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Minutes of 10 Feb 15 meeting of Shrewsbury Library Trustees.

Present: Dianne, Dirk, Lisa, Judy, Joan, Trish, Gail, Dick, Marge, Chryl.

Minutes: Treasurer’s report should have included that an expenditures budget of $23660 was approved. Also approved: $2000 for the 5 year plan from carryover of budget surplus. Spelling of capital noted and hereby corrected. Trish moved to accept with changes, Judy seconded. All in favor.

Fund-raising: Not all phonebook ads have been paid for yet. Discussed cover details at some length. Discussed survey and its distribution. Lisa will put the survey on the web site in case some people care to figure out how to navigate it.

Children’s Librarian’s Report: Lego program successful and well-attended.

Building Committee: No estimates for clapboard and insulation work yet. Trish presented sketches of proposed Great Room bookshelves. Much discussion of juxtaposition of computer and sitting area with said shelves. Chryl moved that we get an estimate for full 2 wall complement of shelves. Marge seconded. All in favor. Trish will ask Woody for the estimate. Exterior light still won’t stay on. Dick will contact the electrician. Lisa requests that during cold weather we remember to leave the bathroom door ajar and the heater on.

Program Committee: Gary Shattuck’s program this Sunday, 15 Feb. Book clubs and quilting are ongoing. Gardeners’ Roundtable will be well-staffed by local market gardeners. Discussed possible future program on alternative energy.

President’s Report: 5-year Plan is in the planning stage.

Librarian’s Report: Lisa suggested establishing entirely separate shelf for books checked in but in need of shelving. This in order to reduce probability of books being shelved before being checked in. Koha will soon be able to automatically notify patrons about overdues. SLR is replacing lost books.

New Business: Judy suggested offering digital information service, such as Newsbank that would allow patrons to access a large variety of news sources from home. She also suggested a genealogy discussion group, and will write this up for the Times. Grace Brigham requested that children from the Reinbow Riding Club be allowed to use the Library for Monday afternoon writers’ group, and this was approved by acclamation.

Adjourned: 8:45pm.