
- Tactical and theater-of-war rocket systems*.
- Small arms (machine guns, submachine guns, rifles, carbines, pistols), sport and hunt arms**.
- Anti-aircraft, missile and missile-canon systems, air defense systems and installations*
- Torpedo devices, depth charge launcher for bombs
- Target detection and destination, targeting and guidance systems and devices. Fire control equipment*.
- Pilotless aircrafts for battlefield observation, reconnaissance and targeting *.
3. Ammunition and its components
- Artillery firing (land, tank, anti-aircraft, naval and air artillery).
- Mortars, grenade launchers and recoilless guns firing. Hand grenades**.
- Rocket systems missiles**.
- Cartridges for small armament, sport and hunt arms. Belts and sections.
- Engineering ammunition (anti-vehicles, anti-tank, antipersonnel mines) **.
- Air weapons (aircraft bombs, one-time bombing clusters, incendiary tanks, guided and unguided missiles) **.
- Torpedoes, anti-torpedoes, jet underwater missiles, jet and depth charges.
- Explosives and triggering facilities. Powders and pyrotechnic means.
4. Technical support equipment:
- Workshops and facilities for military equipment, arms and ammunition repair and maintenance.
- Mobile facilities for military equipment maintenance, repair and evacuation.
- Facilities and material for radiation, chemical and biological protection.
- Training tutorials, technical facilities and simulators.
- Range systems, installations, equipment and facilities for military engineering, rocket artillery armament and ammunition testing.
- Equipment and instruments for ground ammunition neutralization
- Equipment for conventional military engineering, armament and ammunition disposal.
5. Vehicles and equipment of railway military units:
- Locomotives
- Railway carriages
- Railway building and repairing equipment
- Locomotives accessories and component parts
- Railway components and material.
6. Exhibition program includes:
- Exhibiting in halls and on open grounds.
- Demonstration of operating and combat features of arms and military equipment
- Business meetings;
- Participants’ presentations;
- Scientific and technical conferences;
- Briefings;
- Seminars;
- Round tables;
- Organization committee diplomas awarding.
7. Types of participation:
- Exhibiting with area rental with (or without) demonstration of operating and combat features of arms and military equipment;
- Distant participation (advertisement, information, commercial offers on “Distant participation” stand and in Official Exhibition Catalogue);
- Business visit.
8. Application and registration:
The following documents regulate the participation:
- General terms and conditions of participation.
- Contract, in compliance with form 1.
- Participant’s Profile, in compliance with form 2.
- Stand layout, completed according to form 3.
- List of exhibits, completed according to form 4A (military oriented exhibits) and 4B (non-military exhibits).
Filled and certified Contract in duplicate, Participant’s Profile, Stand layout and list of exhibits are mailed to the organizer of the exhibition FSE “Nizhny Tagil Institute of Metal Testing”. Contract, Participant’s Profile, Stand layout and list of exhibits must be duplicated by e-mail or fax. Distant participants and visitors mail Contract and Participant’s Profile.
All documents should be filled in and printed properly.
The organizer of the exhibition (further - Organizer) after receiving Contract registers the applicant as a Participant of the exhibition (further - Participant) and mails the copy of agreed Contract and fee payment instruction. The fee payment instruction is duplicated by fax.
Organizer and Participant admit legal force of signatures, seals on fax copies of Contract, fee payments and other documents.
Applicant confirms the acceptance of all items of present participation terms by tendering the Contract to take part in the exhibition. Any other agreements, special admittances and terms are need to be approved by Organizer in writing.
9. Terms of payment
The payment for the participation in the exhibition is performed by bank transfer to the settlement account of Organizer. All bank fees are paid by the Participant.
For participation in the exhibition the Participant will be charged for:
- registration fee
- exhibition area rental
- passes
- additional equipment and services
- operating and combat features demonstrations of military equipment and armament (in the presence of effort and consumables provided by Organizer in accordance with separate contract)
For distant participation the Participant will be charged for:
- registration fee
- advertisement, information arrangement and commercial proposals on “Distant participation” stand.
The registration fee includes the following costs:
- exhibition advertising expenses
- organizational and other preliminary expenditures
- posting of information about the Participant the Official Catalogue
- one copy of the Official Catalogue (Official Catalogue will be sent by mail to Distant Participants)
- posting of information about the Participant in the exhibition electronic catalogue on Organizer’s site:
Exhibition area rental includes charges for:
- Maintenance of indoor area and open grounds
- Exhibition area general lighting
- Fire prevention and public order security
- General security
- General exhibition area security during non-working time
- Indoor and outdoor passage ways and common areas cleaning
- Waste disposal during exhibition build-up, maintaining and dismantling.
- Maintenance staff (administrators, inspectors, ticket collector, electricians, sanitary technician and etc)
- Stand rental (only exhibition area in the hall, equipped with a stand).
All payments are made in accordance with prices, in Form 1 of the present terms. Taxes are included.
All non-cash payments are made in euro to the currency account of the FSE “NTIMT” or in Russian currency according to the exchange rate set by the Russian Central Bank to the date of payment to the ruble account of the FSE “NTIMT”.
All cash payments are made in Russian currency according to the exchange rate of euro set by the Russian Central Bank to the date of payment.
The cost of additional services ordered during the exhibition operation will be doubled. All payments for extra service and equipment ordered during the exhibition operation are made in cash. FSE “NTIMT” cannot guarantee the delivery of extra services and equipment during the exhibition operation.
If all documents are submitted and all payments are completed by May 31, 2011 – 25% discount on exhibition area rental price takes effect, by July 31, 2011 – 20%, by August 10, 2011 – 10%.
Attention! If taking part in the demonstration (except for the parade) - 50% discount is applied to the price of open areas rental.
If Participant fails to meet the deadlines, Organizer is entitled to withdraw Contract. Participant will not be reimbursed for remittances already made. Participant is entitled to withdraw Contract, in this case, Participant must inform the Organizer about withdrawal application in writing. If Participant submits the official withdrawal application before August 15, 2011, Participant will be refunded for all payments except for the registration fee.
If Participant withdraws Contract from August 15 through 30, 2011, the Participant is liable for a forfeit of 50% of all payments already made, which means that only 50% of all payments will be refunded. In both cases Organizer will place Participant`s information into the Official Catalogue and on Distant participation stand and send one copy of the Catalogue to Participant. In case of Contract withdrawal after August 30, 2011, Participant will not be refunded for payments. In case Organizer will not deliver completely the ordered services already paid for in proper time, the payments will be reimbursed to Participant.
10. Pass procedure and exposure on the military exhibitions.
In order to obtain permission for temporary importation of military oriented exhibits into the Russian Federation, Participant will submit by May, 31 2011 to the Demonstration Exhibition Center the list of military oriented exhibits in accordance with form 4A of the present terms in Russian and in English. The list includes full names of military engineering items. To determine whether the exhibit is a military oriented one, it is necessary to use the active normative and legal legislation of the country, where the Participant is registered. Also together with the list it is necessary to present to the Demonstration Exhibition Center all the materials in paper (photos, booklets, advertisements, etc.)
11. Armament operating and combat features demonstration.
The exhibition center is equipped with a track with obstacles for testing of track and wheeled military vehicles, demonstration grounds, water basin as well as testing ground and aircraft base with landing field and a stock of aircrafts and helicopters, these objects allow demonstration of:
- Running features of armored, engineering and automobile vehicles;
- Combat features of armament and military engineering of land forces (tanks, armored carriers, artillery systems and other) with fire range up to 50 km;
- Combat features of aviation and aerial ordnance (air bombs, unguided air missiles, cannon firings);
- Operations of Ministry of Emergency situations under extreme situations
- Special aviation engineering.
The demonstration program includes:
- Self-propelled vehicles parading in front of the tribunes;
- Armament combat features demonstration by firing on the testing ground under the programs of participants;
- Self-propelled vehicles running characteristics demonstration on the testing route;
- Fire-fighting and rescue equipment demonstration on the special grounds under the programs of participants;
- Operational characteristics of engineering on demonstration grounds, within the fixed areas.
Before the Final repetition Participant will be allowed to conduct required trainings. Any training requirements must be indicated in the demonstration program too.
Trainings and demonstrations of the vehicles operating characteristics are free of charge except the efforts of Organizer staff and expendables of Organizer reserve.
Participant is able to use his own expendables or make out an order at Organizer. To use its own expendables participant is required to give forms, tickets and certificates or any other documents to confirm their accordance with design, normative and technical documentation. Dangerous chemical substances are strictly prohibited.
Attention! If programs provide for efforts of Organizer staff and expendables of Organizer reserve, submission deadline for service and expendables is August 25, 2011. Participant must submit all payments during 10 days after the invoice was issued.
In order to make comments during the demonstrations Participant should submit the announcement text printed both in Russian and in English. The total reading time of both Russian and English texts must be 10 seconds for the parade-demonstration. To comment on the demonstration of the operating characteristics, battle and combat features total reading time of both Russian and English texts must be no longer than the demonstration itself.
Announcement text printed and on electronic carrier must be sent by August 31, 2011.