National Voices
Membership application form
Full Membership of National Voices is open to national voluntary organisations that represent the perspectives of people who use services, carers and their families and can bring these to our work in health and social care.To show your organisation meets the membership criteria, please complete the following:
If your organisation does not meet the criteria for full membership, there may be other ways of becoming involved in our work – please email .
Professional organisations can also find details of our professional membership scheme at
We are a national voluntary organisation
Voluntary organisation - An independent, self-governing body of people who have joined together voluntarily to take action for the benefit of the community. A voluntary organisation may employ paid staff or volunteers, but must be established otherwise than for financial gain.
Our work covers health and social care issues in England
Organisations need to cover England, but may have a wider focus than England only.
The aims, objectives and working methods of our organisation are written down in a publicly available document
Please attach your governing document when submitting your membership application, or provide a weblink:
Our organisation is properly constituted and not time limited for a particular purpose
Our organisation does not have an affiliation to any political parties
We have a commitment to equal opportunities
Your organisation must be open to all members of the community with interests relevant to your publicly stated aims. If you recruit staff or volunteers, there should be a stated policy on equal opportunity values. If you do not have a stated policy, you must confirm that you practice equal opportunities.
We are committed to championing the perspectives of the people who use services, carers and/or families we represent, and to involving them in our work
Please give a brief description of how your organisation’s strategy and activities have been shaped by people who use services, and/or how you plan to involve people in your future work
Where did you hear about National Voices?
About your organisation
Organisation nameOrganisation contact details
Post Code
Website address
Twitter name*
You Tube
Charity Number (if applicable)
* If you’re on Twitter, please do also follow us @NVTweeting
About you (or the main contact for your National Voices membership)
Contact name
Job title
Direct dial
Address (if different from above)
Contact email
More information about your organisation
The information you provide in this section will help us to understand more about your organisation's work and main areas of interest. When you join us we will use your answers to send you targeted information about opportunities to engage with the work of National Voices, and with other members and partners in health and social care.
Please enter a short paragraph describing your organisation: who you are and what you do
Does your organisation do any work which is specifically targeted towards addressing the health and/or care needs of any of the following groups? (please tick as many as apply)
Older people / People with sensory impairment or other communication needs
Pregnancy and maternity / People who are homeless or poorly housed
Children and young people / People living in poverty
Men / Offenders/Ex-offenders
Women / People with addiction or substance misuse issues
People from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds / People from the gypsy and traveller community
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people / Refugees and asylum seekers
People with specific religions or beliefs / People with rare diseases
People with long-term conditions / People living in residential care
People with physical disabilities / People nearing the end of life
People with mental health problems / Carers
People with learning disabilities / None of the above
Other (please specify)
Which of the following areas does your organisation have a focus on, or particular interest in? (please tick all that apply within each category)
Services and settings:
Public health / Mental health services
Primary care / Adult social care
Hospital care (outpatient/inpatient services) / Children's social care
Community services / Education
Pharmacy services / Housing
Specialised commissioning / Employment and benefits
Other (please specify)
Approaches to best practice:
Diagnosis and early intervention / Health innovation and access to medicines, technologies and therapies
Person-centred information, advice and advocacy / Service user involvement and patient leadership
Care and support planning / Developing professional practice and leadership
Supported self management / Quality improvement in health and social care
Peer support
Other (please specify)
Levels of influencing:
Influencing and campaigning locally / Influencing at a European level
National public affairs work
Other (please specify)
Thank you – we’re looking forward to working with you.
On the next two pages you will find details of our membership subscriptions. Please choose the subscription and payment method you would like to use, then return your completed form to us at .
Select your annual income (turnover)
Select 1 or 2 years
Member Organisation Income Bands / 1 year’s membership
subscription / 2 years’ membership
discount @ 10%
Under £50,000 / £25 / £45
£50,000 - £99,999 / £75 / £135
£100,000 - £499,999 / £180 / £324
£500,000 - £999,999 / £260 / £468
£1m - £1.9m / £400 / £720
£2m - £2.9m / £575 / £1,035
£3m - £3.9m / £800 / £1,440
£4m - £4.9m / £1,100 / £1,980
£5m - £5.9m / £1,400 / £2,520
£6m - £6.9m / £1,700 / £3,060
£7m - £7.9m / £2,000 / £3,600
£8m - £8.9m / £2,300 / £4,140
£9m - £9.9m / £2,650 / £4,770
£10m and over / £3,250 / £5,850
Annual membership subscription of National Voices
Please tick the relevant box below to select your payment option:-
1 Year subscriptionCheque (send to details below)
BACS transfer (see details below)
2 Year Subscription (10% discount)
Cheque (send to details below)
BACS transfer (see details below)
If you would like to make a donation to further support National Voices’, please enter the additional amount you would like to give here.
Please make cheques payable to National Voices
For BACS transfers, please make payments to:-
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd
Account Name: National Voices
Account Number: 00005538
Sort Code: 40 52 40
Please return this form to us indicating your preferred method of
payment, enclosing payment where applicable to:-
National Voices
1st floor, Bride House
18-20 Bride Lane
London EC4Y 8EE
If you have any queries please do contact our membership team:
or 020 3176 0738