ESP Lab News May 2012 page 2
/ Light your candle On your power star, ESPecially
join US on the 22nd and light a White or a RAinbow
candle (or the color of your choice) For LOVE,
Growth, Success, FUN, JOY, HEALTH with MONEY –for all of MAY – and the Rainbow prosperity blessing!
Let’s Stay with the Green LIGHT for May – the light of
LOVE, and growth, of Spring’s GREEN HEALING
LIGHT of LIFE and PROSPERITY. Let's play with the gronkydoddles and nature spirits, as we experience this LIVING LOVING LIGHT of NATURE and the Green Garments of the Earth Mother. Feel ONENESS with Nature and all GREEN living things… (This is on the rey of the Power & ENERGY Transforming Personalities of PAN, OSIRIS, HIAWATHA, & OSTARA). "SHIMMER GREEN" with a positive GROWTH ORIENTED TRANSFORMATION… as we experience WHOLENESS, WELLNESS, PEACE, PROTECTION, PROSPERITY, RENEWAL & NEW GROWTH-- With the Power of the Green Light. Let's make this our 3rd or "extra" LIGHT attunement period for each day of May. Know that YOU will be uplifted and helped by participating. To play with us, just find a relatively peaceful place in which to relax and focus your complete attention on THE INFINITE SOURCE OF ALL… or simply God if the term is OK with you. Let your "imagination" fill in any blanks.
KNOW that there is always a response from the Infinite.
Feel it as a shaft of White Light beaming down on you ever so lovingly. Bask in the Light and let it do a super cleansing job on your aura. Then when you feel ready, invite the Light to turn to Its BRILLIANT EMERALD GREEN color… and continue:
"I feel the SHIMMERING ALIVE GREEN Light flooding my aura and being with its LOVE & super cleansing, healing, growth, and strength; with spirituality, effectiveness, clarity, fun, and enthusiasm, attraction, freedom, relaxation, sensuality, perspective, healing powers; psychic, spiritual and material plane growth, with laughter, humor, joy, ectoplasm and extra, EXTRA FUN and LOVE... It burns, loves and laughs away, purifies and/or completely annihilates anything in or near me that is blocking my ability to manifest wonderful progress in all areas of my life. I accept good CHEER & good health, with celebration, charisma and success. I am filled to the happy loving overflowing point now, so I gladly share my FUN good by directing the energy to flow out to today's Special Night Light Members...... , and on through their personal experiences to my ESP Lab. I feel thanks with a wonderful surge of fresh power as the great circuit is completed and the GREAT energy flows back to me." / LET THERE BE Shimmering GREEN LIGHTs of
Peace, Protection, Prosperity, with Good Fortune
For May Special Night Lights 1) Sandra Evans, Kathleen Clark, Clarence Nickles 2) Lewis Hamilton, Bill Zurwell, Reina Rivera and ISIS Rivera and family 3) Gregory Chiomo, Ofosu Sikayena, Prince Sonny Osom and all of our West African members! 4) Louise Rudnick, Helen Sanchez and Family, Thomas Prichard Hernandez 5) Nathan Ciluffo, Patsy Segovia, Glen and Ellie Baumert and family 6) Edna Ashe and family, Amanda Mirabal, Sheba Abrahaim and family 7) Ronald Chase, Carolina Venwadjian, Joe Serrato 8) Rose and Ruby Calafaty, Marilyn Goodsell, Norma Wickey 9) Alex Faure Family, Sandra Gittens, Ida Kiss all International members 10) Mary Leonesio family, Peggy Merilainen, Sam and Kathy Kessler and family 11) Anne Hodde, Genoveva Alvarez, Bryan Surcouf with a welcome to all new ESP LAB members! 12) Charlene Becker, Laurence Williams and family, Sally and Harold Malstrom and their kitties 13) All dog, cat, bird, fish friends and members 14) Shannon King, Patricia King, Louise Rudnick 15) Doreen Delmolino, Michael Walton, Teresa and John Louis 16) Graciela Alvarez and family, Gladys Wolff. Richard St. John 17) Linda Savage, Alf Munoz and family, Amberlee Sutton with LOVE and blessings to all members who request Divine Healing 18) Jayne Jolliff, Stacey Pettingill, Sami Rose 19) Mike Fritch, Karen Rodrigues, Bill Gerber, and all our dearly departed Lab members! 20) Richard and Analicia Thackray, Janet Smith, Genoveva Alvarez with her school and all International members 21) Bill Wong, Betty Walker, Virginia Royal 22) Terry WebVulture, Tamira Silverdisc, Michael Manning and all ESP LAB staff!!! 23) Joseph Murphy, Betty Martin, Willie Milton 24) Evelyn Graham, Che Kirk, Freda Rudnick 25) Nathan Morris and family, Carley Ezell and family, Brenda Barger-Saunders and community 26) Alan Ames and family, Jerry Meadors, Peter Girard 27) Randy White, Jamie Thompson, Melissa Gerber 28) Evelyn Jabour, Jesse Ward, John Corbett 29) Sally Viel and son Michel, Michael J Harris, Kimberly Jaeger 30) Victor Buchelli, Benigna Avila, Gary McDonnell 31) Mark Ellis, Mysto the Magi, Lorenzo Hudgins and all participating ESP LAB members and guests – Be Blessed!
