MakeMeYourGrad2016 application form
Thank you for your interest in a graduate training position with Four.
To apply for a position, please complete this application form and e-mail it with your CV (no more than two pages of A4), a brief covering letter/e-mailexplaining why we should consider your application (no more than one page of A4), and amaximum 300 word writing task (topics listed below) to o arrive byMidnight, 3 January 2016.
Please include a word count at the end of your 300 word writing topic. All applications with more than 300 words (excluding the topic heading) will be disregarded.
Writing Topics(please highlight your chosen writing topic):
1. Will there ever be another Labour government in the UK?
2. The best future for British business – in or out of the EU?
3. Caitlyn Jenner was recently crowned Glamour’s Woman of the Year in New York. What do you think such a high profile story of transgender transformation has done for the LGBT community?
4. Isthe continuing power of social media and the influence of ‘selfies’ leaving us in danger of becoming addicted to ‘social approval’?
Last name:First name(s):
Gender: MaleFemale
University(ies) attended:
Degree(s) and subject(s):
Grades/expected grades and date(s) of graduation:
Earliest start work date:
Term-time e-mail address:
Alternative e-mail address:
Term-time contact telephone/mobile no:
Term-time postal address:
Home/Vacationpostal address (if different from above):
Where did you hear about Four?Word of mouth/university careers adviser/ university careers website/ Gorkana/Work4MP/internet search/other:
Do you require a work permit/visa* to work in the UK? Yes No
If yes please give details:
*NB we are unable to apply for, or sponsor, a work permit or visa on your behalf.
When you have completed this form, please e-mail it with “Make Me YourGrad 2016” in the subject box to: byMidnight 3 January 2016. Don’t forget to include:
● Brief covering letter/e-mail (no more than one page of A4)
● CV (no more than two pages of A4)
● Think Piece (max 300 words – please include a word count)
● This application form
Please save each document using your name i.e. CV – Name, surname