The 2012 Joint Needs Assessment Committee Report


Trinity United Church Mission Statement

Is to provide a safe, respectful environment in which people of all ages and circumstances can grow and learn about our shared spirituality, through spiritual education, recreation, music and outreach to our community and the wider world. We do this by:

  • Studying the Bible
  • Comforting those who mourn
  • Being hospitable to all who come to our doors
  • Feeding the hungry
  • Visiting those who are sick
  • Striving to set an example by becoming a more environmentally friendly community
  • Worshiping together.

This information was complied through the reviewing of the 2009 JNAC report and the reports and mission goalsas provided from the Transition Team, the workshop discussions and conclusions, as well as individual and group meetings of the congregation.

We welcome you to consider sharing our ministry.


The town of Creston is a community of five thousand people surrounded by the rural communities of Canyon, Lister, Erickson, West Creston, and Wynndel. The total area population of Creston is about 15,000. It is situated in a scenic valley between the Purcell and Selkirk Mountains with KootenayLake to the north and the US border 11 km to the south. The interprovincial Highway #3 runs through Creston. The nearest major centre is Cranbrook, 107 km to the east. Spokane, Washington, USA. is 300 km southwest. Creston has a small airport; Cranbrook, Castlegar and Spokane have the nearest larger airports.

Creston is a retirement community with a population of 4,826 (2006), attracting people from across Canada due to its mild climate, long growing season, and the availability of many outdoor pursuits. The average age in Creston is 54 years and the average personal income is $46,904.

The economic base is agricultural, dairy and fruit growing, forestry, a winery with an accompanying restaurant, a cheese factory, and several other small industries. Creston is known for the Colombia brewery’s “Kokanee Beer” and as the first major fruit center when you travel from the east.

The major employers include J. H. Huscroft’s Sawmill, Wynndel Box and Lumber, School District #8, Overwaitea Foods, Extra Foods, and the Columbia Brewery.

Creston has three elementary schools, one FirstNationsSchool, two private Christian schools, one Secondary School, and a campus of the College of the Rockies. There are daycare programs for working parents.

The Town of Creston is serviced with a 20 bed hospital, Extended Care, medical clinics, several private practices, and Public Health, Home Support and Home Care Nursing programs. There is one long-term care facility and several senior housing complexes.

A wide variety of recreational, cultural and social programs and activities are available to the community. The Creston Wildlife Management Area is now recognized as a vital wetland of international importance attracting many visitors. Other resources include the Concert Society, Quilting Guild, an art council that lists some 26 art and cultural groups, Public Library, and a movie theatre. Leisure and recreational programs include golfing, hockey, curling, baseball, soccer, bowling, swimming and hiking, as well as hunting and fishing. The new Sports Complex has been recently completed, and includes an indoor swimming pool, exercise rooms, and an indoor walking track, curling rink and hockey rink. Three ski hills are located within 180 km of Creston. KootenayLake provides many water activities while DuckLake provides summer and winter bass fishing. Provincial and marine parks are also close by. There are also many activities and programs designed for the seniors’ community.

There are many churches representing various denominations in the Creston area. The Ministerial Association is very active. TrinityUnitedChurch has hosted the Singing Christmas Tree, Christmas hamper packing, World Day of Prayer, Presbytery meetings, as well as many local outreach programs. We also host a Wednesday lunch program with support from the local Gleaners organization. TrinityUnitedChurch is in a prominent downtown location right next to the Post Office. Because we are central and have a large church hall, our building holds many community functions. Our congregation is predominantly composed of seniors as well as some younger families. We are endeavoring to increase the involvement of more families.

Websites of interest




Creston has seen many changes over the years. In the 60’s, the church community had a large church school, choir and an active U.C.W. Over time, numbers have declined. It was a three-point charge, but is now a one-point charge. Time passes, our members grow older, young people leave the community. Many retirees, rather than young families, have been attracted by the beautiful geographical areas in the CrestonValley. We have a small number of young families. We expect more young retirees to move here in the next few years.


Trinity United Pastoral Charge has been actively involved in a two year intentional Interim/Transition, and with the aid of the appointed minister, we have successfully addressed a wide variety of issues that have been hindering our church’sgrowthand development for many years. Trinity United continues to strive to be a welcoming community of members working with oneanother to maintain the mission, life and work of the church.

The strength of our church is reflected in the work carried out by its various volunteer groups. The services provided by our volunteers strive to ensure the future of our church, and are much appreciated by the congregationand the community at large.

We operate under the oversight of an Executive Council that remainsvigilant to be the repository of information to the congregation. It is made up of the chair of each committee, an elected chair and recording secretary. There is an operational Ministry and Personnel committee that is very interactive with the church’s staff (minister, secretary and music person) and congregation. The Bible Study group has long been active, and continues to hold relevant discussions. We have revamped some of our committees and now have an outreach committee that also oversees the visitation sub committee. Our The Prayer Circle meets monthly and provides support through prayer. Finance and Visioning is a newly formed committee that not only oversees the finances of the church but also seeks new and innovative ways of being the church through good stewardship and visioning.

The choir practices on Thursday evenings with the congregation’s Choir Director and accompanist. Choir membership fluctuates and the choir continues to encourage more people to attend. The congregation enjoys the music in weekly services and would like to see this aspect continue, and thrive.

The U.C.W. group is especially dedicated to fellowship and fund-raising activities, and they have been going strong for many years. The U.C.W. carries out a wide variety of fund-raising and fellowship-nurturing activities. Their aim is to involve not only their core members, but also all women of the congregation and community. Functions such as monthly soup and sandwich lunches, meat pie sales, two rummage sales per year, and a fall bazaar contributes to the church budget. Outreach activities include support to the local women's Shelter, Rock Lake Camp, M & S and many others. The U.C.W. caters to funerals and similar functions. The community’s annual Christmas Food Hamper packing is organized by the Creston Ministerial Association and the U.C.W. provides a hearty lunch for all volunteers. Many members have Food-Safe certification, and the kitchen is a well-organized, efficient hub of activity.

Sunday worship is the foundation of our Spiritual growth. We have a single service on Sunday mornings. Through the Creston Ministerial Association we help provide services to several seniors’ facilities in partnership with other churches in the community.


For the past two years we have been in transition, and have willingly and honestly investigated the principles of discerning our past, present and future through “examining who we were, who we are, what do we want to become, and how we will accomplish that”. Through a four step workshop and discussion process it was determined that we are currently a functioning, but slowly declining congregation of believers, whosevision is to provide outreach to the community throughthe developing and constructingof a multiple unit low cost/senior housing structure which will also include a multi-use facility that will be used for worship as well as community outreach. It was apparent that we are quite comfortable with our current situation, and realized that if current trendscontinue, we will eventually decline to a point where we will no longer be able to financially maintain a worship facility, with full time paid accountable ministry. But, it was decided that we could live on into future of the community by creating a legacy to Creston, through the development of a Joint Catalpa/Trinity Housing Project. The new facility would significantly reduce our utility and maintenance costs, while the housing project would become self sufficient.

We are a dedicated congregation who is searching for a minister to help us improve our understanding of the Christian way. We are a diverse congregation of varied backgrounds who are generally open to new ideas and opportunities.

We need to continue to reach out to those who do not attend church regularly, by providing outreach for shut-ins and elders and by being hospitable and proactive in finding ways to attract new members by connecting with the Creston Valley Newcomers Welcoming Committee, to help them feel welcome and loved. We are at a turning point and a place of discovery. We invite you to consider participating in this journey with us.



Trinity United, the only UnitedChurch in our Pastoral Charge, is located at 128 - 10 Avenue North. Our church is set in the middle of downtown, less than a block off of the main street of Creston, on four parcels of prime real-estate. One parcel is currently under the name of the Trinity Housing Authority, which is a society made up of congregational members, and provides low cost housing to the community through the 13 unit Catalpa Apartment facility. The church currently consists of a sanctuary that is a 100 foot x 42 foot building that was completed in 1962, with a seating capacity of approximately 220. The back section of the church (the chapel) can be closed off when not in use, but can be opened -up for overflow. Attached on the north side of the sanctuary is a multi-use hall that was built in 1957/58. It consists of a kitchen, lounge, spacious hall area, church offices, minister’s study and the Eric Beach Memorial open area, and Library. The basement has rooms for Sunday school, meetings, a large open area, and storage space. Outside there is a small enclosed Memorial courtyard, which has recently been beautified by members of Canada World Youth and church volunteers. A large parking lot is in front of the building used by members and the community. The Board of Trustees is active in managing the long term aspects of the property. After reviewing our needs as well as the exorbitant costs associated with heating and maintain such a large structure, the church chose to temporarily close the sanctuary area during the winter months and moved worship into a portion of the hall area. In the spring we will revisit our expectations and need for such a large facility.


Our spacious facility is available to user-groups year round. Members and non-church groups use it, including community choirs, Book Study Group and Narcotics Anonymous. Our meeting and banquet catering facilities were heavily booked this year for a wide variety of community functions.


Last year we reach out to the congregation with a very successful 5 week Stewardship Awareness Program, which was just completed repeated this year. Because the majority of our congregation is made up of retired or soon to retire individuals, creative budgeting can be challenging when most people live with a fixed income. We struggle more and more each year to be able to maintain our current levels of employment and support to the community and beyond, and so in all likelihood, this will be the last time we will be in a position to offer a fulltime pastoral relationship. It would be our hope that in the near future we can begin to investigatethe possibility of creating a shared ministry position with another denomination in our area, as the issue of aging membership is not exclusive to the UnitedChurch in Creston.

Our proposed Operating Budget for 2012 and statement of finances for 2011are attached in the church’sAnnual Report, as well as a separate statement generated by our U.C.W., whichmaintains their own finances.Musical and community group rentals have contributed to the church budget in the past, but have been significantly reduced this year due to the closure of the sanctuary during the winter months. Funds are also generated by rentals and cash donations for parking, as well as through U.C.W. endeavors.


Currently there are three paid staff persons atTrinityUnitedChurch, consisting of the Minister, the secretary/bookkeeper, and our Music Director. Honorariums are provided for the weekly accompanists. With the exception of the Ministry Personnel, all positions are part-time. The Music Director establishes and coordinates the choir for Sunday Anthems and Hymns. The accompanist(s) plays the piano and organ during choir practices and Sunday worship.

The church’s Secretary works 1 full day and 3 mornings each week. Her responsibilities include being the receptionist for the congregation, preparing the Worshipbulletins, assisting the property committee by liaising the booking of theuse of the facilities, tracking statistical information, ensuring the powerpoint presentation persons are given the order of service information well in advance of the service, email and snail mail inquiries, and bookkeeping. Her wages are also subsidized by the Trinity Housing Authority for her assistance in the managing of the Catalpa Apartments. Custodial needs are currently being met through volunteers from the congregation.


A.TrinityUnitedChurch is seeking a full-time minister for our one-point charge to lead us in strong spiritual development, planning, and inspirational worship.

B.Because our JCUP proposal is still in the proposal and development stage we are seekingsomeone who has strong ministry skills or life experience in either the new Church or building development field so as to provide direction and support to the committee.

C.The person chosen will need to be a calming presence, being able to provide counseling and support to the congregation through the time of transition once the project has been approved.

D.The successful candidatewill need to bewilling toprovide advice, support, consultation and encouragement, with sensitivity to the needs of the congregation.

E.It is hoped that the minister will be involved in the community ministry and take part in the Ministerial Association. At present part of the Ministerial Association’s commitment is to ensure that regular chapel services are provided at our two local Care homes.

F.We have a newly established lay pastoral care program that occasionally needs the professional support of the minister.

G.The Executive Council meets once a month

H. Flexibility involving office/church programs, activities, and visitations is expected.

I. It is expected that the minister will attend to their responsibilities regarding Conference and Presbytery.



The Ministerial salary and allowances will be based on the current United Church Salary and Allowances Schedule & Moving Costs Regulations.


Travel Allowance - $0.41 per km.

Housing Allowance - $1,000 per month

Book and Continuing Education Allowance - $1275.00

Telephone Allowance $45

Days off are subject to negotiation and are flexible.

One month of paid vacation and 21 days of study leave are available as per the United Church guidelines.

In accordance, with Federal/Provincial laws, the recommended UIC/CPP/WCB payments and the United Church of Canada Assessment for Pension contributions will be included.

This report was created by the JNAC committee of TrinityUnitedChurch.