ESP Lab ®
ESP Lab News May 2012 page 3
by Michael Manning
We are already super-consumers and we are maxed out, so the corporations are now looking at the 2 billion poor people on planet earth to turn them into buyers. Now this might end poverty (probably not), BUT it will ruin our planet for sure. In addition, the current global banking system is set up to be mathematically impossible to sustain.
We cannot continue to do things in destructive ways. The old track will not take us where we want to go – no one on this planet will have success in the old system! We must create a new one. Many of the changes that need to happen will be difficult, but we can do this and in the end re-build our beautiful Mother Earth. We the people will do what is needed, and when the time comes, WE WILL WIN!! /
We must work together. We are one family within the ESP Laboratory, and it is now more important than ever that we stick together. I ask you to hold strong to your commitment to the path you have chosen. I know how much the ESP Laboratory has meant to this world and how much it will do so in the future!
So what is the goal, what is the plan? Many believe now that we must create a NEW system that will slowly take over the old one. The old system cannot be changed or re-created – it has to go completely so that we can see the rise of the new paradigm. We as Light Workers are to hold the light! HOW? By staying in a positive state of being and not buying into any of the things that are going on in society that take away from a new way of life on our planet, the emerging new paradigm. There have been a few times in history we have been close to Shamballah, but greed, negative energy, and keeping much of the old paradigms led to disaster. I believe our priority is to occupy the future of the world with all new ways of being.
If we first change ourselves, then we will see the rise of real and positive change in the world. If you live it, people will see that and they will also want to change.
If you are holding on to the old ways, then those are the things people will see and in fact these will become the seeds that you are planting. Remember, it is all about energy, and the new paradigm is created by our minds first!
article continued in the June issue
EMAIL Michael:
Hey there Maverick Magicians, get up off the couch, grab your magick wands (your connection to the Universal Forces of LIGHT) and be a Maverick Magician for the Merry Magickal Month of May. FOCUS ON THE POWER OF LOVE TO PROTECT AND HEAL YOU! Declare: "LET THERE BE: ______" for that which you wish to manifest fully. For example: "LET THERE BE: Good fortune manifesting fully for you and me, so mote it be!
Thank you! S's arm is better & doesn't need surgery.
RR, Whittier, California
Many thanks to the Great Lords and a lot to Al, and all members of ESP LAB. Sam, God bless you for your remembrance. Thank you. OS, Ghana, West Africa
Just a note to say that my Mum is out of Hospital and is doing fine. Many thanks for your help. Regards,
Amazing. I just got hired for a great job that I originally never applied for. It's sort of a miracle. I applied for one job and half way through the interview they asked if I would be interested interviewing for another higher paying job they felt I was qualified for. Well, of all the applicants for that job, I was selected. Monday through Friday with benefits. Wow. Thanks for all your help and support. JS, Prescott, Arizona
As I perused the March issue of the Lab newsletter I had to pause and laugh out loud as I realized my family had come full circle twice. When my daughter was young, it was her full conversation and dance with the Gronkeydoddles which made me decide to introduce her to the E.S.P. Lab. It is time to dance with the Gronkeydoddles again! Since I joined the Lab in 1978, I have always found a syncronicity in the current newsletter and my life and the March issue is no different. So my fun positive request this month is to ask for all the members to pray with me to help boost my positive aura so I can spread the light, love, and laughter farther! Over the past decade I've changed my name, my residence, and my mind so many times I find it hard to keep track, but Al Manning's ministry has ALWAYS been with me and I give thanks for that. After Al died I was worried about what would happen to the Lab, but it is in good hands. Keep up the good work Sami. With love, light, laughter I am sincerely,
K, Creal Springs, Illinois
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ESP Lab News May 2012 page 4
by Astro Sami
(Aspects in Pacific Daylight Savings Time, USA) KEYS:
Earthy Taurus-- the Bull-- April 19th to May 20th
I HAVE possessions! I am sensual & determined!
Airy Gemini-- the Twins-- May 20th to June 20th
I AM a thinking, versatile communicator!
SPRING is really here
So time to dance around the maypole!
Venus Retrograde can challenge all your cherished values May 15th to June 27th!!! /
Happy Birthday to all ESP Lab members with birthdays in May 2012. Blessings to all ESP LAB Taureans and Geminians! We wish you a fun re-birth & the best year!!
BEST DAY(s) FOR MAGICK-- Every Day is Magickal!
Favorite MAGICK TIME: May Day-- May 1st with 4th & 5th I like the night of the FULL MOON in Scorpio on May 5th!
Consider Jupiter trines-- Good fortune! 2, 10, 29
Mars squares and oppositions-- Caution! There can be: temper tantrums, wars, accidents, & Lots of energy -- to push the right direction! 7, 13, 15, 21, 25, 30
Watch Saturn squares & oppositions 5, 10, 17, 25
Transcend depression & the feeling that life is just hard.
Venus squares & oppositions: 2, 8, 15, 29-- heart ache & domestic challenge. Watch out VENUS RETRO the 15th!
May 1-- May Day Play with Moon in Virgo (folks will want their own way!)-- one of the eight spokes of the Great Magickal Wheel of Life! Or if you are a Druid it marks one of the Eight Great Grove Festivals! May Day is the beginning of the month of the magician so be magickal!! Wear Green; Call the Fire! Make Merry! Maypole Dance!
FULL MOON-- in Scorpio at 8:35 pm on May 5th! Some folks will be cutting their hair this night for thicker results! A very intense powerful magickal time, fertile for manifestation. Watch out for the Mercury opposing Saturn (a challenging communication) and avoid the Scorpio sting… folks can be moody and suspicious. Remember to forgive and forget!
VENUS GOES RETROGRADE on May 15th… the Goddess of Love goes on her every 1 1/2 year vacation. During this time folks tend to be dis-satisfied with their lives. WARNING: This is NOT a time for major changes as the unhappiness is temporary. Do not change jobs, friends, where you live or make major changes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW MOON with a solar eclipse at 4:47 pm on May 20th:
the SUN ENTERS GEMINI the morning of the new moon at 8:16 am… airy, mental, and communicative. The solar eclipse can make the primal man within fearful that the dragon has swallowed the moon, giving us an emotional disconnect. Prepare for the new cycle by letting go of past mistakes and celebrate new creative forward motion. Moon is in Gemini-- we feel talkative, versatile, & changeable. Make your changes simple and good!
GROUP MAGICK DAY! 22nd… Celebrate your Magick!
/ Now let's see what Silverdisc has to add: May – Protection … This is a good month to spring clean your magical area. Re-enforce and freshen up your protected Sacred Space. Take on a new divining skill this month go outside your box and try something you have never done before - in doing so your creative manifestation skills will grow. What new method would you like to try? Numerology, Astrology, Tarot, Divining rods, Pendulums, I Ching – the list goes on so many methods to choose from – so little time ;-0. This is the perfect time to look at your personal residence, pull out those Feng Shui Books or other energetic modalities that provide a way to map out energetic flow… for a good Spring/Summer house cleaning. Your house (physical home) can provide clues to how you are holding on to energy (stagnant), or where the energy is chaotic and out of control (whirl-wind activity) - look to all levels-- attic down to the basement-- apply this insight into your Psyche and Physical Body. Create a check list of things your body/mind no longer needs or where change can be implemented. You can utilize such tools as internal cleansing and detoxifying diets, a good massage or therapy session as a kick start. Love Yourself more than you Ever have … and let the Micro – make changes to the Macro. (Free Will) Health and Healing are also highlighted this month. Don’t forget to send your healing request to the lab to join into the group healing work. In Love, Light, Bliss & Grace, Silverdisc email: