December 13, 2007

Confluence Park Restaurant

Executive Committee Meeting

ACS Local Section. Columbus, OH

Attendants: Ron Mitchum, Jeff Trent, Fred Costaschuk, Maria Rosenthal, Steve Rosenthal, Ed King, Theresa Huston, Stephen Renner, Rosemary Loza, Marta Pazos.

Meetingstarted at 5:10 pm on the 13th day of December

Old business: Minutes from October and November EC meetings have been approved by the executive committee.

Elections: We have new officers for the 2008 calendar year. Besides, Maria Rosenthal has been re-elected as councilor and Virginia Songstad is the new alternate councilor. The results of the elections were submitted to National on December 13th, 2007. Cheryl Vockins, from the ACS records office, has confirmed that it was received.

Elections: The elections results are as follows: (number in parenthesis indicates the number of votes received and name underlined and in bold are the newly elected officers and councilors)

Chair-Elect: Priscilla Ratliff (144). Robert Swann (47)

Secretary: Carl Merhar (117). Michelle Schott (73)

Treasurer-Elect: Andrea Arnett (153). Joycette Torres La Court (31)

Councilor and Alternate Councilor: Patricia Connick (80). Marta Pazos (65). Maria Rosenthal (99). Virginia Songstad (94). (The person with the highest number of votes, Maria Rosenthal, was elected councilor, and the second highest number of votes, Virginia Rosenthal, was elected alternate councilor)

It is now confirmed that the three 2008 Councilors: Theresa Huston, Maria G.V. Rosenthal and Jeff Trent are the Trustees of the Corporation of ACS Local Sectionof Columbus.

Steve Renner, the webmaster of our local Columbus ACS section was present in our meeting to discuss the following:

We officially have a new host for our website, Acorn Host, which is powered by green energy. We also have new and improved features, including access to databases, records of number of visitors. We had to pay $35 to let go of the old registration site domain and $9.25 to register with the new domain registration: We now own the domain

The budget should be revised and those categories that are not used should be eliminated. We should spend some time in getting this fixed for the year 2008 budget. Ron Mitchum will schedule a meeting where this can be discussed at the beginning of next year.

The meetings calendar has been set. The first meeting of the 2008 calendar year has been scheduled for February 21st. Note that there may be a date change, and we need a venue. The Clintonville Woman’s club was suggested as a possible option.

We always get the ACS president elect to be the speaker of our October meeting. Maria Rosenthal has invitedthis year’s president elect. He prefers to have his entire schedule set up before agreeing to come to Columbus.

Jeff Trent, councilor 2007-2009 has contacted several city venues where we can have representation during certain activities that are carried out in them or even to have our own events. We need to engage the local section Public Relations committee to help with this activity. Besides, the budget assigned to the different committees existing in the Columbus local section. We should have these events documented (pictures and a small paragraph) to help attract more attendees.

We currently have five big local partners where we can be represented in the several activities they carry out throughout the year that are chemistry related. These are: COSI, Franklin Park Conservatory, Metropolitan Library, the Zoo, and RecreationParks. We should definitely look to add more.

Jeff Trent has compiled all the e-mails explaining and approving the expenses related with the public relations. The scanned files are sent together with these minutes.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm.