The 2018 Brookfield Central

"Lancer" Invite

1. Brookfield Central

2. Menomonee Falls

3. Germantown

4. Sussex Hamilton

5. Homestead

6. Whitefish Bay

7. Oconomowoc

8. CMH

9. Hartford

10. Waukesha West

11. Marquette

12. Brookfield East

13. KM

14. Badger

15. Tosa

16. Slinger

17. Sheboygan North

18. Cedarburg

You have been invited to the 21stAnnual Brookfield Central Invite. The Date will beWednesday April 25th. There will be a shotgun start at 1:00, with a coaches meeting at 12:30. The 18-hole tournament will be held at Wanaki Golf Course in Menomonee Falls.

The Lancer Best Ball Invite will be scored as followed(PLEASE NOTE FORMAT CHANGE)

4 man Stroke Total (6 count 4) - 6 PLAYERS

The cost will be $190.00 per team- includes lunch for 6 players and one coach and a cart

Make checks payable to: Brookfield Central



Summer Rules

Blue Tees (white tees for any girls)

Score the school above you in your group.

Turn in card (to your coach – Coach will verify score) w/ 2 signatures.

This is your warning regarding swearing, club throwing, hat backwards, or other behavior deemed to be unsportsmanlike (2 stroke). No jeans and or tee shirts.

Play the ball as it lies. (USGA Rule 13-1)

LOCAL RULE – interior OB on #15 (Cart path on #14)


All sand bunkers will be played as hazards (USGA Rule 13-4) Local rules state that “Stones” in bunkers will be played as moveable obstructions. (USGA Rule 24-1)

All maintenance roads and walking paths will be considered obstructions and relief may be provided. (USGA Rule 24-2b)

Out of Bounds –Defined by the inside points, at ground level, of white stakes and fence posts. (Rule 27-1)

holes: 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, (interior OB on #15) 18

Water and Lateral Water Hazard Stakes and Lines – When a water hazard or lateral water hazard is defined on only one side, it is deemed to extend to infinity. When a water hazard or lateral water hazard is bounded by out of bounds, the hazard margin extends and coincides with the out of bounds line.

Lateral Hazards are marked with RED lines (and Stakes)

Holes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17

Water Hazards are marked with YELLOW lines (and Stakes)

Holes: 1, 9, 14, 15, 17, 18

Ground Under Repair – Defined by white lines. French drains are deemed to be ground under repair. (Rule 25-1) Ground under repair may include areas of unusual damage, including areas where spectator or cart traffic has combined with wet conditions to affect materially the ground surface, but only when so declare by an authorized member of the Committee. When immediately adjacent to an obstruction, such an area is part of the obstruction.

Embedded Ball Through the Green – Local Rule as prescribed in Appendix I are in effect.

Immovable Obstructions – All artificially surfaced roads, sides of roads and cart paths; stakes and guide wires supporting trees (not the trees themselves), tagged trees with wrapping, flower beds, ornamental areas, poles, buildings, bridges and bridge supports (except in a water hazard), exposed pipe lines, protective fences, steps leading into bunkers, exposed bunker liners and artificial edging around bunkers and greens.

Aeration Holes – The Local Rule as prescribed in Appendix I is in effect.

Scorecards must be exchanged with your playing partners. Rotate cards and keep one score.

If you are not sure of a ruling, discuss with your playing partners, if you are still not sure play two balls mark down both scores then discuss the situation with the Rules Committee at the scoring table who will then make the official ruling.(USGA Rule 3-3)

PACE OF PLAY - (USGA Rule 6-7) requires players to play without undue delay. If necessary, the committee will monitor and time players in a group that has fallen out of position. If a group is out of position, a player will have 40 to make a stroke. There will be one warning on the 40 second shot…and a one stroke penalty on the second violation After a group has been warned and had not caught back up to “in position” a group penalty of 1 stroke will be assessed. That penalty will be rescinded when the group in back into position.

Electronic Measuring Devices – A player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only. However, if, during a stipulated round, a player uses a measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g., gradient, wind speed, temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3, for which the penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether the function was actually used.

Spectators will be allowed on the course, however THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED THE GIVE ANY ADVICE TO THE PLAYERS, NOR ARE THEY ALLOWED THE GIVE ANY RULINGS, AND SHOULD REFRAIN FROM ANY DIALOG. Spectators should not look for lost golf balls unless the player asks for assistance. Spectators not conforming to these rules will lose their privilege to watch the match and will be asked to leave the course.

Close of Competition – The competition is deemed to have closed when the trophy has been presented to the winner or, in the absence of a prize ceremony, when all score have been approved by the Committee.The result of a match is considered to have been “officially announced” when the Committee has approved the result as posted on the public scoreboard.

Rules Committee - ALL Coaches are designated as part of the Rules Committee.


Team Champion (top 3 teams get medals)5 count 4

Individual Champion (top 10 get medals)

Tie Breakers will be broken on the scorecard (USGA).

Team Championship

5th players score

USGA / WIAA (Back 9, 6, 3 etc.)

Individual Championship

USGA / WIAA (Back 9, 6, 3 etc.)

The Brookfield Central

Lancer Invite 2018





#1 Class

#2 Class

#3 Class

#4 Class

#5 Class