11-14 September 2012, Moscow
Contest objective:
-to encourage cooperation among young people of different countries; to develop their environment-oriented awareness; to share knowledge in forest management, environment and practical experience; to address the world community attention to forest challenges.
-to encourage student initiatives in knowledge extension and skills development in forest ecology, silviculture and forest protection, forest treatment and regeneration that enhance environmental forest training and education and vocational guidance.
Competition goals:
- to support student initiatives in protection, conservation and regeneration of world forest resources at local and global levels;
- to encourage student interests in research in forest stock record and monitoring, sustainable forest management, evaluation of anthropogenic impacts on forest resources condition and forest input in sustainable development of planet’s biosphere, biological diversity conservation, efficient use of wood resources on the basis of updated scientific methodology;
- to involve young people in the activities related to extension of ideas of sustainable forest use involving various public sectors;
- to identify and encourage young students who have special environmental and forest expertise and skills.
Research trends:
* forest science and silviculture (forest typology; study of forest regeneration and formation, recreation impacts on forests, thinning, forest fires, etc., forest regeneration after final felling, efficiency of forest regeneration activities, forest plantations, etc.).
* wildlife ecology (fauna, ecology and behavior of birds, insects and other forest animals, including forest pests; studies of biological forest protection means (including entomophages), etc.):
* ecology of forest plants (floristic and geobotanical studies of forest plant communities; studies of ecological and biological features of forest plants, establishment of ecological training trails in woodlands, etc.);
Work evaluation criteria: relevancy, scientific value, practical importance, validity of research tasks and objectives, quality and clearness of presented results, command of the material and proper presentation abilities.
Competition procedure
International Junior Forest Contest is an annual event.
From each country to participate in the contest invited young students under the age of 20 years (up to 2 people.) and the head of the delegation - accompanying (1 person).
Contest participant shall present own project to the International Nomination Committee (11-14 September, 2012, Moscow) and give responses to questions of Committee members using necessary visual aids (slides, tables, schemes, posters, etc.).
All Contest finalists will be invited to participate in Contest events. The hosts of the International Contest cover expenses for accommodation, board and culture program for participants and accompanying person.
National representatives are kindly requested to inform the Organizing Committee if they need visa support.
The winner of the International Junior Forest Prize will be presented with a Main Prize.
The second and third places will be presented with special prizes.
The winners from the fourth to tenth place will be awarded incentive prizes.
All finalists will get Contest diplomas and medals.
Guidelines for project preparation
Working languages of the competition are English and Russian. The project should be presented in one of Contest working languages in writing.
The project should include the following information:
- Project title
- Names of the project authors
- School name and address
- Names of project leaders
- Date of birth and sex of authors
- Short finalist CV
- Arrival and departure route
- Names of accompanying persons
- Names of the national organizer and contact person
- Names of national sponsors
Guidelines for written projects (submitted by e-mail and typed):
- text shall be written in Russian or English;
- font in Times New Roman, size 14, interval 1,5, 2 cm margins,
numbered pages.
- total text should not exceed 20 pages, format A4 (including all enclosures- pictures, tables, photos, schemes etc.).
- The following division of the project is suggested:
- title page
- summary (no more than 20 lines)
- introduction
- description of the used methods
- description of research and results
- conclusion
- list of references
- enclosures (attached separately)
Deadline for written text submission to 9thInternational Junior Forest Contest – August 15, 2012. Contest participation materials should be e-mailed to the Federal Forestry Agency to : .
All additional information is available on Rosleshoz site